diff --git a/alignSeqsFiles.pl b/alignSeqsFiles.pl
index 9c2ad2e..0eddb25 100755
--- a/alignSeqsFiles.pl
+++ b/alignSeqsFiles.pl
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ my $blastComp = "F"; #2;
my $segFilter = 'no';
my $minLength = 30; #Min legnth of proteins to analyze (without gaps)
my $subMatrix = 'BL50';
+my $hyd_qylim = undef; #Y-axis limits for query hydropathy plot [low, high]
+my $hyd_sylim = undef; #Y-axis limits for subject hydropathy plot [low, high]
#this can be used to remove long sequences from results
my $maxProtLength = 100000; #default threshold to allow any length
@@ -443,6 +445,9 @@ ROW
#Run quod on the query, subject and the alignment.
+#quod.py -q -l "HEB99829" -o plot.png --width 15 --edgecolor red --xticks 25 --no-tms +0 --add-tms 9-32 43-67 98-121 132-151 164-181 192-215 224-241:orange -w 17-245:+2.7:+:Alignment --region-font 12 --add-region 20-245:'PF07556':-2.8,-2.6:red,black:tc --mark +0:K,R,H:black --xlim 0 400 -- HEB99829.faa
sub run_quod {
my ($q, $s, $qs, $qe, $ss, $se, $qseq, $sseq) = @_;
@@ -469,8 +474,9 @@ sub run_quod {
#Note alnquod requires to add the extension to the image name
my $alnFig = "$plotsDir/${q}_vs_${s}_qs${qs}_qe${qe}_ss${ss}_se${se}.png";
- my $cmd1 = qq(alnquod.py --grid -q -l "$q (red) and $s (blue)" -o $alnFig --xticks 25 --width 15 -- $qalnFile $seqDir/${q}.faa $salnFile $seqDir/${s}.faa);
- #print "$cmd1\n\n";
+ my $cmd1 = qq(quod.py -q -l "$q (red) and $s (blue)" -o $alnFig --xticks 25 --width 15 --edgecolor +0:red +1:blue --facecolor +0:orange +1:cyan --multi frag -- $qalnFile $seqDir/${q}.faa $salnFile $seqDir/${s}.faa);
+# print "$cmd1\n\n";
+# exit;
system $cmd1 unless (-f "${alnFig}");
return undef unless (-f "${alnFig}");
@@ -483,17 +489,18 @@ sub run_quod {
die "Error: no hmmtop results for: $q" unless (exists $hmmtopHits{$q});
my $qTMS = "";
if (scalar @{ $hmmtopHits{$q}{coords} } > 0) {
- $qTMS = "-at " . join(",", @{ $hmmtopHits{$q}{coords} }) . ":orange";
+ $qTMS = "--add-tms " . join(",", @{ $hmmtopHits{$q}{coords} }) . ":orange";
#Plot query hydropathy
my $qPfam = get_pfam_coords_for_quod($q, "red");
- my $qName = "$plotsDir/${q}_vs_${s}_qaln_qs${qs}_qe${qe}";
- my $cmd2 = qq(quod.py --grid -q -l "$q" -o $qName --width 15 --color red --xticks 25 -w ${qs}-${qe}::1 -t png -nt +0 $qTMS $qPfam -- $seqDir/${q}.faa);
- #print "$cmd2\n\n";
- system $cmd2 unless (-f "${qName}.png");
- return undef unless (-f "${qName}.png");
+ my $qName = "$plotsDir/${q}_vs_${s}_qaln_qs${qs}_qe${qe}.png";
+ my $cmd2 = qq(quod.py -q -l "$q" -o $qName --width 15 --edgecolor red --xticks 25 -w ${qs}-${qe}:+2.7:+:Alignment --no-tms +0 $qTMS $qPfam -- $seqDir/${q}.faa);
+# print "$cmd2\n\n";
+# exit;
+ system $cmd2 unless (-f $qName);
+ return undef unless (-f $qName);
@@ -501,16 +508,17 @@ sub run_quod {
die "Error: no hmmtop results for: $s" unless (exists $hmmtopHits{$s});
my $sTMS = "";
if (scalar @{ $hmmtopHits{$s}{coords} } > 0) {
- $sTMS = "-at " . join(",", @{ $hmmtopHits{$s}{coords} }) . ":cyan";
+ $sTMS = "--add-tms " . join(",", @{ $hmmtopHits{$s}{coords} }) . ":cyan";
#Plot Subject hydropaty
my $sPfam = get_pfam_coords_for_quod($s, "blue");
- my $sName = "$plotsDir/${q}_vs_${s}_saln_ss${ss}_se${se}";
- my $cmd3 = qq(quod.py --grid -q -l "$s" -o $sName --width 15 --color blue --xticks 25 -w ${ss}-${se}::1 -t png -nt +0 $sTMS $sPfam -- $seqDir/${s}.faa);
- #print "$cmd3\n\n";
- system $cmd3 unless (-f "${sName}.png");
- return undef unless (-f "${sName}.png");
+ my $sName = "$plotsDir/${q}_vs_${s}_saln_ss${ss}_se${se}.png";
+ my $cmd3 = qq(quod.py -q -l "$s" -o $sName --width 15 --edgecolor blue --xticks 25 -w ${ss}-${se}:+2.7:+:Alignment --no-tms +0 $sTMS $sPfam -- $seqDir/${s}.faa);
+# print "$cmd3\n\n";
+# exit;
+ system $cmd3 unless (-f $sName);
+ return undef unless (-f $sName);
return 1;
@@ -535,7 +543,7 @@ sub get_pfam_coords_for_quod {
if (exists $pfamHits{$prot}) {
my @Doms = keys %{ $pfamHits{$prot} };
my $dcnt = 0;
