Commit ad185c3e0a3b2b5ba21ba90517c492f92bef8f90

Authored by Runze Wang
1 parent b12d75282c
Exists in FMCW

Add file and change README

Showing 2 changed files with 40 additions and 0 deletions Inline Diff

1 We recommend you to install pahsed array system toolbox for MATLAB 2018.
2 Load samples and demodulate using "load_data.m".
3 You can generate your own FMCW signal using FMCWWaveform() on Matlab.
load_samples.m View file @ ad185c3
File was created 1 function [samples, n_samples] = load_samples(samplefilepath, format, little_endian, nr)
2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
3 %% read the samples
4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
6 if nargin < 4
7 nr = inf;
8 end
9 if nargin > 1 && strcmp(format,'cplx')
10 fid = fopen(samplefilepath, 'r');
11 if (nargin < 3)
12 little_endian = false;
13 end
14 if (little_endian)
15 [s, n] = fread(fid, nr, 'int32', 0, 'ieee-le');
16 else
17 [s, n] = fread(fid, nr, 'int32', 0, 'ieee-be');
18 end
19 fclose(fid);
20 s = reshape(s, 2, []).';
21 s = s(:,1) + 1i * s(:,2);
22 n = n/2;
23 end
25 if nargin > 1 && strcmp(format,'float32')
26 fid = fopen(samplefilepath, 'r');
27 [s, n] = fread(fid, nr, 'float');
28 fclose(fid);
29 s = reshape(s, 2, []).';
30 s = s(:,1) + 1i * s(:,2);
31 n = n/2;
32 end
34 s(1:10,:)