From 4c3a5e272ef1b27284ca56e5bd28286a3234450d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew Buss <>
Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 01:38:42 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] cleanup; redirect away from login if already logged in

 config.js                     | 241 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 home.html                     | 113 ++++++++++----------
 scripts/CardListController.js |  28 ++---
 scripts/DeckController.js     |  16 +--
 scripts/FeedController.js     |  46 ++++----
 scripts/RootController.js     |   4 +-
 styles/flashy.css             |   7 +-
 7 files changed, 227 insertions(+), 228 deletions(-)

diff --git a/config.js b/config.js
index 10cd1ca..5e83e05 100644
--- a/config.js
+++ b/config.js
@@ -13,130 +13,127 @@ angular.module('flashy', [
-    config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', '$httpProvider',
-        '$locationProvider',
-        function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $httpProvider, $locationProvider) {
-            'use strict';
-            $httpProvider.defaults.withCredentials = true;
-            $httpProvider.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'csrftoken';
-            $httpProvider.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRFToken';
+    config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $httpProvider, $locationProvider) {
+        'use strict';
+        $httpProvider.defaults.withCredentials = true;
+        $httpProvider.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'csrftoken';
+        $httpProvider.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRFToken';
-            var arrayMethods = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Array.prototype);
-            arrayMethods.forEach(attachArrayMethodsToNodeList);
-            function attachArrayMethodsToNodeList(methodName) {
-                if (methodName !== 'length') {
-                    NodeList.prototype[methodName] = Array.prototype[methodName];
-                }
-            };
+        var arrayMethods = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Array.prototype);
+        arrayMethods.forEach(attachArrayMethodsToNodeList);
+        function attachArrayMethodsToNodeList(methodName) {
+            if (methodName !== 'length') {
+                NodeList.prototype[methodName] = Array.prototype[methodName];
+            }
+        };
-            $httpProvider.interceptors.push(function($q) {
-                return {
-                    'responseError': function(rejection) {
-                        if (rejection.status >= 500) {
-                            console.log('got error');
-                            console.log(rejection);
-                            $('body').html('<div class="card">Sorry, the server is not serving requests properly. Try again later</div>');
-                        }
-                        return $q.reject(rejection);
-                    }
-                };
-            });
-            $locationProvider.html5Mode(true);
-            $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/login');
-            var auth_resolve = {
-                authorize: ['$q', 'UserService',
-                    function($q, UserService) {
-                        console.log('resolving user before continuing');
-                        return UserService.getUserData();
+        $httpProvider.interceptors.push(function($q) {
+            return {
+                'responseError': function(rejection) {
+                    if (rejection.status >= 500) {
+                        console.log('got error');
+                        console.log(rejection);
+                        $('body').html('<div class="card">Sorry, the server is not serving requests properly. Try again later</div>');
-                ]
+                    return $q.reject(rejection);
+                }
-            $stateProvider.
-                state('login', {
-                    url: '/login',
-                    templateUrl: 'templates/login.html',
-                    controller: 'LoginController'
-                }).
-                state('logout', {
-                    resolve: auth_resolve,
-                    url: '/logout',
-                    templateUrl: 'templates/logout.html',
-                    controller: 'LogoutController'
-                }).
-                state('root', {
-                    resolve: auth_resolve,
-                    url: '',
-                    templateUrl: 'templates/root.html',
-                    controller: 'RootController'
-                }).
-                state('feed', {
-                    resolve: auth_resolve,
-                    url: '/feed/{sectionId}',
-                    templateUrl: 'templates/feed.html',
-                    controller: 'FeedController'
-                }).
-                state('cardlist', {
-                    resolve: auth_resolve,
-                    url: '/cards/{sectionId}',
-                    templateUrl: 'templates/cardlist.html',
-                    controller: 'CardListController'
-                }).
-                state('addclass', {
-                    resolve: auth_resolve,
-                    url: '/addclass',
-                    templateUrl: 'templates/addclass.html',
-                    controller: 'ClassAddController'
-                }).
