Commit 08fac4c5ead63f002f53d9821aaf00d987caa64d
Exists in
and in
1 other branch
Merge branch 'master' of
Showing 15 changed files Side-by-side Diff
- cmg/
- cmg/analytics.js
- cmg/config.js
- cmg/demo.js
- cmg/images/icon-192x192.png
- cmg/images/indexwrapper.js
- cmg/images/sample-serviceworker.js
- cmg/images/sampleindex.html
- cmg/images/samplejs.js
- cmg/index.html
- cmg/main.js
- cmg/manifest.json
- cmg/service-worker.js
- manifest.json
- scripts/SettingsController.js
View file @
1 | -Push Messaging and Notification Sample | |
2 | -=== | |
3 | - | |
4 | -Learn more at and | |
5 | - | |
6 | -To use this sample please do the following: | |
7 | - | |
8 | -1. Create a project in the [Google Developer Console]( (detailed instructions are availabl at | |
9 | -1. Enable GCM support | |
10 | -1. Create a copy of [config.sample.js](config.sample.js) called config.js | |
11 | -1. Create a copy of [manifest.sample.json](manifest.sample.json) called manifest.json | |
12 | -1. Replace `<Your Public API Key ...>` in your new `config.js` file with your own API key from the Google Developer Console project | |
13 | -4. Replace `<Your Project Number ...>` in your new `manifest.json` with your own project number from the Google Developer Console project | |
14 | - | |
15 | -# Related Samples | |
16 | - Push messaging and notifications are built on [service workers]( |
View file @
1 | -/* | |
2 | -This is provided from the sample as well. Its suppose to be from a live link, but i copied and pasted the code over. | |
3 | -*/ | |
4 | - | |
5 | -(function(){var aa=encodeURIComponent,f=window,n=Math;function Pc(a,b){return a.href=b} | |
6 | -var Qc="replace",q="data",m="match",ja="port",u="createElement",id="setAttribute",da="getTime",A="split",B="location",ra="hasOwnProperty",ma="hostname",ga="search",E="protocol",Ab="href",kd="action",G="apply",p="push",h="hash",pa="test",ha="slice",r="cookie",t="indexOf",ia="defaultValue",v="name",y="length",Ga="sendBeacon",z="prototype",la="clientWidth",jd="target",C="call",na="clientHeight",F="substring",oa="navigator",H="join",I="toLowerCase";var $c=function(a){this.w=a||[]};$c[z].set=function(a){this.w[a]=!0};$c[z].encode=function(){for(var a=[],b=0;b<this.w[y];b++)this.w[b]&&(a[n.floor(b/6)]=a[n.floor(b/6)]^1<<b%6);for(b=0;b<a[y];b++)a[b]="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_".charAt(a[b]||0);return a[H]("")+"~"};var vd=new $c;function J(a){vd.set(a)}var Nd=function(a,b){var c=new $c(Dd(a));c.set(b);a.set(Gd,c.w)},Td=function(a){a=Dd(a);a=new $c(a);for(var b=vd.w[ha](),c=0;c<a.w[y];c++)b[c]=b[c]||a.w[c];return(new $c(b)).encode()},Dd=function(a){a=a.get(Gd);ka(a)||(a=[]);return a};var ea=function(a){return"function"==typeof a},ka=function(a){return"[object Array]"==Object[z].toString[C](Object(a))},qa=function(a){return void 0!=a&&-1<(a.constructor+"")[t]("String")},D=function(a,b){return 0==a[t](b)},sa=function(a){return a?a[Qc](/^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g,""):""},ta=function(a){var b=M[u]("img");b.width=1;b.height=1;b.src=a;return b},ua=function(){},K=function(a){if(aa instanceof Function)return aa(a);J(28);return a},L=function(a,b,c,d){try{a.addEventListener?a.addEventListener(b, | |
7 | -c,!!d):a.attachEvent&&a.attachEvent("on"+b,c)}catch(e){J(27)}},wa=function(a,b){if(a){var c=M[u]("script");c.type="text/javascript";c.async=!0;c.src=a;b&&(;var d=M.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];d.parentNode.insertBefore(c,d)}},Ud=function(){return"https:"==M[B][E]},xa=function(){var a=""+M[B][ma];return 0==a[t]("www.")?a[F](4):a},ya=function(a){var b=M.referrer;if(/^https?:\/\//i[pa](b)){if(a)return b;a="//"+M[B][ma];var c=b[t](a);if(5==c||6==c)if(a=b.charAt(c+a[y]),"/"==a||"?"==a||""== | |
8 | -a||":"==a)return;return b}},za=function(a,b){if(1==b[y]&&null!=b[0]&&"object"===typeof b[0])return b[0];for(var c={},d=n.min(a[y]+1,b[y]),e=0;e<d;e++)if("object"===typeof b[e]){for(var g in b[e])b[e][ra](g)&&(c[g]=b[e][g]);break}else e<a[y]&&(c[a[e]]=b[e]);return c};var ee=function(){this.keys=[];this.values={};this.m={}};ee[z].set=function(a,b,c){this.keys[p](a);c?this.m[":"+a]=b:this.values[":"+a]=b};ee[z].get=function(a){return this.m[ra](":"+a)?this.m[":"+a]:this.values[":"+a]};ee[z].map=function(a){for(var b=0;b<this.keys[y];b++){var c=this.keys[b],d=this.get(c);d&&a(c,d)}};var O=f,M=document,Mc=function(){for(var a=O[oa].userAgent+(M[r]?M[r]:"")+(M.referrer?M.referrer:""),b=a[y],c=O.history[y];0<c;)a+=c--^b++;return La(a)};var Aa=function(a){var b=O._gaUserPrefs;if(b&&b.ioo&&b.ioo()||a&&!0===O["ga-disable-"+a])return!0;try{var c=O.external;if(c&&c._gaUserPrefs&&"oo"==c._gaUserPrefs)return!0}catch(d){}return!1};var Ca=function(a){var b=[],c=M[r][A](";");a=new RegExp("^\\s*"+a+"=\\s*(.*?)\\s*$");for(var d=0;d<c[y];d++){var e=c[d][m](a);e&&b[p](e[1])}return b},zc=function(a,b,c,d,e,g){e=Aa(e)?!1:eb[pa](M[B][ma])||"/"==c&&vc[pa](d)?!1:!0;if(!e)return!1;b&&1200<b[y]&&(b=b[F](0,1200),J(24));c=a+"="+b+"; path="+c+"; ";g&&(c+="expires="+(new Date((new Date)[da]()+g)).toGMTString()+"; ");d&&"none"!=d&&(c+="domain="+d+";");d=M[r];M.cookie=c;if(!(d=d!=M[r]))a:{a=Ca(a);for(d=0;d<a[y];d++)if(b==a[d]){d=!0;break a}d= | |
9 | -!1}return d},Cc=function(a){return K(a)[Qc](/\(/g,"%28")[Qc](/\)/g,"%29")},vc=/^(www\.)?google(\.com?)?(\.[a-z]{2})?$/,eb=/(^|\.)doubleclick\.net$/i;var oc=function(){return(Ba||Ud()?"https:":"http:")+"//"},Da=function(a){"len";this.message=a+"-8192"},ba=function(a,b,c){c=c||ua;if(2036>=b[y])wc(a,b,c);else if(8192>=b[y])x(a,b,c)||wd(a,b,c)||wc(a,b,c);else throw ge("len",b[y]),new Da(b[y]);},wc=function(a,b,c){var d=ta(a+"?"+b);d.onload=d.onerror=function(){d.onload=null;d.onerror=null;c()}},wd=function(a,b,c){var d=O.XMLHttpRequest;if(!d)return!1;var e=new d;if(!("withCredentials"in e))return!1;"POST", | |
10 | -a,!0);e.withCredentials=!0;e.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","text/plain");e.onreadystatechange=function(){4==e.readyState&&(c(),e=null)};e.send(b);return!0},x=function(a,b,c){if(!O[oa][Ga])return!1;2036>=b[y]&&(a+="?"+b,b="");return O[oa][Ga](a,b)?(c(),!0):!1},ge=function(a,b,c){1<=100*n.random()||Aa("?")||(a=["t=error","_e="+a,"_v=j36","sr=1"],b&&a[p]("_f="+b),c&&a[p]("_m="+K(c[F](0,100))),a[p]("aip=1"),a[p]("z="+fe()),wc(oc()+"/collect",a[H]("&"),ua))};var Ha=function(){this.t=[]};Ha[z].add=function(a){this.t[p](a)};Ha[z].D=function(a){try{for(var b=0;b<this.t[y];b++){var c=a.get(this.t[b]);c&&ea(c)&&c[C](O,a)}}catch(d){}b=a.get(Ia);b!=ua&&ea(b)&&(a.set(Ia,ua,!0),setTimeout(b,10))};function Ja(a){if(100!=a.get(Ka)&&La(P(a,Q))%1E4>=100*R(a,Ka))throw"abort";}function Ma(a){if(Aa(P(a,Na)))throw"abort";}function Oa(){var a=M[B][E];if("http:"!=a&&"https:"!=a)throw"abort";} | |