- $str = "--region-font 12 -ar ";
+ $str = "--region-font 12 --add-region ";
foreach my $d (@Doms) {
my @hits = @{ $pfamHits{$prot}{$d} };
@@ -543,8 +551,10 @@ sub get_pfam_coords_for_quod {
my $left = $hit->{qstart};
my $right = $hit->{qend};
- my $ypos = -2.8 + $dcnt * 0.4;
- $str .= "${left}-${right}:'${d}':${ypos}:$color ";
+ my $yposl = -2.8 + $dcnt * 0.4; #domain bottom coord
+ my $yposh = $yposl + 0.15; #domain height coord
+ $str .= "${left}-${right}:'${d}':${yposl},${yposh}:$color,black:tc ";
diff --git a/locateFragment.pl b/locateFragment.pl
index fab84e1..462edc5 100755
--- a/locateFragment.pl
+++ b/locateFragment.pl
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ sub run_quod {
#Generate quod plot
#Format string for the regions
- my $regions = "-at ";
+ my $regions = "--add-tms ";
my $coords = "";
foreach my $hit (@res) {
diff --git a/tmsRepeat.pl b/tmsRepeat.pl
index 7cc70ec..fdfce0d 100755
--- a/tmsRepeat.pl
+++ b/tmsRepeat.pl
@@ -1,1145 +1,183 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl -w
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use warnings;
+no warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
-$Data::Dumper::Deepcopy = 1;
-$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
-#$Data::Dumper::Purity = 0;
-$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
+use TCDB::Repeats;
use Getopt::Long;
-use Bio::SearchIO;
-use Bio::SeqIO;
-use TCDB::CheckDependencies;
-use TCDB::Assorted;
+my $seqsDir = undef; #'/Users/amedrano/Desktop/Mai_tmsRepeat/sequences';
+my $seqsFile = undef;
+my $tmsFile = undef; #'/Users/amedrano/Desktop/Mai_tmsRepeat/tms.hmmtop';
+my $outDir = "Repeats"; #'/Users/amedrano/Desktop/Mai_tmsRepeat/RepeatUnits/ResultsOOP';
-#Check dependencies
+my $evalue = 1e-2;
+my $coverage = 0.85;
+my $identity = 0.2;
-my @dependencies = ("water", "ssearch36", "extractFamily.pl", "tmsplit", "quod.py");
-my $CheckDep_obj = new TCDB::CheckDependencies();
-$CheckDep_obj -> dependencies_list(\@dependencies);
-$CheckDep_obj -> checkDependencies;
+my @tmsRanges = ();
-#Read command line options
-my $gs_infile = "";
-my $infileFmt = "hmmtop"; #The other option is 'tms' which is the ID and TMS
-my $gs_idFormat = "";
-my $gs_repUnit = 0;
-my $gs_seqDir = "";
-my $gs_tail = 5;
-my $gs_evalue = 0.1;
-my $gs_coverage = 0.8;
-my $gs_identity = 0.25;
-my $gsatShuffles = 1000;
-my $min_gsat_score = 4.0;
-my $compStatsFlag = 1;
-my $compStats = "";
-my $outdir = "repeats";
-my $repDir = "reports";
-my $seqDir = "sequences";
-my $alignDir = "alignments";
-my $plotsDir = "plots";
-my $goodHitsOnly = 1; #print only significant results, ignore everything else
-#all (all sequences in output file)
-#each (generate one directory per sequence.. for better organization)
-#debug (it will print the contents of the hash table one sequences at a time)
-my $mode = "all";
-#print Data::Dumper->Dump([$gs_infile, $gs_idFormat, $gs_repUnit, $gs_seqDir,
-# $gs_tail, $gs_evalue, $gs_coverage, $gs_identity, $gsatShuffles, $compStatsFlag, $compStats],
-# [qw(*infile *idFormat *repUnit *seqDir *tail *evalue
-# *coverage *identity $gsatShuffles *compStatFlag *compStats)]);
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([$seqsDir, $seqsFile, $tmsFile, $outDir],
+# [qw(*seqsDir *seqsFile *tmsFile *outDir )]);
-# ssearch36 -p -k 1000 -z 11 -E 1.0 -s BL62 -W 0 4.B.1_4tms_all/sequences/4.B.1.1.2-Q4QLL1_bundle1.faa 4.B.1_4tms_all/sequences/lib_4.B.1.1.2-Q4QLL1_bundle1.faa
-#Read file with coordinates of TMSs and verify that the sequences are
-my %gh_tms = ();
-read_tms_coordinates_file($gs_infile, \%gh_tms);
-#print Data::Dumper->Dump([ \%gh_tms], [qw(*tms )]);
-#Main Output directory
-#Root directory for all results
-system "mkdir -p $outdir" unless (-d $outdir);
-die "Could not generate output directory: $outdir" unless (-d $outdir);
-#Search for repeats inside query sequences
-my %results = ();
-my %origSeqLength = (); #To calculate x-ticks spacing in hydropathy plots