-                state('deck', {
-                    resolve: auth_resolve,
-                    url: '/deck/{sectionId}',
-                    templateUrl: 'templates/deck.html',
-                    controller: 'DeckController'
-                }).
-                state('study', {
-                    resolve: auth_resolve,
-                    url: '/study',
-                    templateUrl: 'templates/study.html',
-                    controller: 'StudyController'
-                }).
-                state('flashcard', {
-                    resolve: auth_resolve,
-                    url: '/flashcard',
-                    templateUrl: 'templates/flashcard.html',
-                    controller: 'FlashcardController'
-                }).
-                state('requestpasswordreset', {
-                    url: '/requestpasswordreset',
-                    templateUrl: 'templates/requestpasswordreset.html',
-                    controller: 'RequestResetController'
-                }).
-                state('resetpassword', {
-                    url: '/resetpassword/{uid}/{token}',
-                    templateUrl: 'templates/resetpassword.html',
-                    controller: 'ResetPasswordController'
-                }).
-                state('verifyemail', {
-                    resolve: auth_resolve,
-                    url: '/verifyemail/{key}',
-                    templateUrl: 'templates/verifyemail.html',
-                    controller: 'VerifyEmailController'
-                });
-        }
-    ]).
-    run(['$rootScope', '$state', '$stateParams', '$location', 'UserService',
-        function($rootScope, $state, $stateParams, $location, UserService) {
-            $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState, toStateParams) {
-                if (UserService.isLoggedIn()) return console.log('no login required; going straight to ' +;
-                if ( == 'login') return console.log('we are going to login anyway; just let it happen :)');
-                if (!UserService.isUserResolved()) return console.log('user not yet resolved; hold off');
-                $rootScope.returnToState = toState;
-                $rootScope.returnToStateParams = toStateParams;
-                console.log('going to ' + + ' after login');
-                $state.go('login');
-            });
-            $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeError', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, error) {
-                console.log('failed to change state: ' + error);
-                $state.go('login');
+        });
+        $locationProvider.html5Mode(true);
+        $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/login');
+        var auth_resolve = {
+            authorize: function($q, UserService) {
+                console.log('resolving user before continuing');
+                return UserService.getUserData();
+            }
+        };
+        $stateProvider.
+            state('login', {
+                url: '/login',
+                templateUrl: 'templates/login.html',
+                controller: 'LoginController'
+            }).
+            state('logout', {
+                resolve: auth_resolve,
+                url: '/logout',
+                templateUrl: 'templates/logout.html',
+                controller: 'LogoutController'
+            }).
+            state('root', {
+                resolve: auth_resolve,
+                url: '',
+                templateUrl: 'templates/root.html',
+                controller: 'RootController'
+            }).
+            state('feed', {
+                resolve: auth_resolve,
+                url: '/feed/{sectionId}',
+                templateUrl: 'templates/feed.html',
+                controller: 'FeedController'
+            }).
+            state('cardlist', {
+                resolve: auth_resolve,
+                url: '/cards/{sectionId}',
+                templateUrl: 'templates/cardlist.html',
+                controller: 'CardListController'
+            }).
+            state('addclass', {
+                resolve: auth_resolve,
+                url: '/addclass',
+                templateUrl: 'templates/addclass.html',
+                controller: 'ClassAddController'
+            }).
+            state('deck', {
+                resolve: auth_resolve,
+                url: '/deck/{sectionId}',
+                templateUrl: 'templates/deck.html',
+                controller: 'DeckController'
+            }).
+            state('study', {
+                resolve: auth_resolve,
+                url: '/study',
+                templateUrl: 'templates/study.html',
+                controller: 'StudyController'
+            }).
+            state('flashcard', {
+                resolve: auth_resolve,
+                url: '/flashcard',
+                templateUrl: 'templates/flashcard.html',
+                controller: 'FlashcardController'
+            }).
+            state('requestpasswordreset', {
+                url: '/requestpasswordreset',
+                templateUrl: 'templates/requestpasswordreset.html',
+                controller: 'RequestResetController'
+            }).
