Commit 0da65f785c675395c17c662413448f89f4147886

Authored by zinsser
1 parent 7373ebccf9

Add fast simulation files.

Showing 9 changed files with 480 additions and 22 deletions Inline Diff

#CSE 148 Baseline version 2.1 1 1 # CSE 148 Baseline version 2.2
##Release v2.1 04/10/2018 Zinsser Zhang 2 2
3 ## Release v2.2 04/12/2018 Zinsser Zhang
3 4
Please refer to the wiki page **Walkthrough** for instructions to play around the design really quick. 4 5 Please refer to the wiki page **Walkthrough** for instructions to play around the design really quick.
Detailed documentations can be found in the wiki of this repository. 5 6 Detailed documentations can be found in the wiki of this repository.
6 7
mips_cpu/ View file @ 0da65f7
File was created 1 /*
2 *
3 * Author: Zinsser Zhang
4 * Last Revision: 04/12/2018
5 *
6 * This is a fast sdram simulation model. It is fast in terms of simulation
7 * speed. This module should only be used to verify the functionality of your
8 * design. And it is not guaranteed that your design can pass the full
9 * simulation if it passes the fast simulation. You still need to run the full
10 * simulation to make sure everything works. Performance measurement should also
11 * be done with the full simulation.
12 *
13 * See wiki page "Speed up Simulation" for details.
14 */
15 `timescale 1ns / 1ps
16 `include "mips_cpu.svh"
18 module fast_sdram #(parameter DELAY = 20)(
19 // General signals
20 input clk, // Clock
21 input rst_n, // Asynchronous reset active low
23 // Memory interfaces
24 mem_read_ifc.response i_cache_read,
25 mem_write_ifc.response d_cache_write,
26 mem_read_ifc.response d_cache_read
27 );
29 logic [`DATA_WIDTH - 1 : 0] mem [1 << (`ADDR_WIDTH - 2)];
31 logic rst;
32 assign rst = ~rst_n;
34 logic odd_cycle;
36 enum {
42 } state, next_state;
44 integer delay_counter;
45 logic ir_pending, dr_pending, dw_pending;
47 assign i_cache_read.control_done = ~ir_pending;
48 assign d_cache_read.control_done = ~dr_pending;
49 assign d_cache_write.control_done = ~dw_pending;
51 logic [`ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0] pointer, pending_length;
52 logic [`ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0] ir_base, ir_length;
53 logic [`ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0] dr_base, dr_length;
54 logic [`ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0] dw_base, dw_length;
57 logic [`DATA_WIDTH - 1 : 0] iread_data, dread_data, dwrite_data;
58 logic iread_empty, iread_full, iread_we;
59 logic dread_empty, dread_full, dread_we;
60 logic dwrite_empty, dwrite_full, dwrite_re;
62 assign iread_data = mem[pointer[2 +: `ADDR_WIDTH - 2]];
63 assign dread_data = mem[pointer[2 +: `ADDR_WIDTH - 2]];
65 assign i_cache_read.user_available = ~iread_empty;
66 scfifo iread_fifo (
67 .aclr (rst),
68 .clock (clk),
69 .empty (iread_empty),
70 .full (iread_full),
71 .data (iread_data),
72 .q (i_cache_read.user_data),
73 .rdreq (i_cache_read.user_re),
74 .wrreq (iread_we)
75 );
76 defparam iread_fifo.add_ram_output_register = "OFF",
77 iread_fifo.intended_device_family = "Cyclone V",
78 iread_fifo.lpm_numwords = 32,
79 iread_fifo.lpm_showahead = "ON",
80 iread_fifo.lpm_type = "scfifo",
81 iread_fifo.lpm_width = `DATA_WIDTH,
82 iread_fifo.lpm_widthu = 5,
83 iread_fifo.overflow_checking = "OFF",
84 iread_fifo.underflow_checking = "OFF",
85 iread_fifo.use_eab = "ON";
87 assign d_cache_read.user_available = ~dread_empty;
88 scfifo dread_fifo (
89 .aclr (rst),
90 .clock (clk),
91 .empty (dread_empty),
92 .full (dread_full),
93 .data (dread_data),
94 .q (d_cache_read.user_data),
95 .rdreq (d_cache_read.user_re),
96 .wrreq (dread_we)
97 );
98 defparam dread_fifo.add_ram_output_register = "OFF",
99 dread_fifo.intended_device_family = "Cyclone V",
100 dread_fifo.lpm_numwords = 32,
101 dread_fifo.lpm_showahead = "ON",
102 dread_fifo.lpm_type = "scfifo",
103 dread_fifo.lpm_width = `DATA_WIDTH,
104 dread_fifo.lpm_widthu = 5,
105 dread_fifo.overflow_checking = "OFF",
106 dread_fifo.underflow_checking = "OFF",
107 dread_fifo.use_eab = "ON";
109 assign d_cache_write.user_full = dwrite_full;
110 scfifo dwrite_fifo (
111 .aclr (rst),
112 .clock (clk),
113 .empty (dwrite_empty),
114 .full (dwrite_full),
115 .data (d_cache_write.user_data),
116 .q (dwrite_data),
117 .rdreq (dwrite_re),
118 .wrreq (d_cache_write.user_we)
119 );
120 defparam dwrite_fifo.add_ram_output_register = "OFF",
121 dwrite_fifo.intended_device_family = "Cyclone V",
122 dwrite_fifo.lpm_numwords = 32,
123 dwrite_fifo.lpm_showahead = "ON",
124 dwrite_fifo.lpm_type = "scfifo",
125 dwrite_fifo.lpm_width = `DATA_WIDTH,
126 dwrite_fifo.lpm_widthu = 5,
127 dwrite_fifo.overflow_checking = "OFF",
128 dwrite_fifo.underflow_checking = "OFF",
129 dwrite_fifo.use_eab = "ON";
131 assign iread_we = (state == STATE_SERVE_IREAD ) && (pending_length != '0) && !iread_full && odd_cycle;
132 assign dread_we = (state == STATE_SERVE_DREAD ) && (pending_length != '0) && !dread_full && ~odd_cycle;
133 assign dwrite_re = (state == STATE_SERVE_DWRITE) && (pending_length != '0) && !dwrite_empty;
135 always_comb
136 begin
137 next_state <= state;
139 case (state)
141 begin
142 if (ir_pending | dr_pending | dw_pending)
143 next_state <= STATE_DELAY;
144 end
147 begin
148 if (delay_counter == 0)
149 begin
150 if (ir_pending) next_state <= STATE_SERVE_IREAD;
151 else if (dr_pending) next_state <= STATE_SERVE_DREAD;
152 else if (dw_pending) next_state <= STATE_SERVE_DWRITE;
153 end
154 end
156 default: if (pending_length == '0) next_state <= STATE_IDLE;
157 endcase
158 end
161 always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
162 begin
163 if(~rst_n)
164 begin
165 state <= STATE_IDLE;
166 delay_counter <= 0;
167 pending_length <= '0;
168 ir_pending <= 1'b0;
169 dr_pending <= 1'b0;
170 dw_pending <= 1'b0;
171 odd_cycle <= 1'b0;
172 end
173 else
174 begin
175 odd_cycle <= ~odd_cycle;
176 state <= next_state;
177 if (i_cache_read.control_go)
178 begin
179 ir_pending <= 1'b1;
180 ir_base <= i_cache_read.control_base;
181 ir_length <= i_cache_read.control_length;
182 end
184 if (d_cache_read.control_go)
185 begin
186 dr_pending <= 1'b1;
187 dr_base <= d_cache_read.control_base;
188 dr_length <= d_cache_read.control_length;
189 end
191 if (d_cache_write.control_go)
192 begin
193 dw_pending <= 1'b1;
194 dw_base <= d_cache_write.control_base;
195 dw_length <= d_cache_write.control_length;
196 end
198 case (state)
200 begin
201 if (next_state == STATE_DELAY)
202 delay_counter <= DELAY;
203 end
206 begin
207 if (delay_counter > 0)
208 delay_counter <= delay_counter - 1;
209 else
210 begin
211 if (next_state == STATE_SERVE_IREAD)
212 begin
213 pointer <= ir_base;
214 pending_length <= ir_length;
215 end
216 else if (next_state == STATE_SERVE_DREAD)
217 begin
218 pointer <= dr_base;
219 pending_length <= dr_length;
220 end
221 else if (next_state == STATE_SERVE_DWRITE)
222 begin
223 pointer <= dw_base;
224 pending_length <= dw_length;
225 end
226 end
227 end
230 begin
231 if (next_state == STATE_IDLE) ir_pending <= 1'b0;
232 else if (iread_we)
233 begin
mips_cpu/ View file @ 0da65f7
File was created 1 #
2 # Author: Zinsser Zhang
3 # Last Revision: 04/12/2018
5 # Compile the testbench
6 vlog -reportprogress 300 -work work ../../
8 # Compile the simulation model of sdram
9 vlog -reportprogress 300 -work work ../../
mips_cpu/ View file @ 0da65f7
File was created 1 /*
2 *
3 * Author: Zinsser Zhang
4 * Last Revision: 04/12/2018
5 *
6 * This is a fast simulation testbench. It is fast in terms of simulation
7 * speed. This module should only be used to verify the functionality of your
8 * design. And it is not guaranteed that your design can pass the full
9 * simulation if it passes the fast simulation. You still need to run the full
10 * simulation to make sure everything works. Performance measurement should also
11 * be done with the full simulation.
