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Name Last Update history
File dir flashcards Loading commit data...
File dir flashy Loading commit data...
File dir nginxconf Loading commit data...
File dir schedule_scraper Loading commit data...
File dir scripts Loading commit data...
File dir templates Loading commit data...
File txt .gitignore Loading commit data...
File txt .gitmodules Loading commit data...
File txt Loading commit data...
File txt flashy.ini Loading commit data...
File txt Loading commit data...
File txt requirements.txt Loading commit data...

Flashy requires Python 2. Srsly

All of these commands should be run from this directory (the one containing

Virtualenv for Windows creates a dir inexplicably named scripts rather than bin. So substitute venv/bin for venv/scripts if you are on Windows.

Install virtualenv before continuing. This is most easily accomplished with:

pip install virtualenv

Set up the environment by running:


If you get errors about a module not being found, make sure you are working in the virtualenv. To enter the venv:

. venv/bin/activate

If you still get errors about a module not being found, make sure your virtualenv is up to date. Re-run:


Run tests:


Run development server (local):

python runserver

This requires that flashy-backend be in the directory as flashy-frontend.

Import sections from JSON:

python loaddata sections