+            state('resetpassword', {
+                url: '/resetpassword/{uid}/{token}',
+                templateUrl: 'templates/resetpassword.html',
+                controller: 'ResetPasswordController'
+            }).
+            state('verifyemail', {
+                resolve: auth_resolve,
+                url: '/verifyemail/{key}',
+                templateUrl: 'templates/verifyemail.html',
+                controller: 'VerifyEmailController'
-        }
-    ]);
+    }).
+    run(function($rootScope, $state, $stateParams, $location, UserService) {
+        $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState, toStateParams) {
+            if ( == 'login') {
+                if (UserService.isLoggedIn()) return console.log('already logged in') + $state.go('addclass');
+                else return console.log('we are going to login anyway');
+            }
+            if (UserService.isLoggedIn()) return console.log('no login required; going straight to ' +;
+            if (!UserService.isUserResolved()) return console.log('user not yet resolved; hold off');
+            $rootScope.returnToState = toState;
+            $rootScope.returnToStateParams = toStateParams;
+            console.log('going to ' + + ' after login');
+        });
+        $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeError', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, error) {
+            console.log('failed to change state: ' + error);
+            $state.go('login');
+        });
+    });
diff --git a/home.html b/home.html
index 716c1d7..305500b 100644
--- a/home.html
+++ b/home.html
@@ -13,66 +13,69 @@
+  <nav>
+    <div class="nav-wrapper">
+      <a href="#" data-activates="mobile-demo" class="left button-collapse"><i class="mdi-navigation-menu"></i></a>
+      <ul ng-show=" && isLoggedIn" class="left hide-on-small-and-down">
+        <li ui-sref-active="active"><a ui-sref="feed({})" class="tooltipped"
+                                       data-position="bottom"
+                                       data-delay="50" data-tooltip="Feed"><i
+                class="mdi-action-view-module"></i></a></li>
+        <li ui-sref-active="active"><a ui-sref="deck({})" class="tooltipped"
+                                       data-position="bottom"
+                                       data-delay="50" data-tooltip="Deck"><i
+                class="mdi-action-view-carousel"></i></a></li>
+        <li ui-sref-active="active"><a ui-sref="cardlist({})" class="tooltipped"
+                                       data-position="bottom"
+                                       data-delay="50" data-tooltip="Card List"><i
+                class="mdi-action-view-list"></i></a></li>
+      </ul>
+      <a href="#" class="brand-logo center">Flashy</a>
+      <ul ng-show="isLoggedIn" id="nav-mobile" class="right hide-on-small-and-down">
+        <!-- User's classes dropdown -->
+        <ul id="dropdown1" class="dropdown-content">
+          <li ui-sref-active="active" ng-repeat="section in sections">
+            <a class="class bold" ui-sref="feed({})">{{section.short_name}}</a>
+          </li>
+          <li class="divider"></li>
+          <li><a ui-sref="addclass">Add Class</a></li>
+        </ul>
+        <li><a class="dropdown-button ng-cloak" href="#!" data-activates="dropdown1">{{"Classes"}}<i
+                class="mdi-navigation-arrow-drop-down right"></i></a></li>
+        <li><a ui-sref="study">Study</a></li>
+        <li><a ui-sref="logout">Logout</a></li>
+      </ul>
+      <!-- Slide-in side-nav for small screens -->
+      <ul class="side-nav" id="mobile-demo">
+        <!-- Collapsible menu for all the User's classes -->
+        <ul class="collapsible" data-collapsible="accordion">
+          <li class="bold">
+            <a class="collapsible-header black-text">
+              Classes<i class="mdi-navigation-arrow-drop-down right"></i>
+            </a>
+          </li>
+          <div class="collapsible-body" style="display: block">