12 *
13 * See wiki page "Speed up Simulation" for details.
14 */
15 `timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
16 `include "mips_cpu.svh"
18 module fast_testbench ();
20 logic clk, rst_n;
21 mem_read_ifc i_cache_read();
22 mem_write_ifc d_cache_write();
23 mem_read_ifc d_cache_read();
25 pass_done_ifc pass_done();
28 mips_core MIPS_CORE (
29 .clk, .rst_n,
31 .i_cache_read,
32 .d_cache_write,
33 .d_cache_read,
35 .pass_done
36 );
38 fast_sdram FAST_SDRAM (
39 .clk, .rst_n,
41 .i_cache_read,
42 .d_cache_write,
43 .d_cache_read
44 );
45 defparam FAST_SDRAM.DELAY = 20;
47 // Generate reference clock
48 always
49 begin
50 #5 clk = ~clk;
51 end
53 initial
54 begin
55 clk = 1'b0;
56 rst_n = 1'b0;
58 repeat (10) @(posedge clk); // Wait for 10 cycles
59 rst_n = 1'b1; // Release reset
mips_cpu/ View file @ 0da65f7
File was created 1 onerror {resume}
2 quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0
3 add wave -noupdate -divider {IF Stage}
4 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/clk
5 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/rst_n
6 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/i2i_hc/stall
7 add wave -noupdate -color {Slate Blue} -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/if_pc_current/pc
8 add wave -noupdate -color {Slate Blue} -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/if_pc_next/pc
9 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/if_i_cache_output/valid
10 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/if_i_cache_output/data
11 add wave -noupdate -divider {IF to DEC}
12 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/i2d_hc/flush
13 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/i2d_hc/stall
14 add wave -noupdate -divider {DEC Stage}
15 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/clk
16 add wave -noupdate -color {Slate Blue} -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/i2d_pc/pc
17 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/i2d_inst/valid
18 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/i2d_inst/data
19 add wave -noupdate -divider <NULL>
20 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/valid
21 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/alu_ctl
22 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/is_branch_jump
23 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/is_jump
24 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/is_jump_reg
25 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/branch_target
26 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/is_mem_access
27 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/mem_action
28 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/uses_rs
29 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/rs_addr
30 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/uses_rt
31 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/rt_addr
32 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/uses_immediate
33 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/immediate
34 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/uses_rw
35 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/rw_addr
36 add wave -noupdate -divider <NULL>
37 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/branch_decoded/valid
38 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/branch_decoded/is_jump
39 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/branch_decoded/target
40 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/branch_decoded/prediction
41 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/branch_decoded/recovery_target
42 add wave -noupdate -divider <NULL>
43 add wave -noupdate -color Cyan -radix hexadecimal -childformat {{{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[0]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[1]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[2]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[3]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[4]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[5]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[6]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[7]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[8]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[9]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[10]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[11]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[12]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[13]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[14]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[15]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[16]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[17]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[18]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[19]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[20]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[21]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[22]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[23]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[24]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[25]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[26]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[27]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[28]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[29]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[30]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[31]} -radix hexadecimal}} -expand -subitemconfig {{/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[0]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[1]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[2]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[3]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[4]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[5]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[6]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[7]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[8]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[9]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[10]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[11]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[12]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[13]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[14]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[15]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[16]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[17]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[18]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[19]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[20]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[21]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[22]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[23]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[24]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[25]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[26]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[27]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[28]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[29]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[30]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[31]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal}} /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs
44 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/o_alu_input/valid
45 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/o_alu_input/alu_ctl
46 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/o_alu_input/op1
47 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/o_alu_input/op2
48 add wave -noupdate -divider {DEC to EX}
49 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/d2e_hc/flush
50 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/d2e_hc/stall
51 add wave -noupdate -divider {EX Stage}
52 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/clk
53 add wave -noupdate -color {Slate Blue} -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/d2e_pc/pc
54 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/ex_alu_output/valid
55 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/ex_alu_output/result
56 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/ex_alu_output/branch_outcome
57 add wave -noupdate -divider <NULL>
58 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_branch_result/valid
59 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_branch_result/prediction
60 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_branch_result/outcome
61 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_branch_result/recovery_target
62 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_d_cache_input/valid
63 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_d_cache_input/mem_action
64 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_d_cache_input/addr
65 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_d_cache_input/addr_next
66 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_d_cache_input/data
67 add wave -noupdate -divider {EX to MEM}
68 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/e2m_hc/flush
69 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/e2m_hc/stall
70 add wave -noupdate -divider {MEM Stage}
71 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/clk
72 add wave -noupdate -color {Slate Blue} -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/e2m_pc/pc
73 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/mem_d_cache_output/valid
74 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/mem_d_cache_output/data
75 add wave -noupdate -divider {MEM to WB}
76 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/m2w_hc/flush
77 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/m2w_hc/stall
78 add wave -noupdate -divider {WB Stage}
79 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/clk
80 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/m2w_write_back/uses_rw
81 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/m2w_write_back/rw_addr
82 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/m2w_write_back/rw_data
83 add wave -noupdate -divider Hazards
84 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/lw_hazard
85 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/ic_miss
86 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/ds_miss
87 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/dec_overload
88 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/ex_overload
89 add wave -noupdate /fast_testbench/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/dc_miss
90 TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
91 WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {36408825 ps} 0}
92 quietly wave cursor active 1
93 configure wave -namecolwidth 386
94 configure wave -valuecolwidth 100
95 configure wave -justifyvalue left
96 configure wave -signalnamewidth 0
97 configure wave -snapdistance 10
98 configure wave -datasetprefix 0
99 configure wave -rowmargin 4
100 configure wave -childrowmargin 2
101 configure wave -gridoffset 0
102 configure wave -gridperiod 1
103 configure wave -griddelta 40
104 configure wave -timeline 0
105 configure wave -timelineunits ns
106 update
107 WaveRestoreZoom {3531792904 ps} {3531863532 ps}
mips_cpu/mips_core/ View file @ 0da65f7
/* 1 1 /*
* 2 2 *
* Author: Zinsser Zhang 3 3 * Author: Zinsser Zhang
* Last Revision: 04/08/2018 4 4 * Last Revision: 04/08/2018
* 5 5 *
* Decoder decode an instruction to control signals. 6 6 * Decoder decode an instruction to control signals.