-foreach my $ls_sid (keys %gh_tms) {
+#my $repObj = TCDB::Repeat->new('seqsDir' => $seqsDir,
+# 'tmsFile' => $tmsFile,
+# 'outDir' => $outDir,
+# 'ranges2searchTMS' => \@TMSranges);
- my %gh_bundleSeqs = ();
- my %gh_topHits = ();
+my @TMSranges = ([1, 3], [4, 6]);
- print "Processing: $ls_sid\n";
+my $repObj = TCDB::Repeat->new();
- #Clean results if one output directory is generated per input sequence
- %results = () if ($mode eq 'each');
+$repObj-> findRepeatsTMSranges();
- #Cut sequences in non overlaping regions with as many TMS as the
- #repeat unit we want to find.
- cut_seq_in_tms_regions ($ls_sid, $gs_repUnit, \%gh_tms, \%gh_bundleSeqs);
-# print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%gh_bundleSeqs ], [qw(*bundleSeqs)]);
-# ;
- #run ssearch to find potential repeats.
- align_bundles($ls_sid,\%gh_bundleSeqs, \%gh_topHits);
-# print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%gh_topHits ], [qw(*topHits )]);
-# ;
- #Collect results for final table
- $results{$ls_sid} = \%gh_topHits;
- #present results per input sequence to verify everything looks fine.
- if ($mode eq 'debug') {
- print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%gh_topHits], [qw(*topHits)]);
- ;
- }
- print_reports(\%results) if ($mode eq 'each');
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([$repObj ], [qw(*repObj)]);
-#Print final results in summarized or detailed format
-#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%results ], [qw(*results )]);
-print_reports(\%results) if ($mode eq 'all');
-# #
-# Subroutine definition #
-# #
-#print final_report
-sub print_reports {
- my $res = shift;
- #Get the directory where reports will be saved
- my $reportDir = undef;
- if ($mode eq 'all') {
- $reportDir = getReportsDir();
- }
- else {
- #one id per report
- my @ids = keys %$res;
- my $seqId = $ids[0];
- $reportDir = getReportsDir($seqId);
- }
- die "Error: invalid report dir" unless ($reportDir);
- my $sumFile = "$reportDir/repeats_summary_report.txt";
- my $detailsFile = "$reportDir/repeats_detailed_report.txt";
- my $htmlFile = "$reportDir/report.html";
- open (my $htmlfh, ">", $htmlFile) || die $!;
- my $htmlHeader = <
- E-value: |
- $evalue |
- Identity: |
- ${ident}% |
- Similarity: |
- ${sim}% |
- GSAT: |
- $gsat |
- Aln: |
- $alnLen |
- Q_cov: |
- ${qCov}% |
- S_cov: |
- ${hCov}% |
- |
- |
- Alignment ($qName:${qstart}-$qend vs $hName:${sstart}-$send):
- print $htmlfh $repHit;
- } #hit
- } #reference bundle number
- } #Reference bundle name
- } #Query protein
- #Close HTML report
- my $closeRep = <
- print $htmlfh $closeRep;
- close $sumh;
- close $deth;
- close $htmlfh;
+ #Validadte input file option
+ die "Error: no sequence file detected!" unless ($seqsFile);
-#Run ssearch36 between the different bundles in a sequence
-sub align_bundles {
+#Option -s
- my ($seqId, $lhr_bundleSeqFiles, $lhr_topHits) = @_;
+sub read_seqsFile {
+ my ($opt, $value) = @_;
- %$lhr_topHits = ();
- #Directory where the sequences of TMS bundles are saved
- my $sequencesDir = undef;
- my $alignmentsDir = undef;
- my $hydroPlotsDir = undef;
- if ($mode eq 'all') {
- $sequencesDir = getSequencesDir();
- $alignmentsDir = getAlignmentsDir();
- $hydroPlotsDir = getPlotsDir();
- }
- else {
- $sequencesDir = getSequencesDir($seqId);
- $alignmentsDir = getAlignmentsDir($seqId);
- $hydroPlotsDir = getPlotsDir($seqId);
+ unless (-f $value && !(-z $value)) {
+ die "Error: file with sequences does not exist or is empty!\n";
- die "Error: invalid sequences dir" unless ($sequencesDir);
- die "Error: invalid alignments dir" unless ($alignmentsDir);
- die "Error: invalid plots dir" unless ($hydroPlotsDir);
-# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$lhr_bundleSeqFiles ], [qw(*files )]);
-# ;
- #The bundle that will be used as reference for the comparison
- REF:foreach my $bundle (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$lhr_bundleSeqFiles) {