11 | -function Pa(a){try{O[oa][Ga]?J(42):O.XMLHttpRequest&&"withCredentials"in new O.XMLHttpRequest&&J(40)}catch(b){}a.set(ld,Td(a),!0);a.set(Ac,R(a,Ac)+1);var c=[];,e){if(e.p){var g=a.get(b);void 0!=g&&g!=e[ia]&&("boolean"==typeof g&&(g*=1),c[p](e.p+"="+K(""+g)))}});c[p]("z="+Bd());a.set(Ra,c[H]("&"),!0)} | |
12 | -function Sa(a){var b=P(a,gd)||oc()+"/collect",c=P(a,fa);!c&&a.get(Vd)&&(c="beacon");if(c){var d=P(a,Ra),e=a.get(Ia),e=e||ua;"image"==c?wc(b,d,e):"xhr"==c&&wd(b,d,e)||"beacon"==c&&x(b,d,e)||ba(b,d,e)}else ba(b,P(a,Ra),a.get(Ia));a.set(Ia,ua,!0)}function Hc(a){var b=O.gaData;b&&(b.expId&&a.set(Nc,b.expId),b.expVar&&a.set(Oc,b.expVar))}function cd(){if(O[oa]&&"preview"==O[oa].loadPurpose)throw"abort";}function yd(a){var b=O.gaDevIds;ka(b)&&0!=b[y]&&a.set("&did",b[H](","),!0)} | |
13 | -function vb(a){if(!a.get(Na))throw"abort";};var hd=function(){return n.round(2147483647*n.random())},Bd=function(){try{var a=new Uint32Array(1);O.crypto.getRandomValues(a);return a[0]&2147483647}catch(b){return hd()}},fe=hd;function Ta(a){var b=R(a,Ua);500<=b&&J(15);var c=P(a,Va);if("transaction"!=c&&"item"!=c){var c=R(a,Wa),d=(new Date)[da](),e=R(a,Xa);0==e&&a.set(Xa,d);e=n.round(2*(d-e)/1E3);0<e&&(c=n.min(c+e,20),a.set(Xa,d));if(0>=c)throw"abort";a.set(Wa,--c)}a.set(Ua,++b)};var Ya=function(){ ee},Qa=new ee,Za=[];Ya[z].get=function(a){var b=$a(a),c=this[q].get(a);b&&void 0==c&&(c=ea(b[ia])?b[ia]():b[ia]);return b&&b.n?b.n(this,a,c):c};var P=function(a,b){var c=a.get(b);return void 0==c?"":""+c},R=function(a,b){var c=a.get(b);return void 0==c||""===c?0:1*c};Ya[z].set=function(a,b,c){if(a)if("object"==typeof a)for(var d in a)a[ra](d)&&ab(this,d,a[d],c);else ab(this,a,b,c)}; | |
14 | -var ab=function(a,b,c,d){if(void 0!=c)switch(b){case Na:wb[pa](c)}var e=$a(b);e&&e.o?e.o(a,b,c,d):a[q].set(b,c,d)},bb=function(a,b,c,d,e){;this.p=b;this.n=d;this.o=e;this.defaultValue=c},$a=function(a){var b=Qa.get(a);if(!b)for(var c=0;c<Za[y];c++){var d=Za[c],e=d[0].exec(a);if(e){b=d[1](e);Qa.set(b[v],b);break}}return b},yc=function(a){var b;,d){d.p==a&&(b=d)});return b&&b[v]},S=function(a,b,c,d,e){a=new bb(a,b,c,d,e);Qa.set(a[v],a);return a[v]},cb=function(a,b){Za[p]([new RegExp("^"+ | |
15 | -a+"$"),b])},T=function(a,b,c){return S(a,b,c,void 0,db)},db=function(){};var gb=qa(f.GoogleAnalyticsObject)&&sa(f.GoogleAnalyticsObject)||"ga",Ba=!1,he=S("_br"),hb=T("apiVersion","v"),ib=T("clientVersion","_v");S("anonymizeIp","aip");var jb=S("adSenseId","a"),Va=S("hitType","t"),Ia=S("hitCallback"),Ra=S("hitPayload");S("nonInteraction","ni");S("currencyCode","cu");S("dataSource","ds");var Vd=S("useBeacon",void 0,!1),fa=S("transport");S("sessionControl","sc","");S("sessionGroup","sg");S("queueTime","qt");var Ac=S("_s","_s");S("screenName","cd"); | |
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18 | -S("appVersion","av","");S("appId","aid","");S("appInstallerId","aiid","");S("exDescription","exd");S("exFatal","exf");var Nc=S("expId","xid"),Oc=S("expVar","xvar"),Rc=S("_utma","_utma"),Sc=S("_utmz","_utmz"),Tc=S("_utmht","_utmht"),Ua=S("_hc",void 0,0),Xa=S("_ti",void 0,0),Wa=S("_to",void 0,20);cb("dimension([0-9]+)",function(a){return new bb(a[0],"cd"+a[1])});cb("metric([0-9]+)",function(a){return new bb(a[0],"cm"+a[1])});S("linkerParam",void 0,void 0,Bc,db);var ld=S("usage","_u"),Gd=S("_um"); | |
19 | -S("forceSSL",void 0,void 0,function(){return Ba},function(a,b,c){J(34);Ba=!!c});var ed=S("_j1","jid");cb("\\&(.*)",function(a){var b=new bb(a[0],a[1]),c=yc(a[0][F](1));c&&(b.n=function(a){return a.get(c)},b.o=function(a,b,g,ca){a.set(c,g,ca)},b.p=void 0);return b}); | |
20 | -var Qb=T("_oot"),dd=S("previewTask"),Rb=S("checkProtocolTask"),md=S("validationTask"),Sb=S("checkStorageTask"),Uc=S("historyImportTask"),Tb=S("samplerTask"),Vb=S("_rlt"),Wb=S("buildHitTask"),Xb=S("sendHitTask"),Vc=S("ceTask"),zd=S("devIdTask"),Cd=S("timingTask"),Ld=S("displayFeaturesTask"),V=T("name"),Q=T("clientId","cid"),Ad=S("userId","uid"),Na=T("trackingId","tid"),U=T("cookieName",void 0,"_ga"),W=T("cookieDomain"),Yb=T("cookiePath",void 0,"/"),Zb=T("cookieExpires",void 0,63072E3),$b=T("legacyCookieDomain"), | |
21 | -Wc=T("legacyHistoryImport",void 0,!0),ac=T("storage",void 0,"cookie"),bc=T("allowLinker",void 0,!1),cc=T("allowAnchor",void 0,!0),Ka=T("sampleRate","sf",100),dc=T("siteSpeedSampleRate",void 0,1),ec=T("alwaysSendReferrer",void 0,!1),gd=S("transportUrl"),Md=S("_r","_r");function X(a,b,c,d){b[a]=function(){try{return d&&J(d),c[G](this,arguments)}catch(b){throw ge("exc",a,b&&b[v]),b;}}};var Od=function(a,b,c){this.V=1E4;this.fa=a;this.$=!1;this.B=b;this.ea=c||1},Ed=function(a,b){var c;if(a.fa&&a.$)return 0;a.$=!0;if(b){if(a.B&&R(b,a.B))return R(b,a.B);if(0==b.get(dc))return 0}if(0==a.V)return 0;void 0===c&&(c=Bd());return 0==c%a.V?n.floor(c/a.V)%a.ea+1:0};var ie=new Od(!0,he,7),je=function(a){if(!Ud()&&!Ba){var b=Ed(ie,a);if(b&&!(!O[oa][Ga]&&4<=b&&6>=b)){var c=(new Date).getHours(),d=[Bd(),Bd(),Bd()][H](".");a=(3==b||5==b?"https:":"http:")+"//";a+=[b,"A",c,d][H](".");var e=1!=b%3?"https:":"http:",e=e+"//",e=e+[b,"B",c,d][H](".");7==b&&(e=e[Qc]("//www.","//ssl."));c=function(){4<=b&&6>=b?O[oa][Ga](e,""):ta(e)};Bd()%2?(ta(a),c()):(c(),ta(a))}}};function fc(){var a,b,c;if((c=(c=O[oa])?c.plugins:null)&&c[y])for(var d=0;d<c[y]&&!b;d++){var e=c[d];-1<e[v][t]("Shockwave Flash")&&(b=e.description)}if(!b)try{a=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7"),b=a.GetVariable("$version")}catch(g){}if(!b)try{a=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6"),b="WIN 6,0,21,0",a.AllowScriptAccess="always",b=a.GetVariable("$version")}catch(ca){}if(!b)try{a=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"),b=a.GetVariable("$version")}catch(l){}b&& | |
22 | -(a=b[m](/[\d]+/g))&&3<=a[y]&&(b=a[0]+"."+a[1]+" r"+a[2]);return b||void 0};var gc=function(a,b){var c=n.min(R(a,dc),100);if(!(La(P(a,Q))%100>=c)&&(c={},Ec(c)||Fc(c))){var d=c[Eb];void 0==d||Infinity==d||isNaN(d)||(0<d?(Y(c,Gb),Y(c,Jb),Y(c,Ib),Y(c,Fb),Y(c,Hb),Y(c,Kb),Y(c,Lb),b(c)):L(O,"load",function(){gc(a,b)},!1))}},Ec=function(a){var b=O.performance||O.webkitPerformance,b=b&&b.timing;if(!b)return!1;var c=b.navigationStart;if(0==c)return!1;a[Eb]=b.loadEventStart-c;a[Gb]=b.domainLookupEnd-b.domainLookupStart;a[Jb]=b.connectEnd-b.connectStart;a[Ib]=b.responseStart-b.requestStart; | |
23 | -a[Fb]=b.responseEnd-b.responseStart;a[Hb]=b.fetchStart-c;a[Kb]=b.domInteractive-c;a[Lb]=b.domContentLoadedEventStart-c;return!0},Fc=function(a){if(!=O)return!1;var b=O.external,c=b&&b.onloadT;b&&!b.isValidLoadTime&&(c=void 0);2147483648<c&&(c=void 0);0<c&&b.setPageReadyTime();if(void 0==c)return!1;a[Eb]=c;return!0},Y=function(a,b){var c=a[b];if(isNaN(c)||Infinity==c||0>c)a[b]=void 0},Fd=function(a){return function(b){"pageview"!=b.get(Va)||a.I||(a.I=!0,gc(b,function(b){a.send("timing",b)}))}};var hc=!1,mc=function(a){if("cookie"==P(a,ac)){var b=P(a,U),c=nd(a),d=kc(P(a,Yb)),e=lc(P(a,W)),g=1E3*R(a,Zb),ca=P(a,Na);if("auto"!=e)zc(b,c,d,e,ca,g)&&(hc=!0);else{J(32);var l;a:{c=[];e=xa()[A](".");if(4==e[y]&&(l=e[e[y]-1],parseInt(l,10)==l)){l=["none"];break a}for(l=e[y]-2;0<=l;l--)c[p](e[ha](l)[H]("."));c[p]("none");l=c}for(var k=0;k<l[y];k++)if(e=l[k],a[q].set(W,e),c=nd(a),zc(b,c,d,e,ca,g)){hc=!0;return}a[q].set(W,"auto")}}},nc=function(a){if("cookie"==P(a,ac)&&!hc&&(mc(a),!hc))throw"abort";}, | |