* 7 7 *
* See wiki page "Branch and Jump" for details about branch/jump instructions. 8 8 * See wiki page "Branch and Jump" for details about branch/jump instructions.
* See wiki page "Handle Register Zero" for deatils about instructions reading 9 9 * See wiki page "Handle Register Zero" for deatils about instructions reading
* from or writing to register zero. 10 10 * from or writing to register zero.
*/ 11 11 */
`include "mips_core.svh" 12 12 `include "mips_core.svh"
13 13
interface decoder_output_ifc (); 14 14 interface decoder_output_ifc ();
logic valid; 15 15 logic valid;
mips_core_pkg::AluCtl alu_ctl; 16 16 mips_core_pkg::AluCtl alu_ctl;
logic is_branch; 17 17 logic is_branch_jump;
logic is_jump; 18 18 logic is_jump;
logic is_jump_reg; 19 19 logic is_jump_reg;
logic [`ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0] branch_target; 20 20 logic [`ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0] branch_target;
21 21
logic is_mem_access; 22 22 logic is_mem_access;
mips_core_pkg::MemAccessType mem_action; 23 23 mips_core_pkg::MemAccessType mem_action;
24 24
logic uses_rs; 25 25 logic uses_rs;
mips_core_pkg::MipsReg rs_addr; 26 26 mips_core_pkg::MipsReg rs_addr;
27 27
logic uses_rt; 28 28 logic uses_rt;
mips_core_pkg::MipsReg rt_addr; 29 29 mips_core_pkg::MipsReg rt_addr;
30 30
logic uses_immediate; 31 31 logic uses_immediate;
logic [`DATA_WIDTH - 1 : 0] immediate; 32 32 logic [`DATA_WIDTH - 1 : 0] immediate;
33 33
logic uses_rw; 34 34 logic uses_rw;
mips_core_pkg::MipsReg rw_addr; 35 35 mips_core_pkg::MipsReg rw_addr;
36 36
modport in (input valid, alu_ctl, is_branch, is_jump, is_jump_reg, 37 37 modport in (input valid, alu_ctl, is_branch_jump, is_jump, is_jump_reg,
branch_target, is_mem_access, mem_action, uses_rs, rs_addr, uses_rt, 38 38 branch_target, is_mem_access, mem_action, uses_rs, rs_addr, uses_rt,
rt_addr, uses_immediate, immediate, uses_rw, rw_addr); 39 39 rt_addr, uses_immediate, immediate, uses_rw, rw_addr);
modport out (output valid, alu_ctl, is_branch, is_jump, is_jump_reg, 40 40 modport out (output valid, alu_ctl, is_branch_jump, is_jump, is_jump_reg,
branch_target, is_mem_access, mem_action, uses_rs, rs_addr, uses_rt, 41 41 branch_target, is_mem_access, mem_action, uses_rs, rs_addr, uses_rt,
rt_addr, uses_immediate, immediate, uses_rw, rw_addr); 42 42 rt_addr, uses_immediate, immediate, uses_rw, rw_addr);
endinterface 43 43 endinterface
44 44
module decoder ( 45 45 module decoder ( i_pc, 46 46 i_pc, i_inst, 47 47 i_inst,
48 48
decoder_output_ifc.out out 49 49 decoder_output_ifc.out out
); 50 50 );
51 51
task uses_rs; 52 52 task uses_rs;
begin 53 53 begin
// Only set uses_rs if it is not register zero 54 54 // Only set uses_rs if it is not register zero
out.uses_rs <= |[25:21]; 55 55 out.uses_rs <= |[25:21];
out.rs_addr <= mips_core_pkg::MipsReg'([25:21]); 56 56 out.rs_addr <= mips_core_pkg::MipsReg'([25:21]);
end 57 57 end
endtask 58 58 endtask
59 59
task uses_rt; 60 60 task uses_rt;
begin 61 61 begin
// Only set uses_rt if it is not register zero 62 62 // Only set uses_rt if it is not register zero
out.uses_rt <= |[20:16]; 63 63 out.uses_rt <= |[20:16];
out.rt_addr <= mips_core_pkg::MipsReg'([20:16]); 64 64 out.rt_addr <= mips_core_pkg::MipsReg'([20:16]);
end 65 65 end
endtask 66 66 endtask
67 67
task route_rt_to_rs; 68 68 task route_rt_to_rs;
begin 69 69 begin
// Rerouting rt to rs for sll, srl, sra 70 70 // Rerouting rt to rs for sll, srl, sra
// Only set uses_rs if it is not register zero 71 71 // Only set uses_rs if it is not register zero
out.uses_rs <= |[20:16]; 72 72 out.uses_rs <= |[20:16];
out.rs_addr <= mips_core_pkg::MipsReg'([20:16]); 73 73 out.rs_addr <= mips_core_pkg::MipsReg'([20:16]);
end 74 74 end
endtask 75 75 endtask
76 76
task uses_immediate_raw; 77 77 task uses_immediate_raw;
input [31:0] immediate; 78 78 input [31:0] immediate;
begin 79 79 begin
out.uses_immediate <= 1'b1; 80 80 out.uses_immediate <= 1'b1;
out.immediate <= immediate; 81 81 out.immediate <= immediate;
end 82 82 end
endtask 83 83 endtask
84 84
task uses_immediate_zero_extend; 85 85 task uses_immediate_zero_extend;
uses_immediate_raw(32'(unsigned'([15:0]))); 86 86 uses_immediate_raw(32'(unsigned'([15:0])));
endtask 87 87 endtask
88 88
task uses_immediate_signed_extend; 89 89 task uses_immediate_signed_extend;
uses_immediate_raw(32'(signed'([15:0]))); 90 90 uses_immediate_raw(32'(signed'([15:0])));
endtask 91 91 endtask
92 92
task uses_immediate_shamt; 93 93 task uses_immediate_shamt;
uses_immediate_raw(32'(unsigned'([10:6]))); 94 94 uses_immediate_raw(32'(unsigned'([10:6])));
endtask 95 95 endtask
96 96
task uses_rw_raw; 97 97 task uses_rw_raw;
input [4:0] rw; 98 98 input [4:0] rw;
begin 99 99 begin
// Only set uses_rw if it is not register zero 100 100 // Only set uses_rw if it is not register zero
out.uses_rw <= |rw; 101 101 out.uses_rw <= |rw;
out.rw_addr <= mips_core_pkg::MipsReg'(rw); 102 102 out.rw_addr <= mips_core_pkg::MipsReg'(rw);
end 103 103 end
endtask 104 104 endtask
105 105
task uses_rw_rtype; 106 106 task uses_rw_rtype;
uses_rw_raw([15:11]); 107 107 uses_rw_raw([15:11]);
endtask 108 108 endtask
109 109
task uses_rw_itype; 110 110 task uses_rw_itype;
uses_rw_raw([20:16]); 111 111 uses_rw_raw([20:16]);
endtask 112 112 endtask
113 113
task typical_rtype; 114 114 task typical_rtype;
begin 115 115 begin
uses_rs(); 116 116 uses_rs();
uses_rt(); 117 117 uses_rt();
uses_rw_rtype(); 118 118 uses_rw_rtype();
end 119 119 end
endtask 120 120 endtask
121 121
task shamt_rtype; 122 122 task shamt_rtype;
begin 123 123 begin
route_rt_to_rs(); 124 124 route_rt_to_rs();
uses_rw_rtype(); 125 125 uses_rw_rtype();
uses_immediate_shamt(); 126 126 uses_immediate_shamt();
end 127 127 end
endtask 128 128 endtask
129 129
task signed_extend_itype; 130 130 task signed_extend_itype;
begin 131 131 begin
uses_rs(); 132 132 uses_rs();
uses_rw_itype(); 133 133 uses_rw_itype();
uses_immediate_signed_extend(); 134 134 uses_immediate_signed_extend();
end 135 135 end
endtask 136 136 endtask
137 137
task zero_extend_itype; 138 138 task zero_extend_itype;
begin 139 139 begin
uses_rs(); 140 140 uses_rs();
uses_rw_itype(); 141 141 uses_rw_itype();
uses_immediate_zero_extend(); 142 142 uses_immediate_zero_extend();
end 143 143 end
endtask 144 144 endtask
145 145
146 146
147 147
always_comb 148 148 always_comb
begin 149 149 begin
// Set defaults to nop 150 150 // Set defaults to nop
out.valid <= i_inst.valid; 151 151 out.valid <= i_inst.valid;
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_NOP; 152 152 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_NOP;
out.is_branch <= 1'b0; 153 153 out.is_branch_jump <= 1'b0;
out.is_jump <= 1'b0; 154 154 out.is_jump <= 1'b0;
out.is_jump_reg <= 1'b0; 155 155 out.is_jump_reg <= 1'b0;
out.branch_target <= '0; 156 156 out.branch_target <= '0;
out.is_mem_access <= 1'b0; 157 157 out.is_mem_access <= 1'b0;
out.mem_action <= READ; 158 158 out.mem_action <= READ;
159 159
out.uses_rs <= 1'b0; 160 160 out.uses_rs <= 1'b0;
out.rs_addr <= zero; 161 161 out.rs_addr <= zero;
162 162
out.uses_rt <= 1'b0; 163 163 out.uses_rt <= 1'b0;
out.rt_addr <= zero; 164 164 out.rt_addr <= zero;
165 165
out.uses_immediate <= 1'b0; 166 166 out.uses_immediate <= 1'b0;
out.immediate <= '0; 167 167 out.immediate <= '0;
168 168
out.uses_rw <= 1'b0; 169 169 out.uses_rw <= 1'b0;
out.rw_addr <= zero; 170 170 out.rw_addr <= zero;
171 171