+            <ul>
+              <li ng-repeat="section in sections">
+                <a ui-sref-active="active" class="class bold" ui-sref="feed({})">{{section.short_name}}</a>
+              </li>
+              <hr>
+              <li><a ui-sref="addclass"><i class="tiny mdi-content-add"> Add Class</i></a></li>
+            </ul>
+          </div>
+        </ul>
+        <li><a ui-sref="study">Study</a></li>
+        <li><a ui-sref="logout">Logout</a></li>
+      </ul>
+    </div>
+  </nav>
 <body ng-controller="RootController">
 <!-- Menu Bar -->
-  <div class="nav-wrapper">
-    <a href="#" data-activates="mobile-demo" class="left button-collapse"><i class="mdi-navigation-menu"></i></a>
-    <ul ng-show=" && isLoggedIn" class="left hide-on-small-and-down">
-      <li ui-sref-active="active"><a ui-sref="feed({})" class="tooltipped" data-position="bottom"
-                                     data-delay="50" data-tooltip="Feed"><i
-              class="mdi-action-view-module"></i></a></li>
-      <li ui-sref-active="active"><a ui-sref="deck({})" class="tooltipped" data-position="bottom"
-                                     data-delay="50" data-tooltip="Deck"><i
-              class="mdi-action-view-carousel"></i></a></li>
-      <li ui-sref-active="active"><a ui-sref="cardlist({})" class="tooltipped" data-position="bottom"
-                                     data-delay="50" data-tooltip="Card List"><i
-              class="mdi-action-view-list"></i></a></li>
-    </ul>
-    <a href="#" class="brand-logo center">Flashy</a>
-    <ul ng-show="isLoggedIn" id="nav-mobile" class="right hide-on-small-and-down">
-      <!-- User's classes dropdown -->
-      <ul id="dropdown1" class="dropdown-content">
-        <li ui-sref-active="active" ng-repeat="section in sections">
-          <a class="class bold" ui-sref="feed({})">{{section.short_name}}</a>
-        </li>
-        <li class="divider"></li>
-        <li><a ui-sref="addclass">Add Class</a></li>
-      </ul>
-      <li><a class="dropdown-button ng-cloak" href="#!" data-activates="dropdown1">{{"Classes"}}<i
-              class="mdi-navigation-arrow-drop-down right"></i></a></li>
-      <li><a ui-sref="study">Study</a></li>
-      <li><a ui-sref="logout">Logout</a></li>
-    </ul>
-    <!-- Slide-in side-nav for small screens -->
-    <ul class="side-nav" id="mobile-demo">
-      <!-- Collapsible menu for all the User's classes -->
-      <ul class="collapsible" data-collapsible="accordion">
-        <li class="bold">
-          <a class="collapsible-header black-text">
-            Classes<i class="mdi-navigation-arrow-drop-down right"></i>
-          </a>
-        </li>
-        <div class="collapsible-body" style="display: block">
-          <ul>
-            <li ng-repeat="section in sections">
-              <a ui-sref-active="active" class="class bold" ui-sref="feed({})">{{section.short_name}}</a>
-            </li>
-            <hr>
-            <li><a ui-sref="addclass"><i class="tiny mdi-content-add"> Add Class</i></a></li>
-          </ul>
-        </div>
-      </ul>
-      <li><a ui-sref="study">Study</a></li>
-      <li><a ui-sref="logout">Logout</a></li>
-    </ul>
-  </div>
 <main ui-view></main>
 <footer class="page-footer">
   <div class="footer-copyright">
diff --git a/scripts/CardListController.js b/scripts/CardListController.js
index a707e26..7a71727 100644
--- a/scripts/CardListController.js
+++ b/scripts/CardListController.js
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
 angular.module('flashy.CardListController', ['ui.router']).
-    controller('CardListController', function ($scope, $rootScope, $state, $http, $stateParams) {
+    controller('CardListController', function($scope, $rootScope, $state, $http, $stateParams) {
         // cards array
         sectionId = $stateParams.sectionId;
         $rootScope.currentSection = $rootScope.SectionResource.get({sectionId: sectionId});
         $ = [];
         $http.get('/api/sections/' + sectionId + '/flashcards/').