24 | -Yc=function(a){if(a.get(Wc)){var b=P(a,W),c=P(a,$b)||xa(),d=Xc("__utma",c,b);d&&(J(19),a.set(Tc,(new Date)[da](),!0),a.set(Rc,d.R),(b=Xc("__utmz",c,b))&&d[h]==b[h]&&a.set(Sc,b.R))}},nd=function(a){var b=Cc(P(a,Q)),c=ic(P(a,W));a=jc(P(a,Yb));1<a&&(c+="-"+a);return["GA1",c,b][H](".")},Gc=function(a,b,c){for(var d=[],e=[],g,ca=0;ca<a[y];ca++){var l=a[ca];if(l.r[c]==b)d[p](l);else void 0==g||l.r[c]<g?(e=[l],g=l.r[c]):l.r[c]==g&&e[p](l)}return 0<d[y]?d:e},lc=function(a){return 0==a[t](".")?a.substr(1): | |
25 | -a},ic=function(a){return lc(a)[A](".")[y]},kc=function(a){if(!a)return"/";1<a[y]&&a.lastIndexOf("/")==a[y]-1&&(a=a.substr(0,a[y]-1));0!=a[t]("/")&&(a="/"+a);return a},jc=function(a){a=kc(a);return"/"==a?1:a[A]("/")[y]};function Xc(a,b,c){"none"==b&&(b="");var d=[],e=Ca(a);a="__utma"==a?6:2;for(var g=0;g<e[y];g++){var ca=(""+e[g])[A](".");ca[y]>=a&&d[p]({hash:ca[0],R:e[g],O:ca})}return 0==d[y]?void 0:1==d[y]?d[0]:Zc(b,d)||Zc(c,d)||Zc(null,d)||d[0]}function Zc(a,b){var c,d;null==a?c=d=1:(c=La(a),d=La(D(a,".")?a[F](1):"."+a));for(var e=0;e<b[y];e++)if(b[e][h]==c||b[e][h]==d)return b[e]};var od=new RegExp(/^https?:\/\/([^\/:]+)/),pd=/(.*)([?&#])(?:_ga=[^&#]*)(?:&?)(.*)/;function Bc(a){a=a.get(Q);var b=Ic(a,0);return"_ga=1."+K(b+"."+a)}function Ic(a,b){for(var c=new Date,d=O[oa],e=d.plugins||[],c=[a,d.userAgent,c.getTimezoneOffset(),c.getYear(),c.getDate(),c.getHours(),c.getMinutes()+b],d=0;d<e[y];++d)c[p](e[d].description);return La(c[H]("."))}var Dc=function(a){J(48);;this.T=!1}; | |
26 | -Dc[z].Q=function(a,b){if(a.tagName){if("a"==a.tagName[I]()){a[Ab]&&Pc(a,qd(this,a[Ab],b));return}if("form"==a.tagName[I]())return rd(this,a)}if("string"==typeof a)return qd(this,a,b)}; | |
27 | -var qd=function(a,b,c){var d=pd.exec(b);d&&3<=d[y]&&(b=d[1]+(d[3]?d[2]+d[3]:""));a=a[jd].get("linkerParam");var e=b[t]("?"),d=b[t]("#");c?b+=(-1==d?"#":"&")+a:(c=-1==e?"?":"&",b=-1==d?b+(c+a):b[F](0,d)+c+a+b[F](d));return b},rd=function(a,b){if(b&&b[kd]){var c=a[jd].get("linkerParam")[A]("=")[1];if("get"==b.method[I]()){for(var d=b.childNodes||[],e=0;e<d[y];e++)if("_ga"==d[e][v]){d[e][id]("value",c);return}d=M[u]("input");d[id]("type","hidden");d[id]("name","_ga");d[id]("value",c);b.appendChild(d)}else"post"== | |
28 | -b.method[I]()&&(b.action=qd(a,b[kd]))}}; | |
29 | -Dc[z].S=function(a,b,c){function d(c){try{c=c||O.event;var d;a:{var g=c[jd]||c.srcElement;for(c=100;g&&0<c;){if(g[Ab]&&g.nodeName[m](/^a(?:rea)?$/i)){d=g;break a}g=g.parentNode;c--}d={}}("http:"==d[E]||"https:"==d[E])&&sd(a,d[ma]||"")&&d[Ab]&&Pc(d,qd(e,d[Ab],b))}catch(w){J(26)}}var e=this;this.T||(this.T=!0,L(M,"mousedown",d,!1),L(M,"touchstart",d,!1),L(M,"keyup",d,!1));if(c){c=function(b){b=b||O.event;if((b=b[jd]||b.srcElement)&&b[kd]){var c=b[kd][m](od);c&&sd(a,c[1])&&rd(e,b)}};for(var g=0;g<M.forms[y];g++)L(M.forms[g], | |
30 | -"submit",c)}};function sd(a,b){if(b==M[B][ma])return!1;for(var c=0;c<a[y];c++)if(a[c]instanceof RegExp){if(a[c][pa](b))return!0}else if(0<=b[t](a[c]))return!0;return!1};var Jd=function(a,b,c){this.U=ed;this.aa=b;(b=c)||(b=(b=P(a,V))&&"t0"!=b?Wd[pa](b)?"_gat_"+Cc(P(a,Na)):"_gat_"+Cc(b):"_gat");this.Y=b},Rd=function(a,b){var c=b.get(Wb);b.set(Wb,function(b){Pd(a,b);var d=c(b);Qd(a,b);return d});var d=b.get(Xb);b.set(Xb,function(b){var c=d(b);Id(a,b);return c})},Pd=function(a,b){b.get(a.U)||("1"==Ca(a.Y)[0]?b.set(a.U,"",!0):b.set(a.U,""+fe(),!0))},Qd=function(a,b){b.get(a.U)&&zc(a.Y,"1",b.get(Yb),b.get(W),b.get(Na),6E5)},Id=function(a,b){if(b.get(a.U)){var c=new ee, | |
31 | -d=function(a){$a(a).p&&c.set($a(a).p,b.get(a))};d(hb);d(ib);d(Na);d(Q);d(a.U);c.set($a(ld).p,Td(b));var e=a.aa;,b){e+=K(a)+"=";e+=K(""+b)+"&"});e+="z="+fe();ta(e);b.set(a.U,"",!0)}},Wd=/^gtm\d+$/;var fd=function(a,b){var c=a.b;if(!c.get("dcLoaded")){Nd(c,29);b=b||{};var d;b[U]&&(d=Cc(b[U]));d=new Jd(c,"",d);Rd(d,c);c.set("dcLoaded",!0)}};var Sd=function(a){var b;b=a.get("dcLoaded")?!1:"cookie"!=a.get(ac)?!1:!0;b&&(Nd(a,51),b=new Jd(a),Pd(b,a),Qd(b,a),a.get(b.U)&&(a.set(Md,1,!0),a.set(gd,oc()+"/r/collect",!0)))};var Lc=function(){var a=O.gaGlobal=O.gaGlobal||{};return a.hid=a.hid||fe()};var ad,bd=function(a,b,c){if(!ad){var d;d=M[B][h];var e=O[v],g=/^#?gaso=([^&]*)/;if(e=(d=(d=d&&d[m](g)||e&&e[m](g))?d[1]:Ca("GASO")[0]||"")&&d[m](/^(?:!([-0-9a-z.]{1,40})!)?([-.\w]{10,1200})$/i))zc("GASO",""+d,c,b,a,0),f._udo||(f._udo=b),f._utcp||(f._utcp=c),a=e[1],wa(""+(a?"prefix="+a+"&":"")+fe(),"_gasojs");ad=!0}};var wb=/^(UA|YT|MO|GP)-(\d+)-(\d+)$/,pc=function(a){function b(a,b){d.b[q].set(a,b)}function c(a,c){b(a,c);d.filters.add(a)}var d=this;this.b=new Ya;this.filters=new Ha;b(V,a[V]);b(Na,sa(a[Na]));b(U,a[U]);b(W,a[W]||xa());b(Yb,a[Yb]);b(Zb,a[Zb]);b($b,a[$b]);b(Wc,a[Wc]);b(bc,a[bc]);b(cc,a[cc]);b(Ka,a[Ka]);b(dc,a[dc]);b(ec,a[ec]);b(ac,a[ac]);b(Ad,a[Ad]);b(hb,1);b(ib,"j36");c(Qb,Ma);c(dd,cd);c(Rb,Oa);c(md,vb);c(Sb,nc);c(Uc,Yc);c(Tb,Ja);c(Vb,Ta);c(Vc,Hc);c(zd,yd);c(Ld,Sd);c(Wb,Pa);c(Xb,Sa);c(Cd,Fd(this)); | |
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33 | -jc(P(a,Yb));c=Gc(c,d,1);c=c[0]&&c[0].s;break b}}c=void 0}c||(c=P(a,W),d=P(a,$b)||xa(),c=Xc("__utma",d,c),void 0!=c?(J(10),c=c.O[1]+"."+c.O[2]):c=void 0);c&&(a[q].set(Q,c),hc=!0)}c=a.get(cc);if(e=(c=M[B][c?"href":"search"][m]("(?:&|#|\\?)"+K("_ga")[Qc](/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g,"\\$1")+"=([^&#]*)"))&&2==c[y]?c[1]:"")a.get(bc)?(c=e[t]("."),-1==c?J(22):(d=e[F](c+1),"1"!=e[F](0,c)?J(22):(c=d[t]("."),-1==c?J(22):(e=d[F](0,c),c=d[F](c+1),e!=Ic(c,0)&&e!=Ic(c,-1)&&e!=Ic(c,-2)?J(23):(J(11),a[q].set(Q, | |
34 | -c)))))):J(21);b&&(J(9),a[q].set(Q,K(b)));a.get(Q)||((c=(c=O.gaGlobal&&O.gaGlobal.vid)&&-1!=c[ga](/^(?:utma\.)?\d+\.\d+$/)?c:void 0)?(J(17),a[q].set(Q,c)):(J(8),a[q].set(Q,[fe()^Mc()&2147483647,n.round((new Date)[da]()/1E3)][H]("."))));mc(a)},Kc=function(a){var b=O[oa],c=O.screen,d=M[B];a.set(lb,ya(a.get(ec)));if(d){var e=d.pathname||"";"/"!=e.charAt(0)&&(J(31),e="/"+e);a.set(kb,d[E]+"//"+d[ma]+e+d[ga])}c&&a.set(qb,c.width+"x"+c.height);c&&a.set(pb,c.colorDepth+"-bit");var c=M.documentElement,g=(e= | |
