Commit dcc4520eaae826baf04cd5883ffa721ebe56eb6d

Authored by Zack Grannan
1 parent 1629dd754a
Exists in master

Added BitInputStream + BitOutputStream

Showing 2 changed files with 104 additions and 0 deletions Inline Diff

BitInputStream.hpp View file @ dcc4520
File was created 1 #ifndef BITINPUTSTREAM_HPP
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <bitset>
7 using namespace std;
9 /** A class for reading bits (and ints) from an istream
10 */
11 class BitInputStream {
12 private:
13 istream& in; // the istream to delegate to
14 char buf; // the buffer of bits
15 //bitset<8> buf;
16 int bufi; // the bit buffer index
18 public:
19 /** Initialize a BitInputStream object, given an istream.
20 */
21 BitInputStream(istream& s) : in(s), buf(0), bufi(8) { }
22 // BitInputStream(istream& s) : in(s), bufi(8) { }
24 /** Read the next bit from the bit buffer.
25 * If the bit buffer is currently empty,
26 * fill the bit buffer by reading a char from the istream first.
27 * Return the bit read as the least signficant bit of an int.
28 * Return -1 on EOF.
29 * This must be consistent with BitOutputStream::writeBit(), in terms
30 * of ordering of bits in the stream.
31 */
32 int readBit();
34 /** Read a byte from the ostream.
35 * Return -1 on EOF.
36 * This function doesn't touch the bit buffer.
37 * The client has to manage interaction between reading bits
38 * and reading bytes.
39 */
40 int readByte();
42 /** Read a non-negative int from the ostream.
43 * Return -1 on EOF.
BitOutputStream.hpp View file @ dcc4520
File was created 1 #ifndef BITOUTPUTSTREAM_HPP
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <bitset>
7 using namespace std;
9 /** A class for writing bits (and chars and ints) to an ostream
10 */
11 class BitOutputStream {
13 private:
14 ostream& out; // the ostream to delegate to
15 char buf; // the buffer of bits
16 // bitset<8> buf; // the buffer of bits
17 int bufi; // the bit buffer index
19 public:
20 BitOutputStream(ostream& s) : out(s), buf(0), bufi(0) { }
21 // BitOutputStream(ostream& s) : out(s), bufi(0) { }
23 /** Write the least significant bit of the argument into
24 * the bit buffer, and increment the bit buffer index.
25 * Flush to the ostream first if the bit buffer is full.
26 * This must be consistent with BitInputStream::readBit().
27 */
28 void writeBit(int bit);
30 /** Write the least significant byte of the argument to the ostream.
31 * This function doesn't touch the bit buffer.
32 * The client has to manage interaction between writing bits
33 * and writing bytes.
34 */
35 void writeByte(int b);
37 /** Write the argument to the ostream.
38 * This function doesn't touch the bit buffer.
39 * The client has to manage interaction between writing bits
40 * and writing ints.
41 */