-            success(function (data) {
+            success(function(data) {
                 $ = data;
-            error(function (err) {
+            error(function(err) {
                 console.log('pulling feed failed');
-        $scope.viewFeed = function () {
+        $scope.viewFeed = function() {
             $state.go('feed', {sectionId: sectionId});
             console.log('go to feed');
         // unhide card (dunno if it works yet)
-        $scope.unhide = function (card) {
+        $scope.unhide = function(card) {
             $'/api/flashcards/' + + '/unhide').
-                success(function (data) {
-                    console.log(card.text + " unhidden");
+                success(function(data) {
+                    console.log(card.text + ' unhidden');
-                error(function (err) {
+                error(function(err) {
                     console.log('no unhide for you');
         // toggle button text from show to hide
-        $(function () {
-            $("#showHidden").click(function () {
-                $(this).text(function (i, text) {
-                    return text === "Show Hidden" ? "Hide Hidden" : "Show Hidden";
-                })
+        $(function() {
+            $('#showHidden').click(function() {
+                $(this).text(function(i, text) {
+                    return text === 'Show Hidden' ? 'Hide Hidden' : 'Show Hidden';
+                });
-        $scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
+        $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
             $rootScope.currentSection = {};
diff --git a/scripts/DeckController.js b/scripts/DeckController.js
index 23c72de..4109882 100644
--- a/scripts/DeckController.js
+++ b/scripts/DeckController.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 angular.module('flashy.DeckController', ['ui.router']).
-    controller('DeckController', function ($scope, $rootScope, $state, $http, $stateParams) {
+    controller('DeckController', function($scope, $rootScope, $state, $http, $stateParams) {
         // cards array
         sectionId = $stateParams.sectionId;
         $rootScope.currentSection = $rootScope.SectionResource.get({sectionId: sectionId});
@@ -9,31 +9,31 @@ angular.module('flashy.DeckController', ['ui.router']).
         // Populate our page with cards.
         $http.get('/api/sections/' + sectionId + '/deck/').
-            success(function (data) {
+            success(function(data) {
                 $ = data;
-            error(function (err) {
+            error(function(err) {
                 console.log('pulling feed failed');
         /* Lets page refresh the cards shown on the page. */
-        $scope.refreshCards = function () {
+        $scope.refreshCards = function() {
             var myDelay = 200; // ms
-            setTimeout(function () {
+            setTimeout(function() {
                 $http.get('/api/sections/' + sectionId + '/deck/').
-                    success(function (data) {
+                    success(function(data) {
                         $ = data;
                         console.log('success in refresh cards...');
-                    error(function (err) {
+                    error(function(err) {
                         console.log('refresh fail');
             }, myDelay);
-        $scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
+        $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
             $rootScope.currentSection = {};
diff --git a/scripts/FeedController.js b/scripts/FeedController.js
index 3b37f73..564ec5b 100644
--- a/scripts/FeedController.js
+++ b/scripts/FeedController.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 angular.module('flashy.FeedController', ['ui.router']).
-    controller('FeedController', function ($scope, $rootScope, $stateParams, $state, $http) {
+    controller('FeedController', function($scope, $rootScope, $stateParams, $state, $http) {
         console.log('Hello from feed');
         sectionId = $stateParams.sectionId;
         $rootScope.currentSection = $rootScope.SectionResource.get({sectionId: sectionId});
@@ -14,39 +14,39 @@ angular.module('flashy.FeedController', ['ui.router']).
         new_uri += '//' +;
         var ws = new WebSocket(new_uri + '/ws/feed/' + sectionId + '?subscribe-broadcast');
-        ws.onopen = function () {
+        ws.onopen = function() {
             console.log('websocket connected');
-        ws.onmessage = function (e) {
+        ws.onmessage = function(e) {
             console.log('got websocket message ' +;
-        ws.onerror = function (e) {
+        ws.onerror = function(e) {
-        ws.onclose = function (e) {
+        ws.onclose = function(e) {
             console.log('connection closed');
         $http.get('/api/sections/' + sectionId + '/feed/').