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39 | -var ae=function(a){function b(a){var b=(a[ma]||"")[A](":")[0][I](),c=(a[E]||"")[I](),c=1*a[ja]||("http:"==c?80:"https:"==c?443:"");a=a.pathname||"";D(a,"/")||(a="/"+a);return[b,""+c,a]}var c=M[u]("a");Pc(c,M[B][Ab]);var d=(c[E]||"")[I](),e=b(c),g=c[ga]||"",ca=d+"//"+e[0]+(e[1]?":"+e[1]:"");D(a,"//")?a=d+a:D(a,"/")?a=ca+a:!a||D(a,"?")?a=ca+e[2]+(a||g):0>a[A]("/")[0][t](":")&&(a=ca+e[2][F](0,e[2].lastIndexOf("/"))+"/"+a);Pc(c,a);d=b(c);return{protocol:(c[E]||"")[I](),host:d[0],port:d[1],path:d[2],G:c[ga]|| | |
40 | -"",url:a||""}};var Z={ga:function(){Z.f=[]}};;Z.D=function(a){var b=Z.J[G](Z,arguments),b=Z.f.concat(b);for(Z.f=[];0<b[y]&&!Z.v(b[0])&&!(b.shift(),0<Z.f[y]););Z.f=Z.f.concat(b)}; | |
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42 | -0<=e.path[t]("://"))Xd=!1;else if([ja]==be[ja])Xd=!0;else{var ce="http:"==e[E]?80:443;Xd=""[ja]||ce)==ce&&D(e.path,"/plugins/")?!0:!1}}Xd&&(wa(l.url),$d.set(g,!0))}}}b[p](d)}}catch(de){}return b}; | |
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45 | -Ba||!Ed(new Od)||(J(36),Ba=!0);(O.gaplugins=O.gaplugins||{}).Linker=Dc;b=Dc[z];Yd.set("linker",Dc);X("decorate",b,b.Q,20);X("autoLink",b,b.S,25);Yd.set("displayfeatures",fd);Yd.set("adfeatures",fd);a=a&&a.q;ka(a)?Z.D[G](N,a):J(50)}};N.k=function(){for(var a=N.getAll(),b=0;b<a[y];b++)a[b].get(V)}; | |
46 | -(function(){var a=N.N;if(!rc(a)){J(16);var b=!1,c=function(){if(!b&&rc(a)){b=!0;var d=c,e=M;e.removeEventListener?e.removeEventListener("visibilitychange",d,!1):e.detachEvent&&e.detachEvent("onvisibilitychange",d)}};L(M,"visibilitychange",c)}})();function La(a){var b=1,c=0,d;if(a)for(b=0,d=a[y]-1;0<=d;d--)c=a.charCodeAt(d),b=(b<<6&268435455)+c+(c<<14),c=b&266338304,b=0!=c?b^c>>21:b;return b};})(window); |
View file @
View file @
1 | -/* | |
2 | -This demo provides functionality that output debug messages. | |
3 | -*/ | |
4 | - | |
5 | -'use strict'; | |
6 | - | |
7 | -function Debug() { | |
8 | - | |
9 | -} | |
10 | - | |
11 | -Debug.prototype.log = function() { | |
12 | - var paragraphElement = document.createElement('p'); | |
13 | - paragraphElement.textContent =, ''); | |
14 | - document.querySelector('.js-log').appendChild(paragraphElement); | |
15 | -} | |
16 | - | |
17 | -window.addEventListener('load', function() { | |
18 | - var logDiv = document.createElement('div'); | |
19 | - logDiv.classList.add('js-log'); | |
20 | - | |
21 | - var heading = document.createElement('h2'); | |
22 | - heading.textContent = 'Log'; | |
23 | - logDiv.appendChild(heading); | |
24 | - | |
25 | - document.body.appendChild(logDiv); | |
26 | - | |
27 | - window.Demo = window.Demo || {}; | |
28 | - window.Demo.debug = window.Demo.debug || new Debug(); | |
29 | -}); |
View file @
1.63 KB
View file @
1 | -'use strict'; | |
2 | - | |
3 | -function promisifyRequest(obj) { | |
4 | - return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { | |
5 | - function onsuccess(event) { | |
6 | - resolve(obj.result); | |
7 | - unlisten(); | |
8 | - } | |
9 | - function onerror(event) { | |
10 | - reject(obj.error); | |
11 | - unlisten(); | |
12 | - } | |
13 | - function unlisten() { | |
14 | - obj.removeEventListener('complete', onsuccess); | |
15 | - obj.removeEventListener('success', onsuccess); | |
16 | - obj.removeEventListener('error', onerror); | |
17 | - obj.removeEventListener('abort', onerror); | |
18 | - } | |
19 | - obj.addEventListener('complete', onsuccess); | |
20 | - obj.addEventListener('success', onsuccess); | |
21 | - obj.addEventListener('error', onerror); | |
22 | - obj.addEventListener('abort', onerror); | |
23 | - }); | |
24 | -} | |
25 | - | |
26 | -function IndexDBWrapper(name, version, upgradeCallback) { | |
27 | - var request =, version); | |
28 | - this.ready = promisifyRequest(request); | |
29 | - request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) { | |
30 | - upgradeCallback(request.result, event.oldVersion); | |
31 | - }; | |
32 | -} | |
33 | - | |
34 | -IndexDBWrapper.supported = 'indexedDB' in self; | |
35 | - | |
36 | -var IndexDBWrapperProto = IndexDBWrapper.prototype; | |
37 | - | |
38 | -IndexDBWrapperProto.transaction = function(stores, modeOrCallback, callback) { | |
39 | - return this.ready.then(function(db) { | |
40 | - var mode = 'readonly'; | |
41 | - | |
42 | - if (modeOrCallback.apply) { | |
43 | - callback = modeOrCallback; | |
44 | - } | |
45 | - else if (modeOrCallback) { | |
46 | - mode = modeOrCallback; | |
47 | - } | |
48 | - | |
49 | - var tx = db.transaction(stores, mode); | |
50 | - var val = callback(tx, db); | |
51 | - var promise = promisifyRequest(tx); | |
52 | - var readPromise; | |
53 | - | |
54 | - if (!val) { | |
55 | - return promise; | |
56 | - } | |
57 | - | |
58 | - if (val[0] && 'result' in val[0]) { | |
59 | - readPromise = Promise.all(; | |
60 | - } | |
61 | - else { | |
62 | - readPromise = promisifyRequest(val); | |
63 | - } | |
64 | - | |
65 | - return promise.then(function() { | |
66 | - return readPromise; | |
67 | - }); | |
68 | - }); | |
69 | -}; | |
70 | - | |
71 | -IndexDBWrapperProto.get = function(store, key) { | |
72 | - return this.transaction(store, function(tx) { | |
73 | - return tx.objectStore(store).get(key); | |
74 | - }); | |
75 | -}; | |
76 | - | |
77 | -IndexDBWrapperProto.put = function(store, key, value) { | |
78 | - return this.transaction(store, 'readwrite', function(tx) { | |
79 | - tx.objectStore(store).put(value, key); | |
80 | - }); | |
81 | -}; | |
82 | - | |
83 | -IndexDBWrapperProto.delete = function(store, key) { | |
84 | - return this.transaction(store, 'readwrite', function(tx) { | |
85 | - tx.objectStore(store).delete(key); | |
86 | - }); | |
87 | -}; |
View file @
1 | -'use strict'; | |
2 | - | |
3 | -importScripts('/scripts/indexdbwrapper.js'); | |
4 | - | |
5 | -var YAHOO_WEATHER_API_ENDPOINT = '' + | |
6 | - 'v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20weather.forecast%20where%' + | |
7 | - '20woeid%20in%20(select%20woeid%20from%20geo.places(1)%20where' + | |
8 | - '%20text%3D%22london%2C%20uk%22)&format=json&env=store%3A%2F%2' + | |
9 | - ''; | |
10 | -var KEY_VALUE_STORE_NAME = 'key-value-store'; | |
11 | - | |
12 | -var idb; | |
13 | - | |
14 | -// avoid opening idb until first call | |
15 | -function getIdb() { | |
16 | - if (!idb) { | |
17 | - idb = new IndexDBWrapper('key-value-store', 1, function(db) { | |
18 | - db.createObjectStore(KEY_VALUE_STORE_NAME); | |
19 | - }); | |
20 | - } | |
21 | - return idb; | |
22 | -} | |
23 | - | |
24 | -function showNotification(title, body, icon, data) { | |
25 | - var notificationOptions = { | |
26 | - body: body, | |
27 | - icon: icon ? icon : 'images/touch/chrome-touch-icon-192x192.png', | |
28 | - tag: 'simple-push-demo-notification', | |
29 | - data: data | |
30 | - }; | |
31 | - if (self.registration.showNotification) { | |
32 | - self.registration.showNotification(title, notificationOptions); | |
33 | - return; | |
34 | - } else { | |
