angular.module('flashy.CardGridController', ['ui.router', 'ngAnimate', 'ngWebSocket']).controller = function($scope, $rootScope, $state, $http, $window, $timeout, $stateParams, $websocket, UserService, Flashcard) { $ = []; $scope.deck = []; $scope.cardCols = []; // organized data $scope.numCols = 0; $scope.cardTable = {}; // look up table of cards, {'colNum':col, 'obj':card} $scope.sectionId = parseInt($stateParams.sectionId); $scope.section = $rootScope.SectionResource.get({sectionId: $scope.sectionId}); $rootScope.currentSection = $scope.section; if (!UserService.isInSection($scope.sectionId)) { console.log('user is not enrolled in ' + $scope.sectionId); $state.go('addclass'); } $scope.refreshColumnWidth = function() { avail = $window.innerWidth - 17; width = Math.floor(avail / Math.floor(avail / 250)); $('.cardColumn').css({ width: width + 'px', 'font-size': 100 * width / 250 + '%' }); $('.cardColumn .card.flashy').css({ width: width - 12 + 'px', height: (width * 3 / 5) + 'px' }); }; $scope.refreshLayout = function() { numCols = Math.max(1, Math.floor(($window.innerWidth - 17) / 250)); // check if we actually need to refresh the whole layout if (numCols == $scope.numCols) return $scope.refreshColumnWidth(); $scope.numCols = numCols; console.log('refreshing layout for ' + $scope.numCols + ' columns'); $scope.cardCols = []; var cols = []; for (i = 0; i < $scope.numCols; i++) cols.push([]); $, i) { card.colNum = i % $scope.numCols; cols[card.colNum].push(card); }); for (i in cols) $scope.updateColRanks(cols[i]); console.log(cols); $timeout(function() { $scope.cardCols = cols; $timeout($scope.refreshColumnWidth); }); }; angular.element($window).bind('resize', $scope.refreshLayout); $scope.ws_host = window.location.origin.replace('http', 'ws'); $scope.deck_ws = $websocket($scope.ws_host + '/ws/deck/' + $scope.sectionId + '?subscribe-user'); $scope.deck_ws.onOpen(function() { console.log('deck ws open'); }); $scope.deck_ws.onMessage(function(message) { data = JSON.parse(; console.log('message', data); card = new Flashcard(; if (data.event_type == 'card_pulled') { $scope.deck[] = card; } if (data.event_type == 'card_unpulled') { $scope.deck[] = undefined; } if (data.event_type == 'card_hidden') { $scope.hideCardFromGrid(card); } }); $scope.cardInDeck = function(id) { return $scope.deck[id]; }; $scope.addCardToGrid = function(card) { var colNum = 0; var lowestCol = $scope.cardCols[0]; var lowestColNum = 0; while (colNum < $scope.numCols) { if ($scope.cardCols[colNum].length == 0) { lowestCol = $scope.cardCols[colNum]; break; } else if ($scope.cardCols[colNum].length < lowestCol.length) { lowestCol = $scope.cardCols[colNum]; lowestColNum = colNum; lowestColLen = $scope.cardCols[colNum].length; } colNum++; } console.log(card); $; lowestCol.unshift(card); $scope.cardTable[] = {'colNum': lowestColNum, 'obj': card}; $timeout($scope.refreshColumnWidth); }; $scope.updateColRanks = function(col) { for (i in col) col[i].colRank = i; }; $scope.hideCardFromGrid = function(card) { console.log('hiding', card); $scope.cardCols[card.colNum].splice(card.colRank, 1); $scope.updateColRanks($scope.cardCols[card.colNum]); }; $http.get('/api/sections/' + $scope.sectionId + '/deck/'). success(function(data) { for (i in data) $scope.deck[data[i].id] = data[i]; console.log("got user's deck"); }). error(function(err) { console.log('get deck failed'); }); $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { $scope.deck_ws.close(); $rootScope.currentSection = {}; $(document).off('keydown'); }); };