Commit 9d928951ee6b1825d5577676b5aaa732404961dd
1 parent
Exists in
new vim nerdtree shortcut
Showing 1 changed file with 1 additions and 0 deletions Inline Diff
View file @
" ########################################## | 1 | 1 | " ########################################## | |
" Vim Settings | 2 | 2 | " Vim Settings | |
" ########################################## | 3 | 3 | " ########################################## | |
4 | 4 | |||
" This setting prevents vim from emulating the original vi's bugs and limitations. | 5 | 5 | " This setting prevents vim from emulating the original vi's bugs and limitations. | |
set nocompatible | 6 | 6 | set nocompatible | |
7 | 7 | |||
" Remove Lag | 8 | 8 | " Remove Lag | |
set ttyfast | 9 | 9 | set ttyfast | |
10 | 10 | |||
" Map ; to : in normal mode for mega-easy vim commands. | 11 | 11 | " Map ; to : in normal mode for mega-easy vim commands. | |
nnoremap ; : | 12 | 12 | nnoremap ; : | |
13 | 13 | |||
" Encoding | 14 | 14 | " Encoding | |
set encoding=utf-8 " Set file encoding | 15 | 15 | set encoding=utf-8 " Set file encoding | |
"set termencoding=utf-8 | 16 | 16 | "set termencoding=utf-8 | |
17 | 17 | |||
"The first setting tells vim to use 'autoindent' (that is, use the current | 18 | 18 | "The first setting tells vim to use 'autoindent' (that is, use the current | |
"line's indent level to set the indent level of new lines). The second makes | 19 | 19 | "line's indent level to set the indent level of new lines). The second makes | |
"vim attempt to intelligently guess the indent level of any new line based on | 20 | 20 | "vim attempt to intelligently guess the indent level of any new line based on | |
"the previous line, assuming the source file is in a C-like language. | 21 | 21 | "the previous line, assuming the source file is in a C-like language. | |
"Combined, they are very useful in writing well-formatted source code. | 22 | 22 | "Combined, they are very useful in writing well-formatted source code. | |
set autoindent | 23 | 23 | set autoindent | |
set smartindent | 24 | 24 | set smartindent | |
25 | 25 | |||
"Use 4-space tabs. The first setting sets up 4-space | 26 | 26 | "Use 4-space tabs. The first setting sets up 4-space | |
"tabs, and the second tells vi to use 4 spaces when text is indented | 27 | 27 | "tabs, and the second tells vi to use 4 spaces when text is indented | |
set tabstop=4 | 28 | 28 | set tabstop=4 | |
set shiftwidth=4 "indent width for autoindent | 29 | 29 | set shiftwidth=4 "indent width for autoindent | |
set expandtab " no real tabs please, turn tabs into whitespace | 30 | 30 | set expandtab " no real tabs please, turn tabs into whitespace | |
set shiftround " when at 3 spaces, and I hit > ... go to 4, not 5 | 31 | 31 | set shiftround " when at 3 spaces, and I hit > ... go to 4, not 5 | |
set softtabstop=4 " when hitting tab or backspace, how many spaces should a tab be (see expandtab) | 32 | 32 | set softtabstop=4 " when hitting tab or backspace, how many spaces should a tab be (see expandtab) | |
filetype plugin indent on "indent depends on filetype | 33 | 33 | filetype plugin indent on "indent depends on filetype | |
34 | 34 | |||
"ignore whitespace in vimdiff | 35 | 35 | "ignore whitespace in vimdiff | |
if &diff | 36 | 36 | if &diff | |
" diff mode | 37 | 37 | " diff mode | |
set diffopt+=iwhite | 38 | 38 | set diffopt+=iwhite | |
endif | 39 | 39 | endif | |
40 | 40 | |||
"allow tabs on makefiles | 41 | 41 | "allow tabs on makefiles | |
autocmd FileType make setlocal noexpandtab | 42 | 42 | autocmd FileType make setlocal noexpandtab | |
43 | 43 | |||
"aura cmp files | 44 | 44 | "aura cmp files | |
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cmp set filetype=html | 45 | 45 | au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cmp set filetype=html | |
46 | 46 | |||
" show matching brackets | 47 | 47 | " show matching brackets | |
set showmatch | 48 | 48 | set showmatch | |
49 | 49 | |||
"This setting ensures that each window contains a statusline that displays the | 50 | 50 | "This setting ensures that each window contains a statusline that displays the | |
"current cursor position. | 51 | 51 | "current cursor position. | |
set ruler | 52 | 52 | set ruler | |
53 | 53 | |||
"With this nifty option, vim will search for text as you enter it. | 54 | 54 | "With this nifty option, vim will search for text as you enter it. | |
set incsearch | 55 | 55 | set incsearch | |