35 | - new Notification(title, notificationOptions); | |
36 | - } | |
37 | -} | |
38 | - | |
39 | -self.addEventListener('push', function(event) { | |
40 | - console.log('Received a push message', event); | |
41 | - | |
42 | - // Since this is no payload data with the first version | |
43 | - // of Push notifications, here we'll grab some data from | |
44 | - // an API and use it to populate a notification | |
45 | - event.waitUntil( | |
46 | - fetch(YAHOO_WEATHER_API_ENDPOINT).then(function(response) { | |
47 | - if (response.status !== 200) { | |
48 | - console.log('Looks like there was a problem. Status Code: ' + | |
49 | - response.status); | |
50 | - // Throw an error so the promise is rejected and catch() is executed | |
51 | - throw new Error(); | |
52 | - } | |
53 | - | |
54 | - // Examine the text in the response | |
55 | - return response.json().then(function(data) { | |
56 | - // console.log('Data = ', JSON.stringify(data)); | |
57 | - if (data.query.count === 0) { | |
58 | - // Throw an error so the promise is rejected and catch() is executed | |
59 | - throw new Error(); | |
60 | - } | |
61 | - | |
62 | - var title = 'What\'s the weather like in London?'; | |
63 | - var message =; | |
64 | - var icon = || | |
65 | - 'images/touch/chrome-touch-icon-192x192.png'; | |
66 | - var notificationTag = 'simple-push-demo-notification'; | |
67 | - | |
68 | - // Add this to the data of the notification | |
69 | - var urlToOpen =; | |
70 | - | |
71 | - if (!Notification.prototype.hasOwnProperty('data')) { | |
72 | - // Since Chrome doesn't support data at the moment | |
73 | - // Store the URL in IndexDB | |
74 | - getIdb().put(KEY_VALUE_STORE_NAME, notificationTag, urlToOpen); | |
75 | - } | |
76 | - | |
77 | - var notificationFilter = { | |
78 | - tag: 'simple-push-demo-notification' | |
79 | - }; | |
80 | - | |
81 | - var notificationData = { | |
82 | - url: urlToOpen | |
83 | - }; | |
84 | - | |
85 | - if (self.registration.getNotifications) { | |
86 | - return self.registration.getNotifications(notificationFilter) | |
87 | - .then(function(notifications) { | |
88 | - if (notifications && notifications.length > 0) { | |
89 | - // Start with one to account for the new notification | |
90 | - // we are adding | |
91 | - var notificationCount = 1; | |
92 | - for (var i = 0; i < notifications.length; i++) { | |
93 | - var existingNotification = notifications[i]; | |
94 | - if ( && | |
95 | - { | |
96 | - notificationCount +=; | |
97 | - } else { | |
98 | - notificationCount++; | |
99 | - } | |
100 | - } | |
101 | - message = 'You have ' + notificationCount + | |
102 | - ' weather updates.'; | |
103 | - notificationData.notificationCount = notificationCount; | |
104 | - } | |
105 | - | |
106 | - return showNotification(title, message, icon, notificationData); | |
107 | - }); | |
108 | - } else { | |
109 | - return showNotification(title, message, icon, notificationData); | |
110 | - } | |
111 | - }); | |
112 | - }).catch(function(err) { | |
113 | - console.error('Unable to retrieve data', err); | |
114 | - | |
115 | - var title = 'An error occured'; | |
116 | - var message = 'We were unable to get the information for this ' + | |
117 | - 'push message'; | |
118 | - | |
119 | - return showNotification(title, message); | |
120 | - }) | |
121 | - ); | |
122 | -}); | |
123 | - | |
124 | -self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function(event) { | |
125 | - console.log('On notification click: ', event); | |
126 | - | |
127 | - if (Notification.prototype.hasOwnProperty('data')) { | |
128 | - console.log('Using Data'); | |
129 | - var url =; | |
130 | - event.waitUntil(clients.openWindow(url)); | |
131 | - } else { | |
132 | - event.waitUntil(getIdb().get(KEY_VALUE_STORE_NAME, event.notification.tag).then(function(url) { | |
133 | - // At the moment you cannot open third party URL's, a simple trick | |
134 | - // is to redirect to the desired URL from a URL on your domain | |
135 | - var redirectUrl = '/redirect.html?redirect=' + | |
136 | - url; | |
137 | - return clients.openWindow(redirectUrl); | |
138 | - })); | |
139 | - } | |
140 | -}); |
View file @
1 | -<!doctype html> | |
2 | -<html> | |
3 | -<head> | |
4 | - <meta charset=utf-8> | |
5 | - <meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content="IE=edge"> | |
6 | - <meta name=description content="A front-end template that helps you build fast, modern mobile web apps."> | |
7 | - <meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> | |
8 | - <title>Simple Push Demo</title> | |
9 | - <link rel=manifest href=manifest.json> | |
10 | - <meta name=mobile-web-app-capable content=yes> | |
11 | - <meta name=application-name content="Web Starter Kit"> | |
12 | - <link rel=icon sizes=192x192 href=images/touch/chrome-touch-icon-192x192.png> | |
13 | - <meta name=apple-mobile-web-app-capable content=yes> | |
14 | - <meta name=apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style content=black> | |
15 | - <meta name=apple-mobile-web-app-title content="Web Starter Kit"> | |
16 | - <link rel=apple-touch-icon href=images/touch/apple-touch-icon.png> | |
17 | - <meta name=msapplication-TileImage content=images/touch/ms-touch-icon-144x144-precomposed.png> | |
18 | - <meta name=msapplication-TileColor content=#3372DF> | |
19 | - <meta name=theme-color content=#3372DF> | |
20 | - <link rel=stylesheet href=styles/main.css> | |
21 | -</head> | |
22 | -<body> | |
23 | -<header><h1>Push Demo</h1></header> | |
24 | -<main> | |
25 | - <div class=js-push-switch-container><label class="wsk-switch wsk-js-switch wsk-js-ripple-effect" | |
26 | - for=enable-push><input type=checkbox id=enable-push | |
27 | - class="wsk-switch__input js-enable-push" disabled> | |
28 | - <span class=wsk-switch__label>Enable Push Notifications</span></label></div> | |
29 | - <div class=content-overlap-wrapper> | |
30 | - <div class="send-push-options js-send-push-options"> | |
31 | - <p class=center> | |
32 | - <button class="xhr-button js-xhr-button wsk-button wsk-js-button wsk-button--colored wsk-js-ripple-effect"> | |
33 | - Send a Push to GCM via XHR | |
34 | - </button> | |
35 | - </p> | |
36 | - <p class=center>OR</p> | |
37 | - | |
38 | - <p>Copy and paste the following CURL command into your terminal to send a push message to your browser.</p> | |
39 | - | |
40 | - <p class=center> | |
41 | - <button class="copy-curl-button js-copy-curl-button wsk-button wsk-js-button wsk-button--colored wsk-js-ripple-effect"> | |
42 | - Copy CURL Command to Clipboard | |
43 | - </button> | |
44 | - </p> | |
45 | - <code class="curl-code-example js-curl-code"></code></div> | |
46 | - <div class="error-message-container js-error-message-container"><h1 class="error-title js-error-title"></h1> | |
47 | - | |
48 | - <p class="error-message js-error-message"></p></div> | |
