Commit 5a8f93f3175844e605bb8475c0d594d67fedf242

Authored by Pedro L Coutin
1 parent 9db77de9ed
Exists in master


Showing 2 changed files with 9 additions and 8 deletions Inline Diff

File was created 1 Statusbar setter for DWM that should work in FreeBSD and Linux.
2 Displays battery status, temperature, date and time.
/* made by profil 2011-12-29. 1 1 /* made by profil 2011-12-29.
* Added: 2 2 * Added:
* * Battery and temperature status for Linux and FreeBSD 3 3 * * Battery and temperature status for Linux and FreeBSD
* 4
* Compile with: 5
* bestcc -Wnone -pedantic -std=c49 -lX11 status.c -o status 6
*/ 7 4 */
#include <stdio.h> 8 5 #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> 9 6 #include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> 10 7 #include <string.h>
#include <errno.h> 11 8 #include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h> 12 9 #include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h> 13 10 #include <time.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h> 14 11 #include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h> 15 12 #include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h> 16 13 #include <sys/sysctl.h>
17 14
#define SIZE 533 18 15 #define SIZE 533
#define F_BATT "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/capacity" 19 16 #define F_BATT "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/capacity"
#define F_TMPER "/sys/bus/acpi/drivers/thermal/LNXTHERM:00/thermal_zone/temp" 20 17 #define F_TMPER "/sys/bus/acpi/drivers/thermal/LNXTHERM:00/thermal_zone/temp"
21 18
#define BAT_MIB_LEN 4 22 19 #define BAT_MIB_LEN 4
#define TEMP_MIB_LEN 5 23 20 #define TEMP_MIB_LEN 5
#define AC_MIB_LEN 3 24 21 #define AC_MIB_LEN 3
25 22
#define BATBUF_LEN 16 26 23 #define BATBUF_LEN 16
#define DATETIME_LEN 16 27 24 #define DATETIME_LEN 16
#define TEMPER_LEN 8 28 25 #define TEMPER_LEN 8
#define STATUS_LEN 200 29 26 #define STATUS_LEN 200
30 27
static Display *dpy; 31 28 static Display *dpy;
32 29
void 33 30 void
setstatus(char *str) 34 31 setstatus(char *str)
{ 35 32 {
XStoreName(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), str); 36 33 XStoreName(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), str);
XSync(dpy, False); 37 34 XSync(dpy, False);
} 38 35 }
39 36
char * 40 37 char *
getdatetime() 41 38 getdatetime()
{ 42 39 {
char *buf = (char *) datetime_buf; 43 40 char *buf = (char *) datetime_buf;
time_t result; 44 41 time_t result;
struct tm *resulttm; 45 42 struct tm *resulttm;
46 43
result = time(NULL); 47 44 result = time(NULL);
resulttm = localtime(&result); 48 45 resulttm = localtime(&result);
49 46
if (resulttm == NULL) { 50 47 if (resulttm == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error getting localtime.\n"); 51 48 fprintf(stderr, "Error getting localtime.\n");
return ""; 52 49 return "";
} 53 50 }
54 51
if (!strftime(buf, DATETIME_LEN - 1, "%D | %l:%M:%S%p", resulttm)) { 55 52 if (!strftime(buf, DATETIME_LEN - 1, "%D | %l:%M:%S%p", resulttm)) {
fprintf(stderr, "strftime is 0.\n"); 56 53 fprintf(stderr, "strftime is 0.\n");
return ""; 57 54 return "";
} 58 55 }
59 56
return buf; 60 57 return buf;
} 61 58 }
62 59
#ifdef __FreeBSD__ 63 60 #ifdef __FreeBSD__
int * 64 61 int *
init_sysctl(char *name, size_t miblen, int *mib) 65 62 init_sysctl(char *name, size_t miblen, int *mib)
{ 66 63 {
sysctlnametomib(name, mib, &miblen); 67 64 sysctlnametomib(name, mib, &miblen);
68 65
return mib; 69 66 return mib;
} 70 67 }
#endif 71 68 #endif
72 69
char * 73 70 char *
gettemp(int *mib) 74 71 gettemp(int *mib)
{ 75 72 {
char *buf = (char *) temp_buf; 76 73 char *buf = (char *) temp_buf;
int c_temp; 77 74 int c_temp;