- my $rFile = "$sequencesDir/" . $lhr_bundleSeqFiles->{$bundle}->[0];
- #Id to name ssearch36 output files
- my $id = $lhr_bundleSeqFiles->{$bundle}->[0];
- $id =~ s/\.faa//;
- #For naming GSAT files (ID of system or protein accession)
- my $tcAcc = ($id =~ /(\S+)_bundle.*/)? $1 : undef;
- die "Could not extract accession from $id!" unless ($id);
-# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$id, $tcAcc ], [qw(*id *tcAcc)]);
-# ;
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- #Get the non-overlapping bundles to compare them against the
- #reference bundle
- my @cmpFiles = ();
- #Initialize the index to the first non-overlapping bundle
- my $next_bundle_idx = $bundle + $gs_repUnit;
- CMP:while (1) {
- #Exit if next bundle is not in bundles hash
- last CMP unless (exists $lhr_bundleSeqFiles->{$next_bundle_idx});
- #Get file name for this non-overlapping bundle
- my $cmpBundle = $sequencesDir . "/" . $lhr_bundleSeqFiles->{$next_bundle_idx}->[0];
- push (@cmpFiles, $cmpBundle);
- #Update the index to the next non-overlapping bundle
- $next_bundle_idx = $next_bundle_idx + $gs_repUnit;
- }
- #go to next reference bundle if there are no non-overlapping bundles.
- next REF unless (@cmpFiles);
-# print Data::Dumper->Dump([\@cmpFiles ], [qw(*cmpFiles )]);
-# ;
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- #Now run ssearch36 of the reference bundle against all its
- #non-overlapping bundles
- #put all non-overlapping bundles into a file
- my $libFile = "$sequencesDir/lib_$id.faa";
- my $cmd = "cat " . join(" ", @cmpFiles) . " > $libFile";
- system $cmd;
- #run ssearch36 of $rFile vs @cmpFile
- my $ssearchOut = "$alignmentsDir/ssearch_$id.out";
- my $ssearch_params = qq(-p $compStats -E $gs_evalue -s BL62 -W 0 $rFile $libFile > $ssearchOut);
- system "ssearch36 $ssearch_params" unless (-f $ssearchOut);
-# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$ssearchOut ], [qw(*ssearchOut )]);
-# ;
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------
- #Estimate here the spacing between x-ticks for hydropathy plots
- my $protLen = $origSeqLength{$seqId};
- my $xticksSpacing = undef;
- if ($protLen <= 500) {
- $xticksSpacing = 25;
- }
- elsif ($protLen <= 1000) {
- $xticksSpacing = 50;
- }
- else {
- $xticksSpacing = 100;
- }
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- #parse ssearch36 output. For BioPerl resouces check:
- #http://search.cpan.org/dist/BioPerl/Bio/SearchIO.pm
- #https://classes.soe.ucsc.edu/bme060/Winter07/bptutorial.html
- my $parser = new Bio::SearchIO (-format => 'fasta', -file => $ssearchOut);
- #put hir the top hits
- my %lh_hits = ();
- while (my $result = $parser->next_result) {
- my $qLen = $result->query_length;
- $lh_hits{$bundle}{qName} = $result->query_name;
- $lh_hits{$bundle}{qLen} = $qLen;
- $lh_hits{$bundle}{hits} = [];
- HIT:while (my $hit = $result->next_hit) {
- HSP:while(my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp) {
-# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$hsp ], [qw(*hsp )]);
-# ;
- my %tmp = ();
- my $alnLen = $hsp->hsp_length;
- my $hLen = $hit->length;
- my $hEvalue = $hsp->evalue;
- my $hId = $hsp->frac_identical('total'); #identity in the alignment
- my $hSim = $hsp->frac_conserved('total'); #similarity in the alignment
- #coordinates in the alignment to properly calculate coverages
- my $qstart = $hsp->start('query');
- my $qend = $hsp->end('query');
- my $sstart = $hsp->start('subject');
- my $send = $hsp->end('subject');
- #Calculate coverages properly (do not use alignment length as it includes gaps
- my $qCov_tmp = ($qend - $qstart + 1) / $qLen;
- my $qCov = ($qCov_tmp > 1.0)? 1.0 : $qCov_tmp;
- my $hCov_tmp = ($send - $sstart + 1) / $hLen;
- my $hCov = ($hCov_tmp > 1.0)? 1.0 : $hCov_tmp;
-# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$qLen, $qCov, $hLen, $hCov, $gs_coverage, $hEvalue, $gs_evalue, $hId, $gs_identity],
-# [qw(*qLen *qCov $hLen *hCov *coverageCutoff *evalue *evalCutoff *hId *IDcutoff)]);
-# ;