49 | - </div> | |
50 | - <p class=center>The Weather API is<br><a href="" target=_blank><img | |
51 | - src= width=134 height=29></a></p></main> | |
52 | -<script src=../../scripts/main.min.js></script> | |
53 | -</body> | |
54 | -</html> |
View file @
1 | -'use strict'; | |
2 | - | |
3 | -function promisifyRequest(obj) { | |
4 | - return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { | |
5 | - function onsuccess(event) { | |
6 | - resolve(obj.result); | |
7 | - unlisten(); | |
8 | - } | |
9 | - function onerror(event) { | |
10 | - reject(obj.error); | |
11 | - unlisten(); | |
12 | - } | |
13 | - function unlisten() { | |
14 | - obj.removeEventListener('complete', onsuccess); | |
15 | - obj.removeEventListener('success', onsuccess); | |
16 | - obj.removeEventListener('error', onerror); | |
17 | - obj.removeEventListener('abort', onerror); | |
18 | - } | |
19 | - obj.addEventListener('complete', onsuccess); | |
20 | - obj.addEventListener('success', onsuccess); | |
21 | - obj.addEventListener('error', onerror); | |
22 | - obj.addEventListener('abort', onerror); | |
23 | - }); | |
24 | -} | |
25 | - | |
26 | -function IndexDBWrapper(name, version, upgradeCallback) { | |
27 | - var request =, version); | |
28 | - this.ready = promisifyRequest(request); | |
29 | - request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) { | |
30 | - upgradeCallback(request.result, event.oldVersion); | |
31 | - }; | |
32 | -} | |
33 | - | |
34 | -IndexDBWrapper.supported = 'indexedDB' in self; | |
35 | - | |
36 | -var IndexDBWrapperProto = IndexDBWrapper.prototype; | |
37 | - | |
38 | -IndexDBWrapperProto.transaction = function(stores, modeOrCallback, callback) { | |
39 | - return this.ready.then(function(db) { | |
40 | - var mode = 'readonly'; | |
41 | - | |
42 | - if (modeOrCallback.apply) { | |
43 | - callback = modeOrCallback; | |
44 | - } | |
45 | - else if (modeOrCallback) { | |
46 | - mode = modeOrCallback; | |
47 | - } | |
48 | - | |
49 | - var tx = db.transaction(stores, mode); | |
50 | - var val = callback(tx, db); | |
51 | - var promise = promisifyRequest(tx); | |
52 | - var readPromise; | |
53 | - | |
54 | - if (!val) { | |
55 | - return promise; | |
56 | - } | |
57 | - | |
58 | - if (val[0] && 'result' in val[0]) { | |
59 | - readPromise = Promise.all(; | |
60 | - } | |
61 | - else { | |
62 | - readPromise = promisifyRequest(val); | |
63 | - } | |
64 | - | |
65 | - return promise.then(function() { | |
66 | - return readPromise; | |
67 | - }); | |
68 | - }); | |
69 | -}; | |
70 | - | |
71 | -IndexDBWrapperProto.get = function(store, key) { | |
72 | - return this.transaction(store, function(tx) { | |
73 | - return tx.objectStore(store).get(key); | |
74 | - }); | |
75 | -}; | |
76 | - | |
77 | -IndexDBWrapperProto.put = function(store, key, value) { | |
78 | - return this.transaction(store, 'readwrite', function(tx) { | |
79 | - tx.objectStore(store).put(value, key); | |
80 | - }); | |
81 | -}; | |
82 | - | |
83 | -IndexDBWrapperProto.delete = function(store, key) { | |
84 | - return this.transaction(store, 'readwrite', function(tx) { | |
85 | - tx.objectStore(store).delete(key); | |
86 | - }); | |
87 | -}; |
View file @
1 | -<!doctype html> | |
2 | -<!-- | |
3 | -This is the sample html provided. | |
4 | -It has a button that enable push notification. | |
5 | -If the user's browser supports serviceworker, is chrome 4.2 and above, | |
6 | -and has not accepted the notification before, it should be enabled. | |
7 | ---> | |
8 | -<html lang="en"> | |
9 | - <head> | |
10 | - <meta charset="utf-8"> | |
11 | - <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> | |
12 | - | |
13 | - <meta name="description" content="Sample illustrating the use of Push Messaing and Notifications."> | |
14 | - | |
15 | - <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> | |
16 | - | |
17 | - <title>Push Messaging & Notifications</title> | |
18 | - | |
19 | - <!-- Add to homescreen for Chrome on Android --> | |
20 | - <!-- | |
21 | - <meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> | |
22 | - <link rel="icon" sizes="192x192" href="../images/touch/chrome-touch-icon-192x192.png"> | |
23 | - | |
24 | - <!-- Add to homescreen for Safari on iOS --> | |
25 | - <!-- | |
26 | - <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="Push Messaging and Notifications Sample"> | |
27 | - | |
28 | - <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> | |
29 | - <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black"> | |
30 | - <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="../images/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png"> | |
31 | - | |
32 | - <!-- Tile icon for Win8 (144x144 + tile color) --> | |
33 | - <!-- | |
34 | - <meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="images/touch/ms-touch-icon-144x144-precomposed.png"> | |
35 | - <meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#3372DF"> | |
36 | - <!-- Include manifest file in the page --> | |
37 | - | |
38 | - <!-- This provides the icon when push notification appears, I think.--> | |
39 | - <link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json"> | |
40 | - | |
41 | - </head> | |
42 | - | |
43 | - <body> | |
44 | - <h1>Push Messaging & Notifications</h1> | |
45 | - | |
46 | - <p>Available in <a href="">Chrome 42+</a> & <a href="">Chrome 42+</a></p> | |
47 | - | |
48 | - <p>To use this sample please do the following:</p> | |
49 | - | |
50 | - <ol> | |
51 | - <li>Refer to <a href="" target="_blank">Google Developer Console</a>.</li> | |
52 | - <li>For API reference and our key and project numbers.</li> | |
53 | - </ol> | |
54 | - | |
55 | - | |
56 | - <p> | |
57 | - <button class="js-push-button" disabled> | |
58 | - Enable Push Messages | |
59 | - </button> | |
60 | - </p> | |
61 | - | |
62 | - <br /> | |
63 | - <br /> | |
64 | - | |
65 | - <h2>cURL Command to Send Push</h2> | |
66 | - <div class="js-curl-command"></div> | |
67 | - | |
68 | - <script src="config.js"></script> | |
69 | - <script src="demo.js"></script> | |
70 | - <script src="main.js"></script> | |
71 | - <script> | |
72 | - (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ | |
73 | - (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), | |
74 | - m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) | |
75 | - })(window,document,'script','analytics.js','ga'); | |
76 | - ga('create', 'UA-53563471-1', 'auto'); | |
77 | - ga('send', 'pageview'); | |
78 | - </script> | |
79 | - <!-- Built with love using Web Starter Kit --> | |
80 | - </body> | |
81 | -</html> |
View file @
1 | -/* | |
2 | -This page contains subscribing user's ip to our system. | |
3 | -sendSubscriptionToServer is not implemented yet. | |
4 | -All methods have comments from the sample. | |