if (i_inst.valid) 172 172 if (i_inst.valid)
begin 173 173 begin
case([31:26]) 174 174 case([31:26])
6'h0: //r-type 175 175 6'h0: //r-type
begin 176 176 begin
case ([5:0]) 177 177 case ([5:0])
6'h20: // add 178 178 6'h20: // add
begin 179 179 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_ADD; 180 180 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_ADD;
typical_rtype(); 181 181 typical_rtype();
end 182 182 end
183 183
6'h21: // addu 184 184 6'h21: // addu
begin 185 185 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_ADDU; 186 186 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_ADDU;
typical_rtype(); 187 187 typical_rtype();
end 188 188 end
189 189
6'h22: // sub 190 190 6'h22: // sub
begin 191 191 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SUB; 192 192 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SUB;
typical_rtype(); 193 193 typical_rtype();
end 194 194 end
195 195
6'h23: // subu 196 196 6'h23: // subu
begin 197 197 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SUBU; 198 198 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SUBU;
typical_rtype(); 199 199 typical_rtype();
end 200 200 end
201 201
6'h24: // and 202 202 6'h24: // and
begin 203 203 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_AND; 204 204 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_AND;
typical_rtype(); 205 205 typical_rtype();
end 206 206 end
207 207
6'h25: // or 208 208 6'h25: // or
begin 209 209 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_OR; 210 210 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_OR;
typical_rtype(); 211 211 typical_rtype();
end 212 212 end
213 213
6'h26: // xor 214 214 6'h26: // xor
begin 215 215 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_XOR; 216 216 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_XOR;
typical_rtype(); 217 217 typical_rtype();
end 218 218 end
219 219
6'h27: // nor 220 220 6'h27: // nor
begin 221 221 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_NOR; 222 222 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_NOR;
typical_rtype(); 223 223 typical_rtype();
end 224 224 end
225 225
6'h00: // sll 226 226 6'h00: // sll
begin 227 227 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SLL; 228 228 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SLL;
shamt_rtype(); 229 229 shamt_rtype();
end 230 230 end
231 231
6'h02: // srl 232 232 6'h02: // srl
begin 233 233 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SRL; 234 234 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SRL;
shamt_rtype(); 235 235 shamt_rtype();
end 236 236 end
237 237
6'h03: // sra 238 238 6'h03: // sra
begin 239 239 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SRA; 240 240 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SRA;
shamt_rtype(); 241 241 shamt_rtype();
end 242 242 end
243 243
6'h04: // sllv 244 244 6'h04: // sllv
begin 245 245 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SLLV; 246 246 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SLLV;
typical_rtype(); 247 247 typical_rtype();
end 248 248 end
249 249
6'h06: // srlv 250 250 6'h06: // srlv
begin 251 251 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SRLV; 252 252 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SRLV;
typical_rtype(); 253 253 typical_rtype();
end 254 254 end
255 255
6'h07: // srav 256 256 6'h07: // srav
begin 257 257 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SRAV; 258 258 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SRAV;
typical_rtype(); 259 259 typical_rtype();
end 260 260 end
261 261
6'h2a: // slt 262 262 6'h2a: // slt
begin 263 263 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SLT; 264 264 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SLT;
typical_rtype(); 265 265 typical_rtype();
end 266 266 end
267 267
6'h2b: // sltu 268 268 6'h2b: // sltu
begin 269 269 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SLTU; 270 270 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SLTU;
typical_rtype(); 271 271 typical_rtype();
end 272 272 end
273 273
6'h08: // jr 274 274 6'h08: // jr
begin 275 275 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_NOP; // jr does not use alu 276 276 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_NOP; // jr does not use alu
uses_rs(); 277 277 uses_rs();
out.is_branch <= 1'b1; 278 278 out.is_branch_jump <= 1'b1;
out.is_jump <= 1'b1; 279 279 out.is_jump <= 1'b1;
out.is_jump_reg <= 1'b1; 280 280 out.is_jump_reg <= 1'b1;
end 281 281 end
282 282
6'h09: //jalr 283 283 6'h09: //jalr
begin 284 284 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_OR; 285 285 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_OR;
uses_rs(); 286 286 uses_rs();
uses_rw_raw(ra); // jalr always write to ra (31) 287 287 uses_rw_raw(ra); // jalr always write to ra (31)
uses_immediate_raw(32'(unsigned'(i_pc.pc)) + 8); 288 288 uses_immediate_raw(32'(unsigned'(i_pc.pc)) + 8);
out.is_branch <= 1'b1; 289 289 out.is_branch_jump <= 1'b1;
out.is_jump <= 1'b1; 290 290 out.is_jump <= 1'b1;
out.is_jump_reg <= 1'b1; 291 291 out.is_jump_reg <= 1'b1;
end 292 292 end
293 293
6'h18: // mul 294 294 6'h18: // mul
begin 295 295 begin
$error("%m (%t) mul not supported. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time, i_pc.pc); 296 296 $error("%m (%t) mul not supported. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time, i_pc.pc);
out.valid <= 1'b0; 297 297 out.valid <= 1'b0;
end 298 298 end
299 299
6'h19: //mulu 300 300 6'h19: //mulu
begin 301 301 begin
$error("%m (%t) mulu not supported. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time, i_pc.pc); 302 302 $error("%m (%t) mulu not supported. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time, i_pc.pc);
out.valid <= 1'b0; 303 303 out.valid <= 1'b0;
end 304 304 end
305 305
6'h1a: //div 306 306 6'h1a: //div
begin 307 307 begin
$error("%m (%t) div not supported. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time, i_pc.pc); 308 308 $error("%m (%t) div not supported. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time, i_pc.pc);
out.valid <= 1'b0; 309 309 out.valid <= 1'b0;
end 310 310 end
311 311
6'h1b: //divu 312 312 6'h1b: //divu
begin 313 313 begin
$error("%m (%t) divu not supported. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time, i_pc.pc); 314 314 $error("%m (%t) divu not supported. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time, i_pc.pc);
out.valid <= 1'b0; 315 315 out.valid <= 1'b0;
end 316 316 end
317 317
default: 318 318 default:
begin 319 319 begin
$error("%m (%t) unknown R-type funct code %b. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time,[5:0], i_pc.pc); 320 320 $error("%m (%t) unknown R-type funct code %b. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time,[5:0], i_pc.pc);
out.valid <= 1'b0; 321 321 out.valid <= 1'b0;
end 322 322 end
endcase 323 323 endcase
end 324 324 end
325 325
6'h08: //addi 326 326 6'h08: //addi
begin 327 327 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_ADD; 328 328 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_ADD;
signed_extend_itype(); 329 329 signed_extend_itype();
end 330 330 end
331 331
6'h09: //addiu 332 332 6'h09: //addiu
begin 333 333 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_ADDU; 334 334 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_ADDU;
signed_extend_itype(); 335 335 signed_extend_itype();
end 336 336 end
337 337
6'h0c: //andi 338 338 6'h0c: //andi