- #Before storing hit results check minimum coverage, identity and evalue
- next HSP unless (($qCov >= $gs_coverage || $hCov >= $gs_coverage) &&
- ($hEvalue <= $gs_evalue) && ($hId >= $gs_identity));
- #hit identity
- $tmp{hName} = $hit->name;
- $tmp{hLen} = $hLen;
- #hit statistics
- $tmp{alnLen} = $alnLen;
- $tmp{hEvalue} = $hEvalue;
- $tmp{hId} = $hId;
- $tmp{hSim} = $hSim;
- $tmp{qCov} = $qCov;
- $tmp{hCov} = $hCov;
- #The alignment
- $tmp{qstart} = $qstart;
- $tmp{qend} = $qend;
- $tmp{sstart} = $sstart;
- $tmp{send} = $send;
- $tmp{qSeq} = $hsp->query_string;
- $tmp{sSeq} = $hsp->hit_string;
- $tmp{homStr} = $hsp->homology_string;
- #Get the GSAT score
- my $gsat_outFile = "$alignmentsDir/${tcAcc}_" . $lh_hits{$bundle}{qName} . "_vs_" . $tmp{hName} . ".gsat";
-# print "gsat.py $tmp{qSeq} $tmp{sSeq} $gsatShuffles > $gsat_outFile\n";
-# exit;
- system "gsat.py $tmp{qSeq} $tmp{sSeq} $gsatShuffles > $gsat_outFile" unless (-f $gsat_outFile);
- my $gsat_score = TCDB::Assorted::get_gsat_score ($gsat_outFile);
- $tmp{gsat} = $gsat_score;
-# print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%tmp ], [qw(*matchData )]);
-# ;
- #GSAT is the last filter
- next HSP unless ($gsat_score >= $min_gsat_score);
- #------------------------------------------------------------
- #Generate quod plot with the repeat
- my $whole_prot_seq = "$gs_seqDir/${seqId}.faa";
- die "Protein sequence not found: $whole_prot_seq" unless (-f $whole_prot_seq);
- my $plotFile = "$hydroPlotsDir/${seqId}_" . $lh_hits{$bundle}{qName} . "_vs_" . $tmp{hName};
- my $fileName = "../$plotsDir/${seqId}_" . $lh_hits{$bundle}{qName} . "_vs_" . $tmp{hName} . ".png";
- my $plotTitle = $lh_hits{$bundle}{qName} . " vs " . $tmp{hName};
- #Get hydrophobic peaks coords
- my $hydroPeaks = $gh_tms{$seqId};
- die "No hydrophobic peaks found for sequence: $seqId" unless (@{ $hydroPeaks });
- #format the hydrophobic peaks for quod
- my @peaks = map { join ("-", @$_) . ":orange" } @$hydroPeaks;
- my $pstring = join (" ", @peaks);
- #----------
- #Calculate the positions of the aligned section of each bundle in the full sequence.
- my $q_bid = ($lh_hits{$bundle}{qName} =~ /BDL(\d+)/)? $1 : undef;
- my $s_bid = ( $tmp{hName} =~ /BDL(\d+)/)? $1 : undef;
- die "Could not extract bundle number for: $lh_hits{$bundle}{qName} or $tmp{hName}" unless ($q_bid && $s_bid);
- #extract initial positions for both bundles
- my $qbstart = $lhr_bundleSeqFiles->{$q_bid}->[1];
- my $qbend = $lhr_bundleSeqFiles->{$q_bid}->[2]; #$qLen - 1;
- my $sbstart = $lhr_bundleSeqFiles->{$s_bid}->[1];
- my $sbend = $lhr_bundleSeqFiles->{$s_bid}->[2]; #$hLen - 1;
- die "Could not extract coords for bundle $q_bid" unless ($qbstart && $qbend);
- die "Could not extract coords for bundle $s_bid" unless ($sbstart && $sbend);
- #Calculate bundle positions here
- my $qgp_start = $qbstart + ($qstart - 1);
- my $qgp_end = $qbstart + ($qend - 1);
- my $sgp_start = $sbstart + ($sstart - 1);
- my $sgp_end = $sbstart + ($send - 1);
- #Format the coordinates for the repeats now
- my $qrep = "${qgp_start}-${qgp_end}:green";
- my $srep = "${sgp_start}-${sgp_end}:blue";
- #Format the coordinates for the bar delimiting the bundles
- my $bars = "-w ${qbstart}-${qbend}::1 ${sbstart}-${sbend}::1";
- #The quod command line
- my $cmd = "quod.py $whole_prot_seq -t png -l '$plotTitle' -o $plotFile -q -r 80 $bars --xticks $xticksSpacing -nt +0 -at ${pstring} ${qrep} ${srep}";
- my $img = "${plotFile}.png";
- system $cmd unless (-f $img);
- die "Could not generate plot: $img" unless (-f $img);
- $tmp{plot} = $fileName;
- #load the data into the hits section for this bundle
- push (@{ $lh_hits{$bundle}{hits} }, \%tmp);
- } #HSP
- } #HIT
- } #While
- #Add results to the topHits hash
- if (@{ $lh_hits{$bundle}{hits} }) {
- $lhr_topHits->{$id} = \%lh_hits;
- }
- }
+ $seqsFile = $value;
-#Given a sequence, its TMS coordinates and a repeat size (rsize), cut the
-#sequence in TMS bundles of length rsize.