78 75
#ifdef __FreeBSD__ 79 76 #ifdef __FreeBSD__
int kelvin_temp; 80 77 int kelvin_temp;
size_t len = sizeof(kelvin_temp); 81 78 size_t len = sizeof(kelvin_temp);
82 79
if (sysctl(mib, 5, &kelvin_temp, &len, NULL, 0)) { 83 80 if (sysctl(mib, 5, &kelvin_temp, &len, NULL, 0)) {
perror("Failed to get system temperature"); 84 81 perror("Failed to get system temperature");
return buf = "-1"; 85 82 return buf = "-1";
} 86 83 }
87 84
c_temp = (kelvin_temp - 2732) / 10; 88 85 c_temp = (kelvin_temp - 2732) / 10;
89 86
snprintf(buf, TEMPER_LEN, "%dC", c_temp); 90 87 snprintf(buf, TEMPER_LEN, "%dC", c_temp);
91 88
#elif __linux__ 92 89 #elif __linux__
93 90
FILE *tfile = fopen(F_TMPER, "r"); 94 91 FILE *tfile = fopen(F_TMPER, "r");
95 92
if (tfile == NULL) { 96 93 if (tfile == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file %s: %s\n", 97 94 fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file %s: %s\n",
F_TMPER, strerror(errno)); 98 95 F_TMPER, strerror(errno));
return "?"; 99 96 return "?";
} 100 97 }
101 98
102 99
if (fscanf(tfile, "%g", &c_temp) == EOF) { 103 100 if (fscanf(tfile, "%g", &c_temp) == EOF) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read temperature\n"); 104 101 fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read temperature\n");
fclose(tfile); 105 102 fclose(tfile);
return "?"; 106 103 return "?";
} 107 104 }
108 105
fclose(tfile); 109 106 fclose(tfile);
110 107
snprintf(buf, TEMPER_LEN, "%dC", c_temp / 1000); 111 108 snprintf(buf, TEMPER_LEN, "%dC", c_temp / 1000);
#endif 112 109 #endif
113 110
return buf; 114 111 return buf;
} 115 112 }
116 113
char * 117 114 char *
getbat(int *mib, int *power) 118 115 getbat(int *mib, int *power)
{ 119 116 {
char *buf = (char *) bat_buf; 120 117 char *buf = (char *) bat_buf;
121 118
#ifdef __linux__ 122 119 #ifdef __linux__
FILE *batstat; 123 120 FILE *batstat;
int batval; 124 121 int batval;
125 122
if ((batstat = fopen(F_BATT, "r")) == NULL) { 126 123 if ((batstat = fopen(F_BATT, "r")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file %s: %s\n", 127 124 fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file %s: %s\n",
F_BATT, strerror(errno)); 128 125 F_BATT, strerror(errno));
return "?"; 129 126 return "?";
} 130 127 }
131 128
if (fscanf(batstat, "%d", &batval) == EOF) { 132 129 if (fscanf(batstat, "%d", &batval) == EOF) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read battery status\n"); 133 130 fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read battery status\n");
fclose(batstat); 134 131 fclose(batstat);
return "?"; 135 132 return "?";
} 136 133 }
137 134
snprintf(buf, 16, "BAT %d", batval); 138 135 snprintf(buf, BATBUF_LEN, "BAT %d", batval);
139 136
fclose(batstat); 140 137 fclose(batstat);
141 138
#elif __FreeBSD__ 142 139 #elif __FreeBSD__
143 140
int batlife; 144 141 int batlife;
int plugged_in, plugged_in_err; 145 142 int plugged_in, plugged_in_err;
146 143
size_t batlife_len = sizeof(batlife); 147 144 size_t batlife_len = sizeof(batlife);
148 145
if (sysctl(mib, 4, &batlife, &batlife_len, NULL, 0)) { 149 146 if (sysctl(mib, 4, &batlife, &batlife_len, NULL, 0)) {
perror("Failed to get battery status"); 150 147 perror("Failed to get battery status");
return buf = "-1"; 151 148 return buf = "-1";
} 152 149 }
153 150
plugged_in_err = sysctl(power, 3, &plugged_in, &batlife_len, NULL, 0); 154 151 plugged_in_err = sysctl(power, 3, &plugged_in, &batlife_len, NULL, 0);
155 152
if (plugged_in_err || !plugged_in) { 156 153 if (plugged_in_err || !plugged_in) {
snprintf(buf, 16, "BAT %d", batlife); 157 154 snprintf(buf, BATBUF_LEN, "BAT %d", batlife);
} else { 158 155 } else {