begin 339 339 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_AND; 340 340 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_AND;
zero_extend_itype(); 341 341 zero_extend_itype();
end 342 342 end
343 343
6'h0d: //ori 344 344 6'h0d: //ori
begin 345 345 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_OR; 346 346 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_OR;
zero_extend_itype(); 347 347 zero_extend_itype();
end 348 348 end
349 349
6'h0e: //xori 350 350 6'h0e: //xori
begin 351 351 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_XOR; 352 352 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_XOR;
zero_extend_itype(); 353 353 zero_extend_itype();
end 354 354 end
355 355
6'h0a: //slti 356 356 6'h0a: //slti
begin 357 357 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SLT; 358 358 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SLT;
signed_extend_itype(); 359 359 signed_extend_itype();
end 360 360 end
361 361
6'h0b: //sltiu 362 362 6'h0b: //sltiu
begin 363 363 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SLTU; 364 364 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_SLTU;
signed_extend_itype(); 365 365 signed_extend_itype();
end 366 366 end
367 367
6'h0f: //lui Implemented as 0 | Immediate 368 368 6'h0f: //lui Implemented as 0 | Immediate
begin 369 369 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_OR; 370 370 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_OR;
uses_rw_itype(); 371 371 uses_rw_itype();
uses_immediate_raw({[15:0], 16'h0000}); 372 372 uses_immediate_raw({[15:0], 16'h0000});
end 373 373 end
374 374
6'h04: //beq 375 375 6'h04: //beq
begin 376 376 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_BEQ; 377 377 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_BEQ;
uses_rs(); 378 378 uses_rs();
uses_rt(); 379 379 uses_rt();
out.is_branch <= 1'b1; 380 380 out.is_branch_jump <= 1'b1;
out.branch_target <= i_pc.pc + `ADDR_WIDTH'd4 + `ADDR_WIDTH'(signed'([15:0]) << 2); 381 381 out.branch_target <= i_pc.pc + `ADDR_WIDTH'd4 + `ADDR_WIDTH'(signed'([15:0]) << 2);
end 382 382 end
383 383
6'h05: //bne 384 384 6'h05: //bne
begin 385 385 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_BNE; 386 386 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_BNE;
uses_rs(); 387 387 uses_rs();
uses_rt(); 388 388 uses_rt();
out.is_branch <= 1'b1; 389 389 out.is_branch_jump <= 1'b1;
out.branch_target <= i_pc.pc + `ADDR_WIDTH'd4 + `ADDR_WIDTH'(signed'([15:0]) << 2); 390 390 out.branch_target <= i_pc.pc + `ADDR_WIDTH'd4 + `ADDR_WIDTH'(signed'([15:0]) << 2);
end 391 391 end
392 392
6'h06: //blez 393 393 6'h06: //blez
begin 394 394 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_BLEZ; 395 395 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_BLEZ;
uses_rs(); 396 396 uses_rs();
uses_rt(); 397 397 uses_rt();
out.is_branch <= 1'b1; 398 398 out.is_branch_jump <= 1'b1;
out.branch_target <= i_pc.pc + `ADDR_WIDTH'd4 + `ADDR_WIDTH'(signed'([15:0]) << 2); 399 399 out.branch_target <= i_pc.pc + `ADDR_WIDTH'd4 + `ADDR_WIDTH'(signed'([15:0]) << 2);
end 400 400 end
401 401
6'h01: //bgez or bltz 402 402 6'h01: //bgez or bltz
begin 403 403 begin
if([16] ) 404 404 if([16] )
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_BGEZ; 405 405 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_BGEZ;
else 406 406 else
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_BLTZ; 407 407 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_BLTZ;
uses_rs(); 408 408 uses_rs();
uses_rt(); 409 409 uses_rt();
out.is_branch <= 1'b1; 410 410 out.is_branch_jump <= 1'b1;
out.branch_target <= i_pc.pc + `ADDR_WIDTH'd4 + `ADDR_WIDTH'(signed'([15:0]) << 2); 411 411 out.branch_target <= i_pc.pc + `ADDR_WIDTH'd4 + `ADDR_WIDTH'(signed'([15:0]) << 2);
end 412 412 end
413 413
6'h07: //bgtz 414 414 6'h07: //bgtz
begin 415 415 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_BGTZ; 416 416 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_BGTZ;
uses_rs(); 417 417 uses_rs();
uses_rt(); 418 418 uses_rt();
out.is_branch <= 1'b1; 419 419 out.is_branch_jump <= 1'b1;
out.branch_target <= i_pc.pc + `ADDR_WIDTH'd4 + `ADDR_WIDTH'(signed'([15:0]) << 2); 420 420 out.branch_target <= i_pc.pc + `ADDR_WIDTH'd4 + `ADDR_WIDTH'(signed'([15:0]) << 2);
end 421 421 end
422 422
6'h02: // j 423 423 6'h02: // j
begin 424 424 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_NOP; // jr does not use alu 425 425 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_NOP; // jr does not use alu
out.is_branch <= 1'b1; 426 426 out.is_branch_jump <= 1'b1;
out.is_jump <= 1'b1; 427 427 out.is_jump <= 1'b1;
out.branch_target <= {[`ADDR_WIDTH - 3: 0], 2'b00}; 428 428 out.branch_target <= {[`ADDR_WIDTH - 3: 0], 2'b00};
end 429 429 end
430 430
6'h03: // jal 431 431 6'h03: // jal
begin 432 432 begin
out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_OR; 433 433 out.alu_ctl <= ALUCTL_OR;
uses_rw_raw(ra); // jal always write to ra (31) 434 434 uses_rw_raw(ra); // jal always write to ra (31)
uses_immediate_raw(32'(unsigned'(i_pc.pc)) + 8); 435 435 uses_immediate_raw(32'(unsigned'(i_pc.pc)) + 8);
out.is_branch <= 1'b1; 436 436 out.is_branch_jump <= 1'b1;
out.is_jump <= 1'b1; 437 437 out.is_jump <= 1'b1;
out.branch_target <= {[`ADDR_WIDTH - 3: 0], 2'b00}; 438 438 out.branch_target <= {[`ADDR_WIDTH - 3: 0], 2'b00};
end 439 439 end
440 440
6'h20: //lb 441 441 6'h20: //lb
begin 442 442 begin
$error("%m (%t) lb not supported. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time, i_pc.pc); 443 443 $error("%m (%t) lb not supported. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time, i_pc.pc);
out.valid <= 1'b0; 444 444 out.valid <= 1'b0;
end 445 445 end
446 446
6'h24: //lbu 447 447 6'h24: //lbu
begin 448 448 begin
$error("%m (%t) lbu not supported. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time, i_pc.pc); 449 449 $error("%m (%t) lbu not supported. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time, i_pc.pc);
out.valid <= 1'b0; 450 450 out.valid <= 1'b0;
end 451 451 end
452 452
6'h21: //lh 453 453 6'h21: //lh
begin 454 454 begin
$error("%m (%t) lh not supported. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time, i_pc.pc); 455 455 $error("%m (%t) lh not supported. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time, i_pc.pc);
out.valid <= 1'b0; 456 456 out.valid <= 1'b0;
end 457 457 end
458 458
6'h25: //lhu 459 459 6'h25: //lhu
begin 460 460 begin
$error("%m (%t) lhu not supported. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time, i_pc.pc); 461 461 $error("%m (%t) lhu not supported. Treated as a NOP. PC=0x%x", $time, i_pc.pc);
out.valid <= 1'b0; 462 462 out.valid <= 1'b0;
end 463 463 end
464 464
6'h23: //lw 465 465 6'h23: //lw
mips_cpu/mips_core/ View file @ 0da65f7
/* 1 1 /*
* 2 2 *
* Author: Zinsser Zhang 3 3 * Author: Zinsser Zhang
* Last Revision: 04/08/2018 4 4 * Last Revision: 04/08/2018
* 5 5 *
* These are glue circuits in each stage. They select data between different 6 6 * These are glue circuits in each stage. They select data between different
* sources for particular signals (e.g. alu's op2). They also re-combine the 7 7 * sources for particular signals (e.g. alu's op2). They also re-combine the
* signals to different interfaces that are passed to the next stage or hazard 8 8 * signals to different interfaces that are passed to the next stage or hazard
* controller. 9 9 * controller.