-sub cut_seq_in_tms_regions {
- my ($ls_pid, $ls_repeat, $lhr_tms, $lhr_seqSegs) = @_;
+#Option -t
+sub read_tmsFile {
+ my ($opt, $value) = @_;
- %$lhr_seqSegs = ();
- #Get the directory where bundle sequences will be saved
- my $sequencesDir = undef;
- if ($mode eq 'all') {
- $sequencesDir = getSequencesDir();
+ unless (-f $value && !(-z $value)) {
+ die "Error in option -t: File with TMSs (hhmtop output) does not exist or is empty!\n";
- else {
- $sequencesDir = getSequencesDir($ls_pid);
- }
- die "Error: invalid sequence dir" unless ($sequencesDir);
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #Get the coordinates of the overlapping bundles
- my @la_tms = @{ $lhr_tms->{$ls_pid} };
- #Get the Length of the sequence of the query protein
- my $seqFile = "$gs_seqDir/${ls_pid}.faa";
- my $obj = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $seqFile , -format => "fasta");
- my $seqObj = $obj->next_seq;
- my $qlength = $seqObj->length;
- die "Could not extract protein length." unless ($qlength);
- #Store the length of the original sequence for proper calculation of
- #the x-ticks in the hydropathy plots of the results
- $origSeqLength{$ls_pid} = $qlength;
- #Number of TMS in protein
- my $ls_ntms = scalar (@la_tms);
- for (my $idx=1; $idx <= ($ls_ntms - $ls_repeat + 1); $idx++) {
- #TMS in bundle
- my $left_tms = $la_tms[$idx - 1];
- my $right_tms = $la_tms[$idx + $ls_repeat - 2];
- #The coordinates of the bundle
- my $left_pos = (($left_tms->[0] - $gs_tail) <= 0)? 1 : $left_tms->[0] - $gs_tail;
- #my $right_pos = (($right_tms->[1] + $gs_tail) >= $qlength)? $right_tms->[1] : $right_tms->[1] + $gs_tail;
- my $right_pos = (($right_tms->[1] + $gs_tail) >= $qlength)? $qlength - 1 : $right_tms->[1] + $gs_tail;
- #Cut and name the bundles only if bundle file does not exist
- my $outfile = "${ls_pid}_bundle${idx}";
- unless (-f "$sequencesDir/${outfile}.faa") {
- #cutting bundle
- my $args = qq(-if $seqFile -od $sequencesDir -of $outfile -rangeCut -s $left_pos -e $right_pos -t 0);
- system "tmsplit $args > /dev/null";
- #replace protein ID with bundle number to the ID so alignments can be easily identified
- system qq(perl -i -pe 's/>\\S+/>BDL$idx/' $sequencesDir/${outfile}.faa);
- }
- $lhr_seqSegs->{$idx} = ["${outfile}.faa", $left_pos, $right_pos];
- }
+ $tmsFile = $value;
-#Read file with the TMS coordinates of the input proteins. The TMS
-#must have been validated with WHAT to make sure they are reliable.
-sub read_tms_coordinates_file {
- my ($s_coordsFile, $hr_tms) = @_;
+#Option -d
- open (my $fileh, "<", $s_coordsFile) || die $!;
+sub read_seqsDir {
+ my ($opt, $value) = @_;
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------
- #The format of this file is protein ID followed by pairs of
- #coordinates separated by dash:
- # 2.A.43.1.1-O60931 1-20 25-35 50-68 ....
