Commit e8a62360546ef0ddbb4ada6ec465c6b96d9ecb58
1 parent
Exists in
add hide card diagramm
Showing 1 changed file with 26 additions and 0 deletions Side-by-side Diff
View file @
1 | +digraph G{ | |
2 | + ratio=0.75; | |
3 | + //rankdir="LR"; | |
4 | + node[shape=box, style="rounded,filled,bold"]; | |
5 | + splines=ortho; | |
6 | + nodesep=1.4; | |
7 | + labelloc="t"; | |
8 | + label="[F8] Hide Card from Feed"; | |
9 | + "Controller"[center=true, fillcolor="#aaaaff", style=filled, shape = diamond, | |
10 | + fixedsize=true, width=1.4, height=1.4]; | |
11 | + labelfloat=true; | |
12 | + lp=100; | |
13 | + | |
14 | + "POST"[shape=none]; | |
15 | + "FAILURE: card no longer exists in database"[shape=none]; | |
16 | + "SUCCESS: card successfully hidden"[shape=none]; | |
17 | + | |
18 | + "Controller"[center=true, fillcolor="#aaaaff", style=filled, shape = diamond, | |
19 | + fixedsize=true, width=1.4, height=1.4]; | |
20 | + "Feed" -> "POST"; | |
21 | + "POST" -> "Controller"; | |
22 | + "Controller" -> "FAILURE: card no longer exists in database"; | |
23 | + "Controller" -> "SUCCESS: card successfully hidden"; | |
24 | + "FAILURE: card no longer exists in database" -> "Feed"; | |
25 | + "SUCCESS: card successfully hidden" -> "Feed"; | |
26 | +} |