-            success(function (data) {
+            success(function(data) {
                 $ = data;
-            error(function (err) {
+            error(function(err) {
                 console.log('pulling feed failed');
-        $scope.viewDeck = function () {
+        $scope.viewDeck = function() {
             $state.go('deck', {sectionId: sectionId});
             console.log('go to deck');
-        $scope.pushCard = function () {
+        $scope.pushCard = function() {
             var pushed = new Date(;
             var i = 0;
             var blanks = [];
-            $('#new-card-input')[0].childNodes.forEach(function (node) {
+            $('#new-card-input')[0].childNodes.forEach(function(node) {
                 node = $(node)[0];
                 if (node.tagName == 'B') {
@@ -66,25 +66,25 @@ angular.module('flashy.FeedController', ['ui.router']).
                 section: sectionId
             $'/api/flashcards/', myCard).
-                success(function (data) {
+                success(function(data) {
                     console.log('pushed a card!');
                     listenForC = true;
-                error(function (error) {
+                error(function(error) {
                     console.log('something went wrong pushing a card!');
-        $scope.refreshCards = function () {
+        $scope.refreshCards = function() {
             $http.get('/api/sections/' + sectionId + '/feed/').
-                success(function (data) {
+                success(function(data) {
                     $ = data;
                     console.log('success in refresh cards...');
-                error(function (err) {
+                error(function(err) {
                     console.log('refresh fail');
@@ -100,19 +100,19 @@ angular.module('flashy.FeedController', ['ui.router']).
             opacity: 0, // Opacity of modal background
             in_duration: 300, // Transition in duration
             out_duration: 200, // Transition out duration
-            ready: function () {
+            ready: function() {
                 listenForC = false;
                 console.log('modal OPENING');
-            complete: function () {
+            complete: function() {
                 listenForC = true;
                 console.log('modal done, closing');
-        $(document).keydown(function (e) {
+        $(document).keydown(function(e) {
             var keyed = e.which;
             if (keyed == 67 && listenForC) { // "c" or "C" for compose
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@ angular.module('flashy.FeedController', ['ui.router']).
         $scope.text = '';
         var selected_start = 0;
         var selected_end = 0;
-        $(document).ready(function () {
+        $(document).ready(function() {
             // the "href" attribute of .modal-trigger must specify the modal ID that wants to be triggered
-            $('#new-card-input').on('keydown', function (e) {
+            $('#new-card-input').on('keydown', function(e) {
                 if (e.which == 13) {
@@ -140,16 +140,16 @@ angular.module('flashy.FeedController', ['ui.router']).
                     return false;
-            $('#new-card-input').on('mouseup', function () {
+            $('#new-card-input').on('mouseup', function() {
                 console.log('got selection: ' + selected_start);
-            $('button#blank-selected').click(function () {
+            $('button#blank-selected').click(function() {
-        $scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
+        $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
             $rootScope.currentSection = {};
diff --git a/scripts/RootController.js b/scripts/RootController.js
index 7ddc9a5..5a3bd22 100644
--- a/scripts/RootController.js
+++ b/scripts/RootController.js
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 angular.module('flashy.RootController', ['ui.router', 'ngResource']).
-    controller('RootController', function ($rootScope, $resource, $scope, $state, UserService) {
+    controller('RootController', function($rootScope, $resource, $scope, $state, UserService) {
         $rootScope.SectionResource = $resource('/api/sections/:sectionId/');
         window.rootscope = $rootScope;
         $rootScope.isLoggedIn = false;
         $rootScope.currentSection = {};
-        UserService.getUserData().then(function (data) {
+        UserService.getUserData().then(function(data) {
             $rootScope.user = data;
diff --git a/styles/flashy.css b/styles/flashy.css
index ccb0644..7e4932d 100644
--- a/styles/flashy.css
+++ b/styles/flashy.css
@@ -266,15 +266,14 @@ nav .button-collapse {
 h2 {
-  text-align: center;
+    text-align: center;
 } {
-  background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0);
-  border: 1px solid #fff;
+    background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);
+    border: 1px solid #fff;
 /*#sidenav-overlay {
     background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important;