- if ($infileFmt eq 'tms') {
+ die "Error: directory with sequences does not exist." unless (-d $value);
- while(<$fileh>) {
- chomp;
- #ignore empty lines;
- next unless ($_);
- #extract id and TMSs coordinates
- my ($id, @tms_str) = split(/\s+/, $_);
- my @tms = map { [ split(/-/, $_) ] } @tms_str;
- #For debugging purposes
-# next unless ($id eq 'WP_100644534');
- $hr_tms->{$id} = \@tms;
- #Verify that the sequence is available for this protein
- unless (-f "$gs_seqDir/${id}.faa" && ! (-z "$gs_seqDir/${id}.faa")) {
- die "Could not find sequence for protein: $id in dir: $gs_seqDir -->";
- }
- } #while
- }
- #Input file is in HMMTOP format
- else {
- while(<$fileh>) {
- chomp;
- #Remove trailing spaces
- s/\s+$//;
- #ignore empty lines
- next unless ($_);
- #parse hmmtop line
- my ($id, $ntms, $tms_str) = (/\S+\s+\d+\s+(\S+).+(IN|OUT)\s+(\d+)\s+([\d\s-]+)/)? ($1, $3, $4) : ();
- #For debugging purposes
-# next unless ($id eq 'WP_100644534');
- if ($id && $ntms && $tms_str) {
- #extract the pairs of coordinates for TMS
- my @coords = split(/\s+/, $tms_str);
- my @tms = ();
- for (my $i=0; $i < $#coords; $i += 2) {
- push (@tms, [$coords[$i], $coords[$i+1]]);
- }
- $hr_tms->{$id} = \@tms;
- }
- else {
- print "problem parsing HMMTOP line: $_\n";;
- print Data::Dumper->Dump([$id, $ntms, $tms_str ], [qw(*id *ntms *tms_str )]);
- exit;;
- }
- }
- }
- close $fileh;
-#Get the directory where the sequences of bundles will be saved.
-sub getSequencesDir {
- my $protId = shift;
- my $dir = undef;
- if ($mode eq 'all') {
- $dir = "$outdir/$seqDir";
- }
- else {
- die "Error: protein accession missing" unless ($protId);
- $dir = "$outdir/$protId/$seqDir";
- }
- system "mkdir -p $dir" unless (-d $dir);
- die "No dir for bundle sequences found: $dir" unless (-d $dir);
- return $dir;
+ $seqsDir = $value;
-#Get the directory where the alignments will be saved
-sub getAlignmentsDir {
- my $protId = shift;
+#Option -o
- my $dir = undef;
+sub read_outdir {
+ my ($opt, $value) = @_;
- if ($mode eq 'all') {
- $dir = "$outdir/$alignDir";
- }
- else {
- die "Error: protein accession missing" unless ($protId);
- $dir = "$outdir/$protId/$alignDir";
- }
- system "mkdir -p $dir" unless (-d $dir);
- die "No dir for alignments found: $dir" unless (-d $dir);
- return $dir;
+ $outDir = $value;
-#Get the directory where hydropathy plots will be saved
-sub getPlotsDir {
+#option -h
- my $protId = shift;
- my $dir = undef;
- if ($mode eq 'all') {
- $dir = "$outdir/$plotsDir";
- }
- else {
- die "Error: protein accession missing" unless ($protId);
- $dir = "$outdir/$protId/$plotsDir";
- }
- system "mkdir -p $dir" unless (-d $dir);
- die "No dir for plots found: $dir" unless (-d $dir);
- return $dir;
-#Get the directory where the reports will be saved
-sub getReportsDir {
- my $protId = shift;
- my $dir = undef;
- if ($mode eq 'all') {
- $dir = "$outdir/$repDir";
- }
- else {
- die "Error: protein accession missing" unless ($protId);
- $dir = "$outdir/$protId/$repDir";
- }
- system "mkdir -p $dir" unless (-d $dir);
- die "No dir for reports found: $dir" unless (-d $dir);
- return $dir;
-#Read command-line arguments
-sub read_command_line_arguments {
- #if no arguments are given print the help
- if (! @ARGV) {
- print_help();
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #Parse command line arguments
- my $ls_status = GetOptions(
- "i|infile=s" => \$gs_infile,
- "if|infile-format=s" => \$infileFmt,
- "o|outdir=s" => \$outdir,
- "f|id-format=s" => \$gs_idFormat,
- "r|rep-unit=i" => \$gs_repUnit,
- "t|tail-size=i" => \$gs_tail,
- "s|seqs=s" => \$gs_seqDir,
- "e|evalue=f" => \$gs_evalue,
- "c|coverage=f" => \$gs_coverage,
- "id|identity=f" => \$gs_identity,
- "ncs|no-comp-stats!" => \$compStatsFlag,
- "gs|gsat-shuffles=i" => \$gsatShuffles,
- "z|gsat-cutoff=f" => \$min_gsat_score,
- "m|mode=s" => \$mode,
- "h|help" => sub { print_help(); },
- #For arguments that do not look like valid options
- "<>" => sub { die "Error: Unknown argument: $_[0]\n"; }
- );
- die "\n" unless ($ls_status);
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #Validate command line arguments
- die "Error: argument -i is mandatory.\n" unless ($gs_infile);
- die "Error: argument -r is mandatory and must be greater than 0.0\n" unless ($gs_repUnit > 0);
- die "Error: augument -t must be grater than 0 and less than 16\n" if ($gs_tail > 15 || $gs_tail < 0);
- die "Error: argument -e must be greater than 0\n" unless ($gs_evalue >=0 );
- die "Error: argument -c must be between 0.5 and 1.0\n" unless ($gs_coverage >= 0.0 && $gs_coverage <= 1.0);
- die "Error: argument -id must be between 0.25 and 1.0\n" unless ($gs_identity >= 0.0 && $gs_identity <= 1.0);
- #Option -f
- $gs_idFormat = lc $gs_idFormat;
- unless ($gs_idFormat =~ /^(tc|tca|o)$/) {
- die "Error: There are 3 Valid options for -f (tc, tca, o)\n";
- }
- #option -if
- $infileFmt = lc $infileFmt;
- unless ($infileFmt =~ /^(hmmtop|tms)$/) {
- die "Error: invalid input file format: '$infileFmt' (Valid options: hmmtop, tms).\n";
- }
+sub print_help {
- #option -m
- $mode = lc $mode;
- unless ($mode =~ /^(all|each|debug)$/) {
- die "Error: invalid mode of operation '$mode'. Valid options are: all, each!\n";
- }
+ my $help = <<'HELP';
+This program searches for reapeats between different user-specified
+regions of proteins.