5 | -*/ | |
6 | - | |
7 | -'use strict'; | |
8 | - | |
9 | -var API_KEY = window.GoogleSamples.Config.gcmAPIKey; | |
10 | -var GCM_ENDPOINT = ''; | |
11 | - | |
12 | -var curlCommandDiv = document.querySelector('.js-curl-command'); | |
13 | -var isPushEnabled = false; | |
14 | - | |
15 | -// This method handles the removal of subscriptionId | |
16 | -// in Chrome 44 by concatenating the subscription Id | |
17 | -// to the subscription endpoint | |
18 | -function endpointWorkaround(pushSubscription) { | |
19 | - // Make sure we only mess with GCM | |
20 | - if (pushSubscription.endpoint.indexOf('') !== 0) { | |
21 | - return pushSubscription.endpoint; | |
22 | - } | |
23 | - | |
24 | - var mergedEndpoint = pushSubscription.endpoint; | |
25 | - // Chrome 42 + 43 will not have the subscriptionId attached | |
26 | - // to the endpoint. | |
27 | - if (pushSubscription.subscriptionId && | |
28 | - pushSubscription.endpoint.indexOf(pushSubscription.subscriptionId) === -1) { | |
29 | - // Handle version 42 where you have separate subId and Endpoint | |
30 | - mergedEndpoint = pushSubscription.endpoint + '/' + | |
31 | - pushSubscription.subscriptionId; | |
32 | - } | |
33 | - return mergedEndpoint; | |
34 | -} | |
35 | - | |
36 | -function sendSubscriptionToServer(subscription) { | |
37 | - // TODO: Send the subscription.endpoint | |
38 | - // to your server and save it to send a | |
39 | - // push message at a later date | |
40 | - // | |
41 | - // For compatibly of Chrome 43, get the endpoint via | |
42 | - // endpointWorkaround(subscription) | |
43 | - console.log('TODO: Implement sendSubscriptionToServer()'); | |
44 | - | |
45 | - var mergedEndpoint = endpointWorkaround(subscription); | |
46 | - | |
47 | - // This is just for demo purposes / an easy to test by | |
48 | - // generating the appropriate cURL command | |
49 | - showCurlCommand(mergedEndpoint); | |
50 | -} | |
51 | - | |
52 | -// NOTE: This code is only suitable for GCM endpoints, | |
53 | -// When another browser has a working version, alter | |
54 | -// this to send a PUSH request directly to the endpoint | |
55 | -function showCurlCommand(mergedEndpoint) { | |
56 | - // The curl command to trigger a push message straight from GCM | |
57 | - if (mergedEndpoint.indexOf(GCM_ENDPOINT) !== 0) { | |
58 | - window.Demo.debug.log('This browser isn\'t currently ' + | |
59 | - 'supported for this demo'); | |
60 | - return; | |
61 | - } | |
62 | - | |
63 | - var endpointSections = mergedEndpoint.split('/'); | |
64 | - var subscriptionId = endpointSections[endpointSections.length - 1]; | |
65 | - | |
66 | - var curlCommand = 'curl --header "Authorization: key=' + API_KEY + | |
67 | - '" --header Content-Type:"application/json" ' + GCM_ENDPOINT + | |
68 | - ' -d "{\\"registration_ids\\":[\\"' + subscriptionId + '\\"]}"'; | |
69 | - | |
70 | - curlCommandDiv.textContent = curlCommand; | |
71 | -} | |
72 | - | |
73 | -function unsubscribe() { | |
74 | - var pushButton = document.querySelector('.js-push-button'); | |
75 | - pushButton.disabled = true; | |
76 | - curlCommandDiv.textContent = ''; | |
77 | - | |
78 | - navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function(serviceWorkerRegistration) { | |
79 | - // To unsubscribe from push messaging, you need get the | |
80 | - // subcription object, which you can call unsubscribe() on. | |
81 | - serviceWorkerRegistration.pushManager.getSubscription().then( | |
82 | - function(pushSubscription) { | |
83 | - // Check we have a subscription to unsubscribe | |
84 | - if (!pushSubscription) { | |
85 | - // No subscription object, so set the state | |
86 | - // to allow the user to subscribe to push | |
87 | - isPushEnabled = false; | |
88 | - pushButton.disabled = false; | |
89 | - pushButton.textContent = 'Enable Push Messages'; | |
90 | - return; | |
91 | - } | |
92 | - | |
93 | - // TODO: Make a request to your server to remove | |
94 | - // the users data from your data store so you | |
95 | - // don't attempt to send them push messages anymore | |
96 | - | |
97 | - // We have a subcription, so call unsubscribe on it | |
98 | - pushSubscription.unsubscribe().then(function(successful) { | |
99 | - pushButton.disabled = false; | |
100 | - pushButton.textContent = 'Enable Push Messages'; | |
101 | - isPushEnabled = false; | |
102 | - }).catch(function(e) { | |
103 | - // We failed to unsubscribe, this can lead to | |
104 | - // an unusual state, so may be best to remove | |
105 | - // the subscription id from your data store and | |
106 | - // inform the user that you disabled push | |
107 | - | |
108 | - window.Demo.debug.log('Unsubscription error: ', e); | |
109 | - pushButton.disabled = false; | |
110 | - }); | |
111 | - }).catch(function(e) { | |
112 | - window.Demo.debug.log('Error thrown while unsubscribing from ' + | |
113 | - 'push messaging.', e); | |
114 | - }); | |
115 | - }); | |
116 | -} | |
117 | - | |
118 | -function subscribe() { | |
119 | - // Disable the button so it can't be changed while | |
120 | - // we process the permission request | |
121 | - var pushButton = document.querySelector('.js-push-button'); | |
122 | - pushButton.disabled = true; | |
123 | - | |
124 | - navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function(serviceWorkerRegistration) { | |
125 | - serviceWorkerRegistration.pushManager.subscribe({userVisibleOnly: true}) | |
126 | - .then(function(subscription) { | |
127 | - // The subscription was successful | |
128 | - isPushEnabled = true; | |
129 | - pushButton.textContent = 'Disable Push Messages'; | |
130 | - pushButton.disabled = false; | |
131 | - | |
132 | - // TODO: Send the subscription subscription.endpoint | |
133 | - // to your server and save it to send a push message | |
134 | - // at a later date | |
135 | - return sendSubscriptionToServer(subscription); | |
136 | - }) | |
137 | - .catch(function(e) { | |
138 | - if (Notification.permission === 'denied') { | |
139 | - // The user denied the notification permission which | |
140 | - // means we failed to subscribe and the user will need | |
141 | - // to manually change the notification permission to | |
142 | - // subscribe to push messages | |
143 | - window.Demo.debug.log('Permission for Notifications was denied'); | |
144 | - pushButton.disabled = true; | |
145 | - } else { | |
146 | - // A problem occurred with the subscription, this can | |
147 | - // often be down to an issue or lack of the gcm_sender_id | |
148 | - // and / or gcm_user_visible_only | |
149 | - window.Demo.debug.log('Unable to subscribe to push.', e); | |
150 | - pushButton.disabled = false; | |
151 | - pushButton.textContent = 'Enable Push Messages'; | |
152 | - } | |
153 | - }); | |
154 | - }); | |
155 | -} | |
156 | - | |
