StoriesAndAcceptanceTests.tex 7.22 KB
\documentclass[letterpaper]{scrartcl} % or whatever
\title{\huge User Story Acceptance Test Plan}
\author{\Large Students With A Goal (S.W.A.G.)}
\begin{tabular}{l r}
Melody Jeng & System Architect \\
Arno Gau & Senior System Analyst \\
Rachel Lee & Software Development Lead \\
Laura Hawkins & Project Manager \\
Rohan Rangray & Algorithms Specialist\\
Andrew Buss & Database Specialist \\
Phuong Tran & Quality Assurance Lead \\
Chung Kang Wang & Business Analyst\\
Masud Rahman & User Interface Specialist\\
Kevin Mach & User Interface Specialist\\
\subsection{User Login Acceptance Test}
\item [Description:]{As a user, I want to be able to login and view my classes and decks.}
\item [Steps:]
\item User shall enter email
\item User shall enter password "test".
\item [Expected Result:]{User shall see the "Add Class" page.}
\subsection{User Password Change Acceptance Test}
\item [Description:]{As a user, I want to be able to change my login password.}
\item [Steps:]
\item User shall click "Change Password"
\item User shall enter old password
\item User shall enter new password and confirm
\item [Expected Result:]{User's password is changed to new password.}
\subsection{User Password Reset Acceptance Test}
\item [Description:]{As a user, I want to be able to reset my password if I forget it.}
\item [Steps:]
{User shall click "Forgot Password?" from the login page.}
{User shall enter the email they used to sign up for an account.}
\item[Expected Result:]{User's password will be reset and an email will be
sent to the proper email allowing user to change their password.}
\subsection{User Adds Themselves to Class Acceptance Test}
\item [Description:]{As a user, I want to be able to add myself to a class that I am in.}
\item [Steps:]
\item {User shall visit the "Add Class" page.}
\item {User shall enter "CSE 3" in the input box.}
\item {User shall select the first choice for "CSE 3" and add class.}
\item [Expected Result:]{User shall see the class "CSE 3" in their class list under
the dropdown or sidebar.}
\subsection{Deck for Each Section Acceptance Test}
\item [Description:]{As a user, I want to see the cards in my deck for each deck
associated with a section I'm enrolled in.}
\item [Steps:]
\item The user shall click on the section of the deck from the drop down menu at the
right end of the top navbar.
\item The user shall click on the Deck button on the left side of the navbar.
\item [Expected Result:]{The user shall now see the cards in the deck he chose}
\subsection{User Makes a Flashcard Acceptance Test}
\item [Description:]{As a user, I want to be able to create a flashcard and
publish it for everyone to see.}
\item [Steps:]
\item The user shall go to the live feed of the class he wants to create the flashcard
\item The user shall click on the '+' button at the lower right corner of the
\item The user shall write the content of his flashcard in the input box that pops up
from the bottom of the screen and blanks the appropriate blanks.
\item The user shall presse Enter or clicks on 'Submit' to submit the flashcard to
the feed.
\item [Expected Result:]{The user shall see his flashcard added to the feed}
\subsection{User Adds Flashcard to Deck For Class Acceptance Test}
\item [Description:]{As a user, I want to add a card from the feed to my deck.}
\item [Steps:]
\item The user shall go to the live feed of the class he wants to pull the flashcard
\item The user shall click on the flashcard that he wants to add to his deck.
\item [Expected Result:]{The flashcard the user clicked on is added to his deck}
\subsection{User Logs Out Acceptance Test}
\item [Description:] {As a user, I want to log out of my account.}
\item [Steps:] {The user shall click on the logout button at the top right corner.}
\item [Expected Result:] {User is logged out and is redirected to the login page.}
\subsection{View Cards in Deck Acceptance Test}
\item [Description:]
{As a user, I want to be able to view the cards that I have included in my deck.}
\item [Steps:]
{User shall visit the feed for the Test VIEW DECK course.}
{User shall click on deck on top left.}
\item [Expected Result:]{The test passes when the User sees
the flashcard "This is a flashcard".}
\subsection{Remove Card from Deck Acceptance Test}
\item [Description:]{As a user, I want to be able to remove cards from my deck.}
\item [Steps:]
\item The user shall select the section whose deck they want to remove the cards
\item The user shall go to the deck view of that section.
\item The user shall click hovers the mouse over the flashcard that he wants to
\item The user shall click on the white-on-green '-' button that appears on the
\item [Expected Result:]{The flashcard the user clicked on is removed from his deck}
\subsection{Study Deck Acceptance Test}
\item [Description:]
{As a user, I want to be able to study my deck.}
\item [Steps:]
\item User shall visit the feed for the TEST9 course
\item User shall create a card with the text ``Hello I am a card!'', with ``card'' selected as a blank.
\item User shall click the Study button
\item [Expected Result:]{User shall see a card with the text``Hello I am a \underline{\hspace{1cm}}!''}