Commit de09226ad3cc5ff1a9675f6a0b4a4f76c6594c41

Authored by Melody
1 parent d900938593

Visual study page using mask as list of lists

Showing 2 changed files with 45 additions and 23 deletions Inline Diff

scripts/StudyController.js View file @ de09226
angular.module('flashy.StudyController', ['ui.router']). 1 1 angular.module('flashy.StudyController', ['ui.router']).
2 2
controller('StudyController', ['$scope', '$state', 3 3 controller('StudyController', ['$scope', '$stateParams', '$state', '$http',
function($scope, $state) { 4 4 function($scope, $stateParams, $state, $http) {
console.log('Flashy study controller content in this file. also hell0'); 5 5 console.log('Flashy study controller content in this file. also hell0');
6 sectionId = $stateParams.sectionId;
6 7
// Flashcard content 7 8 // Flashcard content
$scope.htmlContent = 'sample text here longwordddddddddddddddddddddddddddd hello there from js review ctrl alwkejflakewjflk awjkefjkwefjlkea jfkewjaweajkakwef jk fjeawkafj kaewjf jawekfj akwejfk '; 8 9 $scope.htmlContent = 'sample text here longwordddddddddddddddddddddddddddd hello there from js review ctrl alwkejflakewjflk awjkefjkwefjlkea jfkewjaweajkakwef jk fjeawkafj kaewjf jawekfj akwejfk ';
$scope.samples = [ 9 10 //single card
11 $scope.samples =
{ 10 12 {
'name': 'lol', 11 13 'name': 'lol',
'desc': 'sample text here 111111' 12 14 'text': 'sample text here 111111 woo hoo I think it works',
}, 13 15 'mask': [[0,6],[16,23]]
{ 14 16 };
'name': 'lol 2', 15 17
'desc': 'sample text here 22222222222222' 16 18 // get text to display as array
}, 17 19 $scope.displayText = [];
{ 18 20 // get answers to blanks as array
'name': 'lol3', 19 21 $scope.blankText = [];
'desc': 'sample text here 33333333333333' 20 22 var start = 0; // where to start next string break
} 21 23 for (var i = 0; i < $scope.samples.mask.length; i++) {
]; 22 24 $scope.displayText.push($scope.samples.text.substring(start, $scope.samples.mask[i][0]));
25 $scope.blankText.push($scope.samples.text.substring($scope.samples.mask[i][0], $scope.samples.mask[i][1]));
26 start = $scope.samples.mask[i][1];
27 }
28 if (start != $scope.samples.mask.length-1)
29 $scope.displayText.push($scope.samples.text.substring(start));
31 // user entered responses as array
32 $scope.blank = [];
33 $scope.checkAnswer = function() {
34 console.log('check!');
35 for (var i = 0; i < $scope.blank.length; i++)
36 console.log($scope.blank[i]);
37 console.log('actual: ' + $scope.blankText);
38 $scope.blank = '';
39 };
} 23 40 }
]); 24 41 ]);
25 42
templates/study.html View file @ de09226
Hello<br> 1 1 <div class="row">
1. Get card from server.<br> 2 2 <div class="col s6 offset-s3">
2. Show card<br> 3 3 <div class="card">
3. Inputs<br> 4 4 <div class="card-content">
4. Compare answers<br> 5 5 <span ng-repeat="display in displayText">{{display}}<input ng-model="blank[displayText.indexOf(display)]" ng-show="displayText.indexOf(display) < blankText.length" class="" type="text"/></span>
5. User decides for correct/incorrect<br> 6 6 </div>
<div ng-repeat="card in samples"> 7 7 <div class="card-action">
<flashcard flashcard-content="card.desc"></flashcard> 8 8 <button class="btn waves-effect waves-light" type="submit" ng-click="checkAnswer()" style="position: relative">Check
</div> 9 9 <i class="mdi-content-send right"></i>
10 </button>
11 </div>
12 </div>
13 </div>
14 </div>
10 15