"highlight search results | 56 | 56 | "highlight search results | |
set hlsearch | 57 | 57 | set hlsearch | |
58 | 58 | |||
"ignore search case with all lowercase, use case when all uppercase | 59 | 59 | "ignore search case with all lowercase, use case when all uppercase | |
set ignorecase | 60 | 60 | set ignorecase | |
set smartcase | 61 | 61 | set smartcase | |
62 | 62 | |||
"syntax stuff | 63 | 63 | "syntax stuff | |
syntax on | 64 | 64 | syntax on | |
syntax sync fromstart "increases syntax accuracy | 65 | 65 | syntax sync fromstart "increases syntax accuracy | |
66 | 66 | |||
"STFU | 67 | 67 | "STFU | |
set noerrorbells | 68 | 68 | set noerrorbells | |
set vb t_vb="" | 69 | 69 | set vb t_vb="" | |
70 | 70 | |||
" use mouse everywhere | 71 | 71 | " use mouse everywhere | |
set mouse=a | 72 | 72 | set mouse=a | |
73 | 73 | |||
" turn on command line completion wild style | 74 | 74 | " turn on command line completion wild style | |
set wildmenu | 75 | 75 | set wildmenu | |
76 | 76 | |||
"ignore these list file extensions | 77 | 77 | "ignore these list file extensions | |
set wildignore=*.dll,*.o,*.obj,*.exe,*.pyc,*.jpg,*.gif,*.png,*.class,*.ln | 78 | 78 | set wildignore=*.dll,*.o,*.obj,*.exe,*.pyc,*.jpg,*.gif,*.png,*.class,*.ln | |
set wildmode=list:longest " turn on wild mode huge list | 79 | 79 | set wildmode=list:longest " turn on wild mode huge list | |
80 | 80 | |||
"Keep the cursor n lines from the top and bottom | 81 | 81 | "Keep the cursor n lines from the top and bottom | |
set scrolloff=2 | 82 | 82 | set scrolloff=2 | |
set sidescrolloff=4 " Keep n lines at the side | 83 | 83 | set sidescrolloff=4 " Keep n lines at the side | |
84 | 84 | |||
" always show the status line | 85 | 85 | " always show the status line | |
set laststatus=2 | 86 | 86 | set laststatus=2 | |
87 | 87 | |||
" we do what to show tabs, to ensure we get them out of my files | 88 | 88 | " we do what to show tabs, to ensure we get them out of my files | |
set list | 89 | 89 | set list | |
" show tabs and trailing | 90 | 90 | " show tabs and trailing | |
set listchars=tab:>-,trail:- | 91 | 91 | set listchars=tab:>-,trail:- | |
92 | 92 | |||
"show line numbers | 93 | 93 | "show line numbers | |
set number | 94 | 94 | set number | |
95 | 95 | |||
" Show number of lines changed by : commands | 96 | 96 | " Show number of lines changed by : commands | |
set report=0 | 97 | 97 | set report=0 | |
98 | 98 | |||
" show the command being typed | 99 | 99 | " show the command being typed | |
set showcmd | 100 | 100 | set showcmd | |
101 | 101 | |||
" do not wrap line | 102 | 102 | " do not wrap line | |
set nowrap | 103 | 103 | set nowrap | |
"if we do ever decide to wrap display a nice wrap image | 104 | 104 | "if we do ever decide to wrap display a nice wrap image | |
set showbreak=↪ | 105 | 105 | set showbreak=↪ | |
106 | 106 | |||
"statusline | 107 | 107 | "statusline | |
"replaced by vim-powerline plugin | 108 | 108 | "replaced by vim-powerline plugin | |
"set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ [%Y,%{&ff}]\ [%l/%L,%c][%p%%] | 109 | 109 | "set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ [%Y,%{&ff}]\ [%l/%L,%c][%p%%] | |
110 | 110 | |||
"Highlight current line | 111 | 111 | "Highlight current line | |
set cursorline | 112 | 112 | set cursorline | |
113 | 113 | |||
" make backspace always work | 114 | 114 | " make backspace always work | |
set backspace=indent,eol,start | 115 | 115 | set backspace=indent,eol,start | |
116 | 116 | |||
" toggle paste mode | 117 | 117 | " toggle paste mode | |
set pastetoggle=<F2> | 118 | 118 | set pastetoggle=<F2> | |
119 | 119 | |||
" toggle spellcheck | 120 | 120 | " toggle spellcheck | |
map <F7> :setlocal spell! spelllang=en_us<CR> | 121 | 121 | map <F7> :setlocal spell! spelllang=en_us<CR> | |
122 | 122 | |||
" ########################################## | 123 | 123 | " ########################################## | |
" Plugin Code | 124 | 124 | " Plugin Code | |
" ########################################## | 125 | 125 | " ########################################## | |
"start pathogen to load all plugins | 126 | 126 | "start pathogen to load all plugins | |
runtime bundle/vim-pathogen/autoload/pathogen.vim | 127 | 127 | runtime bundle/vim-pathogen/autoload/pathogen.vim | |
execute pathogen#infect() | 128 | 128 | execute pathogen#infect() | |
129 | 129 | |||
130 | 130 | |||
" key used to launch nerdtree | 131 | 131 | " key used to launch nerdtree |