*/ 10 10 */
`include "mips_core.svh" 11 11 `include "mips_core.svh"
12 12
module decode_stage_glue ( 13 13 module decode_stage_glue ( i_decoded, 14 14 i_decoded, i_reg_data, 15 15 i_reg_data,
16 16
branch_decoded_ifc.decode branch_decoded, // Contains both i/o 17 17 branch_decoded_ifc.decode branch_decoded, // Contains both i/o
18 18
alu_input_ifc.out o_alu_input, 19 19 alu_input_ifc.out o_alu_input,
alu_pass_through_ifc.out o_alu_pass_through 20 20 alu_pass_through_ifc.out o_alu_pass_through
); 21 21 );
22 22
always_comb 23 23 always_comb
begin 24 24 begin
o_alu_input.valid = i_decoded.valid; 25 25 o_alu_input.valid = i_decoded.valid;
o_alu_input.alu_ctl = i_decoded.alu_ctl; 26 26 o_alu_input.alu_ctl = i_decoded.alu_ctl;
o_alu_input.op1 = i_reg_data.rs_data; 27 27 o_alu_input.op1 = i_reg_data.rs_data;
o_alu_input.op2 = i_decoded.uses_immediate 28 28 o_alu_input.op2 = i_decoded.uses_immediate
? i_decoded.immediate 29 29 ? i_decoded.immediate
: i_reg_data.rt_data; 30 30 : i_reg_data.rt_data;
31 31
branch_decoded.valid = i_decoded.is_branch; 32 32 branch_decoded.valid = i_decoded.is_branch_jump;
branch_decoded.is_jump = i_decoded.is_jump; 33 33 branch_decoded.is_jump = i_decoded.is_jump; = i_decoded.is_jump_reg 34 34 = i_decoded.is_jump_reg
? i_reg_data.rs_data[`ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0] 35 35 ? i_reg_data.rs_data[`ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0]
: i_decoded.branch_target; 36 36 : i_decoded.branch_target;
37 37
38 38
o_alu_pass_through.is_branch = i_decoded.is_branch & ~i_decoded.is_jump; 39 39 o_alu_pass_through.is_branch = i_decoded.is_branch_jump & ~i_decoded.is_jump;
o_alu_pass_through.prediction = branch_decoded.prediction; 40 40 o_alu_pass_through.prediction = branch_decoded.prediction;
o_alu_pass_through.recovery_target = branch_decoded.recovery_target; 41 41 o_alu_pass_through.recovery_target = branch_decoded.recovery_target;
42 42
o_alu_pass_through.is_mem_access = i_decoded.is_mem_access; 43 43 o_alu_pass_through.is_mem_access = i_decoded.is_mem_access;
o_alu_pass_through.mem_action = i_decoded.mem_action; 44 44 o_alu_pass_through.mem_action = i_decoded.mem_action;
45 45
o_alu_pass_through.sw_data = i_reg_data.rt_data; 46 46 o_alu_pass_through.sw_data = i_reg_data.rt_data;
47 47
o_alu_pass_through.uses_rw = i_decoded.uses_rw; 48 48 o_alu_pass_through.uses_rw = i_decoded.uses_rw;
o_alu_pass_through.rw_addr = i_decoded.rw_addr; 49 49 o_alu_pass_through.rw_addr = i_decoded.rw_addr;
end 50 50 end
endmodule 51 51 endmodule
52 52
module ex_stage_glue ( 53 53 module ex_stage_glue ( i_alu_output, 54 54 i_alu_output, i_alu_pass_through, 55 55 i_alu_pass_through,
56 56
branch_result_ifc.out o_branch_result, 57 57 branch_result_ifc.out o_branch_result,
d_cache_input_ifc.out o_d_cache_input, 58 58 d_cache_input_ifc.out o_d_cache_input,
d_cache_pass_through_ifc.out o_d_cache_pass_through 59 59 d_cache_pass_through_ifc.out o_d_cache_pass_through
); 60 60 );
61 61
always_comb 62 62 always_comb
begin 63 63 begin
o_branch_result.valid = i_alu_output.valid 64 64 o_branch_result.valid = i_alu_output.valid
& i_alu_pass_through.is_branch; 65 65 & i_alu_pass_through.is_branch;
o_branch_result.prediction = i_alu_pass_through.prediction; 66 66 o_branch_result.prediction = i_alu_pass_through.prediction;
o_branch_result.outcome = i_alu_output.branch_outcome; 67 67 o_branch_result.outcome = i_alu_output.branch_outcome;
o_branch_result.recovery_target = i_alu_pass_through.recovery_target; 68 68 o_branch_result.recovery_target = i_alu_pass_through.recovery_target;
69 69
o_d_cache_input.valid = i_alu_pass_through.is_mem_access; 70 70 o_d_cache_input.valid = i_alu_pass_through.is_mem_access;
o_d_cache_input.mem_action = i_alu_pass_through.mem_action; 71 71 o_d_cache_input.mem_action = i_alu_pass_through.mem_action;
o_d_cache_input.addr = i_alu_output.result[`ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0]; 72 72 o_d_cache_input.addr = i_alu_output.result[`ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0];
o_d_cache_input.addr_next = i_alu_output.result[`ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0]; 73 73 o_d_cache_input.addr_next = i_alu_output.result[`ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0]; = i_alu_pass_through.sw_data; 74 74 = i_alu_pass_through.sw_data;
75 75
o_d_cache_pass_through.is_mem_access = i_alu_pass_through.is_mem_access; 76 76 o_d_cache_pass_through.is_mem_access = i_alu_pass_through.is_mem_access;
o_d_cache_pass_through.alu_result = i_alu_output.result; 77 77 o_d_cache_pass_through.alu_result = i_alu_output.result;
o_d_cache_pass_through.uses_rw = i_alu_pass_through.uses_rw; 78 78 o_d_cache_pass_through.uses_rw = i_alu_pass_through.uses_rw;
o_d_cache_pass_through.rw_addr = i_alu_pass_through.rw_addr; 79 79 o_d_cache_pass_through.rw_addr = i_alu_pass_through.rw_addr;
end 80 80 end
endmodule 81 81 endmodule
82 82
module mem_stage_glue ( 83 83 module mem_stage_glue ( i_d_cache_output, 84 84 i_d_cache_output, i_d_cache_pass_through, 85 85 i_d_cache_pass_through,
86 86
mips_cpu/ View file @ 0da65f7
/* 1 1 /*
* 2 2 *
* Author: Zinsser Zhang 3 3 * Author: Zinsser Zhang
* Last Revision: 04/08/2018 4 4 * Last Revision: 04/08/2018
* 5 5 *
* This is the simulation testbench. It connects mips_cpu to a sdram model, and 6 6 * This is the simulation testbench. It connects mips_cpu to a sdram model, and
* generates top-level input clock and signals. 7 7 * generates top-level input clock and signals.