- #Option -s
- unless (-d $gs_seqDir) {
- die "Error: Directory with sequences must exits -> $gs_seqDir\n";
- }
+ Command line options:
+ -s, --seqs-file {file} (mandatory)
+ Path to file in fasta format with all the input sequences.
+ THis option is incompatible with option -d. But one of the
+ two option must be given.
- #Validate GSAT cutoff
- unless ($min_gsat_score >= 0) {
- die "Use GSAT cutoff >= 3.0!\n";
- }
+ -d, --seqs-dir {path} (optional)
+ Path to directory where the input sequences are located.
+ This option is incompatible with options -s. But one of the
+ two option must be given.
+ -o, --oudir {papth} (optional)
+ Path to the output directory.
+ (Default: ./tmsRepeat)
- #option -ncs
- $compStats = ($compStatsFlag)? "" : "-k 1000 -z 11";
+ -t, --tms {file} (optional)
+ File with the output of hmmtop for the input sequences, if available.
+ (Default: run hmmtop on input seqeunces)
+ -e, --evalue {float} (optional)
+ Maximal evalue cutoff for the aligned seqments.
+ (Default: 0.001)
+ -i, --identity {float} (optional)
+ Minimal identity in aligned regions.
+ (Default: 0.2)
-sub print_help {
+ -c, --coverage {float) (optional)
+ Minimal coverage cutoff within the range: [0, 1] for the coverage of aligned regtions.
+ (Default: 0.85)
- my $help = <<'HELP';
-This script searches for regions of TMSs repeated in a full protein.
--i, --infile {path}
- Input file with id/accession(s) of the protein(s) to analyze and the coordinates
- of the TMSs in that protein(s). Use option -if to specify the format of this
- file.
- (Argument is mandatory).
--if, --infile-format {string} (optional)
- Format of the TMS coordenates. It can be either 'tms' or 'hmmtop'.
- (Default: hmmtop)
--o, --outdir {path}
- Output directory where results will be saved.
- (Default: repeats)
--s, --seqs {path}
- Directory to access the sequences in FASTA format that will be used to
- search for repeats. One file per sequence, and the name of the file is
- the accession of the protein followed by '.faa'
- (Argument is mandatory)
--f, --id-format {string}
- Acceptable formats for identifiers:
- tc plain tcdb identifier of a system (e.g., 2.A.1.8.1)
- tca tcdb id and accession separated by dash (e.g. 2.A.1.8.3-Q9R6U5)
- o other, it can be refSeq, uniprot or custom, but it is requried
- that is is a single string without spaces.
- (Argument is mandatory)
--r, --repeat-unit {int)
- Size in TMS of the repeat unit to search in the protein.
- (Argument is mandatory)
--t, --tail-size {int}
- Number of residues to add to the beginning and end of TMS regions before
- running comparisons. Value should be less than or equal to 15 residues.
- (Default: 5);
--e, --evalue {float}
- Maximum evalue to consider an alignment between two TMS bundles significant.
- (Default: 0.1);
--ncs, --no-comp-stats {FLAG}
- If present, this flag indicates that E-values will not be corrected using
- compositional statistics.
- (Default: apply correction).
--c, --coverage {float}
- Minimum alignment coverage of the smallest bundle to consider an alignment
- signifiant.
- (Default: 0.8)
--id, --identity {float}
- Minimum identity, expressed as a float in the 0-1 range, to consider an
- alignment signficant.
- (Defatul: 0.25);
--gs, --gsat-shuffles {int}
- Number of shuffles that will be used to run GSAT on good matches.
- (Default: 1000);
--z, --gsat-cutoff {int}
- Minimum GSAT score cutoff to select good hits.
- (Default: 4.0)
--h, --help
- Print this help message. It takes precedence to any other option.
+ -h, --help
+ Display this help. Also displayed if script is run without arguments.
- print $help;
- exit;
+ print $help;
+ exit;