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UserStories.tex View file @ e7bd672
... ... @@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ Site. We were not able to remove those User Stories. Please use these as the Us
55 55 \item {As a first time user, I want to be able build my deck without going through registration process in class.}
56 56 \item {As an instructor, I want to limit access to the cards for my course.}
57 57 \item {As an instructor, I want to invite students to the class group I created.}
58   -\item {As a student I want to receive notifications without installing an app.}
59   -\item {As a student I want to be able to delete my account.}
  58 +\item {As a student, I want to receive notifications without installing an app.}
  59 +\item {As a student, I want to be able to delete my account.}
60 60 \end{enumerate}
61 61 \newpage
62 62 \section{ Flashcards }
... ... @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Site. We were not able to remove those User Stories. Please use these as the Us
68 68 \item As a student, I want to edit my card.
69 69 \item As a student, I want to make flashcards quickly
70 70 \item As a student, I want to flag abusive flash cards.
71   -\item As a student I want to see other cards at the time they are added to the feed.
  71 +\item As a student, I want to see other cards at the time they are added to the feed.
72 72 \item As a student, I want to be able to hide unwanted cards from my live feed.
73 73 \end{enumerate}
74 74 \newpage
... ... @@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ Site. We were not able to remove those User Stories. Please use these as the Us
87 87 \item As a student, I want to be able to study my deck.
88 88 \item As a student, I want to have the app remind me when to review my cards.
89 89 \item As a student, I want to be able to blank out words to make cards.
90   -\item As a student I want to review cards without waiting for a notification.
91   -\item As a student I want to view cards in my deck in the order they were created.
  90 +\item As a student, I want to review cards without waiting for a notification.
  91 +\item As a student, I want to view cards in my deck in the order they were created.
92 92 \item As a student, I want to be able to search/sort/filter for flashcards by date, class, tag, keywords.
93 93 \item As a student, I want to be able to scroll infinitely.
94   -\item As a student I want to use the keyboard to interact with the app.
  94 +\item As a student, I want to use the keyboard to interact with the app.
95 95 \end{enumerate}
96 96 \newpage
97 97 \end{document}