*/ 8 8 */
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps 9 9 `timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
`include "mips_cpu.svh" 10 10 `include "mips_cpu.svh"
11 11
module testbench (); 12 12 module testbench ();
// Connections to mips_cpu 13 13 // Connections to mips_cpu
logic CLOCK_50; 14 14 logic CLOCK_50;
15 15
logic [12:0] DRAM_ADDR; 16 16 logic [12:0] DRAM_ADDR;
logic [1:0] DRAM_BA; 17 17 logic [1:0] DRAM_BA;
logic DRAM_CAS_N; 18 18 logic DRAM_CAS_N;
logic DRAM_CKE; 19 19 logic DRAM_CKE;
logic DRAM_CLK; 20 20 logic DRAM_CLK;
logic DRAM_CS_N; 21 21 logic DRAM_CS_N;
wire [15:0] DRAM_DQ; 22 22 wire [15:0] DRAM_DQ;
logic DRAM_LDQM; 23 23 logic DRAM_LDQM;
logic DRAM_RAS_N; 24 24 logic DRAM_RAS_N;
logic DRAM_UDQM; 25 25 logic DRAM_UDQM;
logic DRAM_WE_N; 26 26 logic DRAM_WE_N;
27 27
logic [9:0] SW; 28 28 logic [9:0] SW;
29 29
mips_cpu DUT ( 30 30 mips_cpu DUT (
.CLOCK_50, 31 31 .CLOCK_50,
32 32
.DRAM_BA, 34 34 .DRAM_BA,
.DRAM_CS_N, 38 38 .DRAM_CS_N,
.DRAM_DQ, 39 39 .DRAM_DQ,
.DRAM_WE_N, 43 43 .DRAM_WE_N,
44 44
.SW 45 45 .SW
); 46 46 );
47 47
sdr SDR ( 48 48 sdr SDR (
.Dq (DRAM_DQ), 49 49 .Dq (DRAM_DQ),
.Addr (DRAM_ADDR), 50 50 .Addr (DRAM_ADDR),
.Ba (DRAM_BA), 51 51 .Ba (DRAM_BA),
.Clk (DRAM_CLK), 52 52 .Clk (DRAM_CLK),
.Cke (DRAM_CKE), 53 53 .Cke (DRAM_CKE),
.Cs_n (DRAM_CS_N), 54 54 .Cs_n (DRAM_CS_N),
.Ras_n (DRAM_RAS_N), 55 55 .Ras_n (DRAM_RAS_N),
.Cas_n (DRAM_CAS_N), 56 56 .Cas_n (DRAM_CAS_N),
.We_n (DRAM_WE_N), 57 57 .We_n (DRAM_WE_N),
); 59 59 );
60 60
// Generate reference clock 61 61 // Generate reference clock
always 62 62 always
begin 63 63 begin
#10 CLOCK_50 = ~CLOCK_50; 64 64 #10 CLOCK_50 = ~CLOCK_50;
end 65 65 end
66 66
initial 67 67 initial
begin 68 68 begin
CLOCK_50 = 1'b0; 69 69 CLOCK_50 = 1'b0;
SW[0] = 1'b0; // Hard reset 70 70 SW[0] = 1'b0; // Hard reset
SW[1] = 1'b0; // Soft reset 71 71 SW[1] = 1'b0; // Soft reset
72 72
repeat (10) @(posedge CLOCK_50); // Wait for 10 cycles 73 73 repeat (10) @(posedge CLOCK_50); // Wait for 10 cycles
SW[0] = 1'b1; // Release hard reset 74 74 SW[0] = 1'b1; // Release hard reset
75 75
/* 76 76 /*
* Memory controller is set to wait 1us after a hard reset for the 77 77 * Memory controller is set to wait 1us after a hard reset for the
* hardware memory to stabilize. In real world this should be 100us. 78 78 * hardware memory to stabilize. In real world this should be 100us.
* Wait 2us before releasing the soft reset. 79 79 * Wait 2us before releasing the soft reset.
*/ 80 80 */
#2000 @(posedge DUT.clk); 81 81 #2000 @(posedge DUT.clk);
// Hack binary code into sdram's bank0. Please change the path 82 82 // Hack binary code into sdram's bank0. Please change the path
$readmemh("C:/path_to_project/hexfiles/nqueens.16bit.bank0.hex", SDR.Bank0); 83 83 $readmemh("../../../hexfiles/nqueens.16bit.bank0.hex", SDR.Bank0);
$readmemh("C:/path_to_project/hexfiles/nqueens.16bit.bank1.hex", SDR.Bank1); 84 84 $readmemh("../../../hexfiles/nqueens.16bit.bank1.hex", SDR.Bank1);
// Release soft reset 85 85 // Release soft reset
SW[1] = 1'b1; 86 86 SW[1] = 1'b1;
87 87
/* 88 88 /*
mips_cpu/ View file @ 0da65f7
onerror {resume} 1 1 onerror {resume}
quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0 2 2 quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0
add wave -noupdate -divider {IF Stage} 3 3 add wave -noupdate -divider {IF Stage}
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/clk 4 4 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/clk
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/rst_n 5 5 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/rst_n
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/i2i_hc/stall 6 6 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/i2i_hc/stall
add wave -noupdate -color {Slate Blue} -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/if_pc_current/pc 7 7 add wave -noupdate -color {Slate Blue} -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/if_pc_current/pc
add wave -noupdate -color {Slate Blue} -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/if_pc_next/pc 8 8 add wave -noupdate -color {Slate Blue} -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/if_pc_next/pc
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/if_i_cache_output/valid 9 9 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/if_i_cache_output/valid
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/if_i_cache_output/data 10 10 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/if_i_cache_output/data
add wave -noupdate -divider {IF to DEC} 11 11 add wave -noupdate -divider {IF to DEC}
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/i2d_hc/flush 12 12 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/i2d_hc/flush
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/i2d_hc/stall 13 13 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/i2d_hc/stall
add wave -noupdate -divider {DEC Stage} 14 14 add wave -noupdate -divider {DEC Stage}
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/clk 15 15 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/clk
add wave -noupdate -color {Slate Blue} -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/i2d_pc/pc 16 16 add wave -noupdate -color {Slate Blue} -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/i2d_pc/pc
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/i2d_inst/valid 17 17 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/i2d_inst/valid
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/i2d_inst/data 18 18 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/i2d_inst/data
add wave -noupdate -divider <NULL> 19 19 add wave -noupdate -divider <NULL>
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/valid 20 20 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/valid
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/alu_ctl 21 21 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/alu_ctl
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/is_branch 22 22 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/is_branch_jump
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/is_jump 23 23 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/is_jump
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/is_jump_reg 24 24 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/is_jump_reg
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/branch_target 25 25 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/branch_target
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/is_mem_access 26 26 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/is_mem_access
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/mem_action 27 27 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/mem_action
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/uses_rs 28 28 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/uses_rs
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/rs_addr 29 29 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/rs_addr
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/uses_rt 30 30 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/uses_rt
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/rt_addr 31 31 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/rt_addr
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/uses_immediate 32 32 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/uses_immediate
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/immediate 33 33 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/immediate
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/uses_rw 34 34 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/uses_rw
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/rw_addr 35 35 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/dec_decoder_output/rw_addr
add wave -noupdate -divider <NULL> 36 36 add wave -noupdate -divider <NULL>
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/branch_decoded/valid 37 37 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/branch_decoded/valid
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/branch_decoded/is_jump 38 38 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/branch_decoded/is_jump
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/branch_decoded/target 39 39 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/branch_decoded/target
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/branch_decoded/prediction 40 40 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/branch_decoded/prediction
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/branch_decoded/target_post_predict 41 41 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/branch_decoded/recovery_target
add wave -noupdate -divider <NULL> 42 42 add wave -noupdate -divider <NULL>
add wave -noupdate -color Cyan -radix hexadecimal -childformat {{{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[0]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[1]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[2]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[3]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[4]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[5]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[6]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[7]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[8]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[9]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[10]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[11]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[12]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[13]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[14]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[15]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[16]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[17]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[18]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[19]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[20]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[21]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[22]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[23]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[24]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[25]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[26]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[27]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[28]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[29]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[30]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[31]} -radix hexadecimal}} -expand -subitemconfig {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[0]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[1]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[2]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[3]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[4]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[5]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[6]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[7]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[8]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[9]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[10]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[11]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[12]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[13]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[14]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[15]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[16]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[17]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[18]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[19]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[20]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[21]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[22]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[23]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[24]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[25]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[26]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[27]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[28]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[29]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[30]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[31]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal}} /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs 43 43 add wave -noupdate -color Cyan -radix hexadecimal -childformat {{{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[0]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[1]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[2]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[3]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[4]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[5]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[6]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[7]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[8]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[9]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[10]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[11]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[12]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[13]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[14]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[15]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[16]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[17]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[18]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[19]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[20]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[21]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[22]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[23]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[24]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[25]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[26]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[27]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[28]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[29]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[30]} -radix hexadecimal} {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[31]} -radix hexadecimal}} -expand -subitemconfig {{/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[0]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[1]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[2]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[3]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[4]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[5]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[6]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[7]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[8]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[9]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[10]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[11]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[12]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[13]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[14]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[15]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[16]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[17]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[18]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[19]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[20]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[21]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[22]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[23]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[24]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[25]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[26]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[27]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[28]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[29]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[30]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal} {/testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs[31]} {-color Cyan -radix hexadecimal}} /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/REG_FILE/regs
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/o_alu_input/valid 44 44 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/o_alu_input/valid
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/o_alu_input/alu_ctl 45 45 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/o_alu_input/alu_ctl
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/o_alu_input/op1 46 46 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/o_alu_input/op1
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/o_alu_input/op2 47 47 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/DEC_STAGE_GLUE/o_alu_input/op2
add wave -noupdate -divider {DEC to EX} 48 48 add wave -noupdate -divider {DEC to EX}
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/d2e_hc/flush 49 49 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/d2e_hc/flush
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/d2e_hc/stall 50 50 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/d2e_hc/stall
add wave -noupdate -divider {EX Stage} 51 51 add wave -noupdate -divider {EX Stage}
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/clk 52 52 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/clk
add wave -noupdate -color {Slate Blue} -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/d2e_pc/pc 53 53 add wave -noupdate -color {Slate Blue} -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/d2e_pc/pc
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/ex_alu_output/valid 54 54 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/ex_alu_output/valid
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/ex_alu_output/result 55 55 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/ex_alu_output/result
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/ex_alu_output/branch_outcome 56 56 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/ex_alu_output/branch_outcome
add wave -noupdate -divider <NULL> 57 57 add wave -noupdate -divider <NULL>
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_branch_result/valid 58 58 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_branch_result/valid
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_branch_result/prediction 59 59 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_branch_result/prediction
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_branch_result/outcome 60 60 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_branch_result/outcome
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_branch_result/target 61 61 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_branch_result/recovery_target
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_d_cache_input/valid 62 62 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_d_cache_input/valid
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_d_cache_input/mem_action 63 63 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_d_cache_input/mem_action
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_d_cache_input/addr 64 64 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_d_cache_input/addr
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_d_cache_input/addr_next 65 65 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_d_cache_input/addr_next
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_d_cache_input/data 66 66 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/EX_STAGE_GLUE/o_d_cache_input/data
add wave -noupdate -divider {EX to MEM} 67 67 add wave -noupdate -divider {EX to MEM}
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/e2m_hc/flush 68 68 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/e2m_hc/flush
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/e2m_hc/stall 69 69 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/e2m_hc/stall
add wave -noupdate -divider {MEM Stage} 70 70 add wave -noupdate -divider {MEM Stage}
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/clk 71 71 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/clk
add wave -noupdate -color {Slate Blue} -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/e2m_pc/pc 72 72 add wave -noupdate -color {Slate Blue} -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/e2m_pc/pc
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/mem_d_cache_output/valid 73 73 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/mem_d_cache_output/valid
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/mem_d_cache_output/data 74 74 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/mem_d_cache_output/data
add wave -noupdate -divider {MEM to WB} 75 75 add wave -noupdate -divider {MEM to WB}
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/m2w_hc/flush 76 76 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/m2w_hc/flush
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/m2w_hc/stall 77 77 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/m2w_hc/stall
add wave -noupdate -divider {WB Stage} 78 78 add wave -noupdate -divider {WB Stage}
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/clk 79 79 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/clk
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/m2w_write_back/uses_rw 80 80 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/m2w_write_back/uses_rw
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/m2w_write_back/rw_addr 81 81 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/m2w_write_back/rw_addr
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/m2w_write_back/rw_data 82 82 add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/m2w_write_back/rw_data
add wave -noupdate -divider Hazards 83 83 add wave -noupdate -divider Hazards
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/lw_hazard 84 84 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/lw_hazard
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/ic_miss 85 85 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/ic_miss
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/ds_miss 86 86 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/ds_miss
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/dec_overload 87 87 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/dec_overload
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/ex_overload 88 88 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/ex_overload
add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/dc_miss 89 89 add wave -noupdate /testbench/DUT/MIPS_CORE/HAZARD_CONTROLLER/dc_miss
TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree] 90 90 TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {36408825 ps} 0} 91 91 WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {36408825 ps} 0}
quietly wave cursor active 1 92 92 quietly wave cursor active 1
configure wave -namecolwidth 386 93 93 configure wave -namecolwidth 386
configure wave -valuecolwidth 100 94 94 configure wave -valuecolwidth 100
configure wave -justifyvalue left 95 95 configure wave -justifyvalue left
configure wave -signalnamewidth 0 96 96 configure wave -signalnamewidth 0
configure wave -snapdistance 10 97 97 configure wave -snapdistance 10
configure wave -datasetprefix 0 98 98 configure wave -datasetprefix 0
configure wave -rowmargin 4 99 99 configure wave -rowmargin 4
configure wave -childrowmargin 2 100 100 configure wave -childrowmargin 2
configure wave -gridoffset 0 101 101 configure wave -gridoffset 0
configure wave -gridperiod 1 102 102 configure wave -gridperiod 1
configure wave -griddelta 40 103 103 configure wave -griddelta 40
configure wave -timeline 0 104 104 configure wave -timeline 0
configure wave -timelineunits ns 105 105 configure wave -timelineunits ns
update 106 106 update
WaveRestoreZoom {3531792904 ps} {3531863532 ps} 107 107 WaveRestoreZoom {3531792904 ps} {3531863532 ps}
108 108