157 | -// Once the service worker is registered set the initial state | |
158 | -function initialiseState() { | |
159 | - // Are Notifications supported in the service worker? | |
160 | - if (!('showNotification' in ServiceWorkerRegistration.prototype)) { | |
161 | - window.Demo.debug.log('Notifications aren\'t supported.'); | |
162 | - return; | |
163 | - } | |
164 | - | |
165 | - // Check the current Notification permission. | |
166 | - // If its denied, it's a permanent block until the | |
167 | - // user changes the permission | |
168 | - if (Notification.permission === 'denied') { | |
169 | - window.Demo.debug.log('The user has blocked notifications.'); | |
170 | - return; | |
171 | - } | |
172 | - | |
173 | - // Check if push messaging is supported | |
174 | - if (!('PushManager' in window)) { | |
175 | - window.Demo.debug.log('Push messaging isn\'t supported.'); | |
176 | - return; | |
177 | - } | |
178 | - | |
179 | - // We need the service worker registration to check for a subscription | |
180 | - navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function(serviceWorkerRegistration) { | |
181 | - // Do we already have a push message subscription? | |
182 | - serviceWorkerRegistration.pushManager.getSubscription() | |
183 | - .then(function(subscription) { | |
184 | - // Enable any UI which subscribes / unsubscribes from | |
185 | - // push messages. | |
186 | - var pushButton = document.querySelector('.js-push-button'); | |
187 | - pushButton.disabled = false; | |
188 | - | |
189 | - if (!subscription) { | |
190 | - // We arenโt subscribed to push, so set UI | |
191 | - // to allow the user to enable push | |
192 | - return; | |
193 | - } | |
194 | - | |
195 | - // Keep your server in sync with the latest subscription | |
196 | - sendSubscriptionToServer(subscription); | |
197 | - | |
198 | - // Set your UI to show they have subscribed for | |
199 | - // push messages | |
200 | - pushButton.textContent = 'Disable Push Messages'; | |
201 | - isPushEnabled = true; | |
202 | - }) | |
203 | - .catch(function(err) { | |
204 | - window.Demo.debug.log('Error during getSubscription()', err); | |
205 | - }); | |
206 | - }); | |
207 | -} | |
208 | - | |
209 | -window.addEventListener('load', function() { | |
210 | - var pushButton = document.querySelector('.js-push-button'); | |
211 | - pushButton.addEventListener('click', function() { | |
212 | - if (isPushEnabled) { | |
213 | - unsubscribe(); | |
214 | - } else { | |
215 | - subscribe(); | |
216 | - } | |
217 | - }); | |
218 | - | |
219 | - // Check that service workers are supported, if so, progressively | |
220 | - // enhance and add push messaging support, otherwise continue without it. | |
221 | - if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { | |
222 | - navigator.serviceWorker.register('./service-worker.js') | |
223 | - .then(initialiseState); | |
224 | - } else { | |
225 | - window.Demo.debug.log('Service workers aren\'t supported in this browser.'); | |
226 | - } | |
227 | -}); |
View file @
1 | -{ | |
2 | - "name": "Push Demo", | |
3 | - "short_name": "Push Demo", | |
4 | - "icons": [{ | |
5 | - "src": "images/icon-192x192.png", | |
6 | - "sizes": "192x192" | |
7 | - }], | |
8 | - "start_url": "./index.html?homescreen=1", | |
9 | - "display": "standalone", | |
10 | - "gcm_sender_id": "45066531702", | |
11 | - | |
12 | - "//": "gcm_user_visible_only is only needed until Chrome 44 is in stable ", | |
13 | - "gcm_user_visible_only": true | |
14 | -} |
View file @
1 | -/* | |
2 | -Still not sure what this does, but i think it handles the event | |
3 | -in the background. | |
4 | -*/ | |
5 | - | |
6 | -'use strict'; | |
7 | - | |
8 | -self.addEventListener('push', function(event) { | |
9 | - console.log('Received a push message', event); | |
10 | - | |
11 | - var title = 'Yay a message.'; | |
12 | - var body = 'We have received a push message.'; | |
13 | - var icon = '/images/icon-192x192.png'; | |
14 | - var tag = 'simple-push-demo-notification-tag'; | |
15 | - | |
16 | - event.waitUntil( | |
17 | - self.registration.showNotification(title, { | |
18 | - body: body, | |
19 | - icon: icon, | |
20 | - tag: tag | |
21 | - }) | |
22 | - ); | |
23 | -}); | |
24 | - | |
25 | - | |
26 | -self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function(event) { | |
27 | - console.log('On notification click: ', event.notification.tag); | |
28 | - // Android doesnโt close the notification when you click on it | |
29 | - // See: | |
30 | - event.notification.close(); | |
31 | - | |
32 | - // This looks to see if the current is already open and | |
33 | - // focuses if it is | |
34 | - event.waitUntil(clients.matchAll({ | |
35 | - type: "window" | |
36 | - }).then(function(clientList) { | |
37 | - for (var i = 0; i < clientList.length; i++) { | |
38 | - var client = clientList[i]; | |
39 | - if (client.url == '/' && 'focus' in client) | |
40 | - return client.focus(); | |
41 | - } | |
42 | - if (clients.openWindow) | |
43 | - return clients.openWindow('/'); | |
44 | - })); | |
45 | - | |
46 | -}); |
View file @
View file @
1 | 1 | angular.module('flashy.SettingsController', ['ui.router']). |
2 | 2 | |
3 | - controller('SettingsController', function($scope) { | |
3 | + controller('SettingsController', function($scope, $http) { | |
4 | + $scope.changePassword = function(oldPassword, newPassword, confirmedNewPassword) { | |
4 | 5 | |
6 | + }; | |
7 | + console.log("checking to see if chrome"); | |
8 | + if (!chrome) { return; } | |
9 | + console.log("chrome"); | |
10 | + $scope.registerCallback = function(registrationId) { | |
11 | + if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { | |
12 | + console.log("Registration failed") | |
13 | + } | |
5 | 14 | |
6 | - $scope.changePassword = function(oldPassword, newPassword, confirmedNewPassword) { | |
15 | + sendRegistrationId(registrationId, function(succeed) { | |
16 | + if (succeed) { | |
17 | +{registered: true}); | |
18 | + } | |
19 | + }); | |
20 | + }; | |
7 | 21 | |
22 | + function sendRegistrationId(registrationId, callback) { | |
23 | + console.log("registration id: "+registrationId); | |
24 | + $'/api/subscribe/', JSON.stringify({ | |
25 | + 'registration_id': registrationId | |
26 | + })); | |
27 | + callback(true); | |
28 | + } | |
8 | 29 | |
30 | + console.log(chrome.runtime.onStartup); | |
31 | + chrome.runtime.onStartup.addListener(function() { | |
32 | +"registered", function(result) { | |
33 | + // If already registered, bail out. | |
34 | + if (result["registered"]) | |
35 | + return; | |
9 | 36 | |
10 | - | |
11 | - }; | |
12 | - | |
13 | - }); | |
37 | + // Up to 100 senders are allowed. | |
38 | + var senderIds = ["45066531702"]; | |
39 | + chrome.gcm.register(senderIds, registerCallback); | |
40 | + }); | |
41 | + }); | |
42 | + }); |